Littleweeb Desktop Versions Save

Codebase for all the desktop versions (mac, linux & windows).


5 years ago

This version is an automatic build from the develop branch build on Mac OSX.

This version is currently untested on OS X systems due to the poor developer not having an actual OS X system to test on, this version is build within a Virtual Machine without sufficient resources to actually run and thorougly test the Mac OS X version. In case you want to take the gamble, please help us with testing and debugging this version to make everyone happy!

This version is not meant for actual usage, but rather for testing purposes and debugging. These versions could possibly contain breaking changes that could result in a non working application. Though, in some instances, it may contain new features.

If you are a daredevil and want to try out these develop variants of LittleWeeb, you may do so of your own accord, but, we as developers from LittleWeeb would like your help when you encounter an issue with these releases.

Please report important issues here: Issue Tracker.

Please follow this small tutorial on how to report issues for the mac version: How to report Issues.

You can join the Discord channel if you want to say hi or help with debugging and testing here: Discord.

Build Version: 0.4.0 Latest Build number: 291


5 years ago

This version is an automatic build from the develop branch build on Linux.

If you are a daredevil and want to try out these develop variants of LittleWeeb, you may do so of your own accord, but, we as developers from LittleWeeb would like your help when you encounter an issue with these releases.

Please report important issues here: Issue Tracker.

Please follow this small tutorial on how to report issues for the linux version: How to report Issues.

You can join the Discord channel if you want to say hi or help with debugging and testing here: Discord.

Build Version: 0.4.0 Latest Build number: 292


5 years ago

This version is an automatic build from the master branch build on Windows.

This version is meant for actual use, but can still contain bugs and issues. Please report them here: Issue Tracker.

Please follow this small tutorial on how to report issues for the windows version: How to report Issues.

You can join the Discord channel if you want to say hi or help with debugging and testing here: Discord.

Build Version: 0.4.0 Latest Build number: 293


5 years ago

This version is an automatic build from the master branch build on Windows.

This version is meant for actual use, but can still contain bugs and issues. Please report them here: Issue Tracker.

Please follow this small tutorial on how to report issues for the windows version: How to report Issues.

You can join the Discord channel if you want to say hi or help with debugging and testing here: Discord.

Build Version: 0.4.0 Latest Build number: 302


5 years ago

This version is an automatic build from the master branch build on Mac OSX.

This version is currently untested on OS X systems due to the poor developer not having an actual OS X system to test on, this version is build within a Virtual Machine without sufficient resources to actually run and thorougly test the Mac OS X version. In case you want to take the gamble, please help us with testing and debugging this version to make everyone happy!

This version is meant for actual use, but can still contain bugs and issues. Please report them here: Issue Tracker.

Please follow this small tutorial on how to report issues for the mac version: How to report Issues.

You can join the Discord channel if you want to say hi or help with debugging and testing here: Discord.

Build Version: 0.4.0 Latest Build number: 301


5 years ago

This version is an automatic build from the master branch build on Linux.

This version is meant for actual use, but can still contain bugs and issues. Please report them here: Issue Tracker.

Please follow this small tutorial on how to report issues for the linux version: How to report Issues.

You can join the Discord channel if you want to say hi or help with debugging and testing here: Discord.

Build Version: 0.4.0 Latest Build number: 303