Llm Verified With Monte Carlo Tree Search Save

LLM verified with Monte Carlo Tree Search

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LLM verified with Monte Carlo Tree Search

This prototype synthesizes verified code with an LLM.

Using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), it explores the space of possible generation of a verified program, and it checks at every step that it's on the right track by calling the verifier.

This prototype uses Dafny, Coq, Lean, Scala or Rust.

Logs for example runs can be found in the log directory. Scroll to the very end of a log to see a chosen solution. Note that the linked solution is optimal for the problem.

By using this technique, weaker models that might not even know the generated language all that well can compete with stronger models.



This project relies on GPU access. It has been tested on a multi-GPU machine with two NVIDIA A100s.


Clone the github repo. Note that it has linked submodules so it should be cloned with the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:namin/llm-verified-with-monte-carlo-tree-search.git

Using mamba or equivalently conda: Note that you will be prompted to paste your huggingface authentication token.

mamba create --name llm-verified python=3.10
mamba activate llm-verified
pip install -r requirements.txt
huggingface-cli login

(If you want to use Dafny) Install Dafny: Download a binary here.

(If you want to use Coq) Install Coq: Install opam, then:

opam init
opam install coq
opam install "coq-serapi>=8.10.0+0.7.0"
opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
opam install coq-hammer

(If you want to use Lean) Install Lean: See detailed instructions here. Then,

git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/repl.git

and add require mathlib from git "https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4" to the file repl/lakefile.lean and run

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/master/lean-toolchain -o lean-toolchain
lake update
lake build

in the repl directory.



To run the default experiment configuration, which uses the Phind-CodeLlama-34B-v2 LLM to solve the problem_opt0 as specified in prompts.py in Dafny, do:

python run.py

Note that cmdline.py handles the usage of command line arguments for the codebase. To see what arguments are available, do:

python cmdline.py --help

To run with specific arguments, simply add a --[argument name] [desired argument value] for each argument after the original command to run. For example, to execute run.py as before but with Coq instead of Dafny, do:

python run.py --language Coq


For the run that interacts with the user, do:

python run_user.py

Verifier Feedback

For the run that feeds back verifier info, do:

python run_verifier_feedback.py


For the PPO trainer (slow!), do:

python run_ppo.py


For the DPO trainer, have a set of triples in datasets/gen.jsonl. These can be obtained by concatenating existing triple files:

cd datasets
cat pm_gen.jsonl pm_proof_gen.jsonl opt0.jsonl >gen.jsonl 

or by running the DPO triple generator on an existiting problem:

python run_dpo_gen.jsonl

Once you have the file datasets/gen.jsonl, you can run the DPO trainer with the following. You can set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to whichever device number you want, informed by availability from nvidia-smi.

python run_dpo.py

The resulting model will be in ./my_dpo_model and can be loaded with the command-line argument --base_model_name ./my_dpo_model.


For a run that selects the next completion diversely, do:

python run_diversity.py

Coq-specific runs

For a more extensive prompt populated with the goal to prove (Coq only) -- do:

python run_focus.py --language Coq

For a more extensive prompt which creates lemmas from failures (Coq only) -- do:

python run_meta.py --language Coq

Running any experiments on any supported data source

To a run a certain flavor of experiment on one of the prompts used in the VMCTS paper, do something like the following. For example, to run the logic in run_intermediate_expansion.py on opt0, do:

python experiments.py --experiment_name run_intermediate_expansion.py --n_trials 10 --mins_timeout 10 --language Dafny --problem_name problem_opt0 --seed 42 --remove_hints True

To run a certain flavor of experiment on the Clover benchmark dataet, do something like the following. For example, to run the logic in run_intermediate_expansion.py on Clover, do:

python experiments_clover.py --experiment_name run_intermediate_expansion.py

To log the results of any experiment in the log/ directory, place the following before the experiment command:

./log.sh log/name_of_log_file.txt

For example, to log the results of the intermediate expansion experiment on opt0 you could run:

./log.sh log/intermediate-expansion-01.txt python experiments.py --experiment_name run_intermediate_expansion.py --n_trials 10 --mins_timeout 10 --language Dafny --problem_name problem_opt0 --seed 42 --remove_hints True


      title={Verified Multi-Step Synthesis using Large Language Models and Monte Carlo Tree Search}, 
      author={David Brandfonbrener and Sibi Raja and Tarun Prasad and Chloe Loughridge and Jianang Yang and Simon Henniger and William E. Byrd and Robert Zinkov and Nada Amin},
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Llm Verified With Monte Carlo Tree Search" Project. README Source: namin/llm-verified-with-monte-carlo-tree-search
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