Livehelperchat Versions Save

Live Helper Chat - live support for your website. Featuring web and mobile apps, Voice & Video & ScreenShare. Supports Telegram, Twilio (whatsapp), Facebook messenger including building a bot.


7 months ago
  1. Widget theme now allows to set message time visibility options for operator and visitor. [Above message or below messages]
  2. Now there is option to have a custom HTML below page widget Custom html after widget content
  3. Full height option support in the widget.
  4. Various other small changes...

execute doc/update_db/update_299.sql for update


8 months ago
  1. Avoid flicker once chat is started for a new widget.
  2. Option to show clicked button name instantly in messages area. Widget container -> Print button as a message as soon visitor clicks a button.
  3. Incoming webhook chat_external_id field is now 100 chars instead of 50
  4. We will show visitor message as soon he clicks send.
  5. 8.2 php support, if you notice some errors let me know.
  6. Voice messages max length option from files configuration was ignored.
  7. Chrome 116v workaround for chrome bug. Changes I did chrome bug report. it should be fixed in 117v chrome release.
  8. Audit configuration window has a system information details
  9. Autoresponder cronjob cache issues fixes.
  10. Option to use visitor TZ or system TZ always for messages rendering if they have time based messages. Can be activated in widget themes.
  11. Geo detection test window.
  12. More variables for Rest API

execute doc/update_db/update_298.sql for update


8 months ago


11 months ago
  1. Participant concept in chat's statistic.
  2. Brand concept in chat handling workflows.

execute doc/update_db/update_297.sql for update


1 year ago
  1. In rare cases, if processing incoming webhook took a long time and a second request was sent one after another two chats were created. Transaction locking were added.
  2. Option to log non-parsed messages and log all requests. Useful for debugging while debug output is disabled. E.g in production env.

execute doc/update_db/update_296.sql for update


1 year ago
  1. Option to hide sensitive information from operators if they don't have permission to access 'lhchat','see_sensitive_information'

execute doc/update_db/update_295.sql for update


1 year ago
  1. Department assignment now have new UI.
  2. Department assignment operator can have custom nick per department.

execute doc/update_db/update_294.sql for update


1 year ago


1 year ago
  1. Options to have expire-able canned message with auto delete.
  2. Option to have one time period canned message without expire date.

execute doc/update_db/update_292.sql for update


1 year ago
  1. Inline survey support. You can send inline survey from bot. 1.1 Limitations: stars at the moment are not supported. Will be added in feature releases.
  2. Auto responder active period options.

execute doc/update_db/update_291.sql for update