Liquigraph Versions Save

Migrations for Neo4j


2 years ago

🔊 This is the last planned release for Liquigraph 4. Another release will follow for Liquigraph 3.

🛑 The Liquigraph project has reached End of Life and will not be maintained anymore 👋.

🤗 Fear not though, the Neo4j plugin for Liquibase replaces Liquigraph. This release includes a migration utility from Liquigraph to Liquibase (see #447), available through the CLI and Maven plugin.

⚠️ This release also fixes security vulnerabilities, including one from the underlying JDBC driver which now defaults to the 4.0.5 version (see for more information).


2 years ago

🙈 Move along, use 4.0.6 instead 🙈

For the curious minds, the Maven plugin in 4.0.5 was not properly configured 😅.


2 years ago

🔈 Please note this is one of the last releases of Liquigraph, as its successor, the Neo4j plugin for Liquibase, is available. A migration path from Liquigraph to Liquibase is on its way.

The main change is the underlying JDBC driver version update to 4.0.4. This includes the following noteworth improvements:

  • support for neo4j+s, neo4j+ssc, bolt+s, bolt+ssc schemes (since the 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 releases of the JDBC driver actually)
  • fix for the Java driver which would prevent applications (such as the Liquigraph CLI) to complete if driver was not closed explicitly (see JDBC 4.0.4 above release notes)



2 years ago

🔈 Please note this is one of the last releases of Liquigraph, as its successor, the Neo4j plugin for Liquibase, is available. A migration path from Liquigraph to Liquibase is on its way.

Here are the noteworthy changes:

  • [#401] Introduce explicit dry-run and run commands to Liquigraph CLI. 💥 Breaking changes: - dry-run is now executed via liquigraph dry-run - run is now executed via liquigraph run - --help and --version are now exclusive and cannot be called on subcommands
  • [#418] Change JDBC driver dependency scope to runtime (thanks @AElMehdi)
  • [#434] Acquire fresh write connections instead of keeping a long-running ones. Thanks @DirkMahler! 🧐 This will help users in dynamic cluster environments such as Neo4j Aura.


4 years ago

Apart from a few dependency bumps, here are the notable changes of this release:

  • [#386] Liquigraph now understands bolt+routing URLs, thanks @DirkMahler for the contribution 🙌
  • [#254] this is not a user-facing change, but we migrated Liquigraph to Testcontainers, significantly reducing the test complexity 📦

Another 4.x release will happen soon (just waiting for to be released!).

Have fun with Liquigraph!


4 years ago

There has been a few internal improvements since 3.1.1 but also some externally-contributed user-facing features 🍾

  • 🤖 Usage of Dependabot has been generalized to the whole repo, expect fresher/more secure deps! (Still a few corner cases to handle, but we're getting there!)
  • ⬇️ The minimum Neo4j JDBC driver has been decreased to 3.0.3 (not sure why I bumped it to 3.1 in the first place 😅)
  • 🔌 [#241] Allow offline usage of Liquigraph - thanks @mattharr for this great contribution!

🍺 Note that the official Homebrew recipe has switched to 4.x versions.

This version will only be available via the custom tap, as soon as this issue is resolved (contributors welcome, 😉 😉 ).


4 years ago

Let's try to release more often 🙏 This one includes a cool improvement:

  • [#370] Add option to configure database instance name

This is relevant for users relying on the recently introduced multi-database support (works in Neo4j Desktop too!). Big thanks to @maximus321 for not only requesting the feature but also implementing it! 💪

Note: master is now the branch for 4.x development, 3.x has been created for Liquigraph 3.x


4 years ago

And a wild Liquigraph 4.x release appears ✨

🧐 Changes since 3.1.1:

  • [c2dc5f6c5182e34e3d8d3b6f5370b73d0284b0e4] Update Liquigraph to support Neo4j 4.x (includes JDK 11 baseline, Neo4j JDBC 4.x)
  • [#241] ("Back"port) Liquigraph will now work offline (thanks @mattharr) 🚀
  • [54fc17f3a3ecfa996780572a864a268cf3e0a39a] Fix changeset retrieval order (seemed to work by coincidence until now 🤔)


4 years ago

The 2.x deserves some ❤️ too!

  • [#241] (Backport) Liquigraph will now work offline (thanks @mattharr) 🚀
  • [db8d06fd796beef26464fa495d9c4d88e26caffe] Fix changeset retrieval order (seemed to work by coincidence until now 🤔 )

You should definitely upgrade to Liquigraph 3.x if you can (which requires a JDK 8 and Neo4j 3.x). Some of Liquigraph 2.x dependencies cannot be upgraded anymore and are open to vulnerability issues. 🐛


4 years ago

This is a loooong overdue release, apologies for the delay! 😅 By the way, if you or your company wants to support Liquigraph, please visit my Github Sponsors profile!

Here is the list of notable changes:

  • The project has now a code of conduct.
  • Do not include username and password in JDBC URI to work around
  • [#228] Fixing log level for postcondition execution
  • [#220] Remove lock in new connection if first attempt fails - this will make the locking cleanup mechanism much more resilient 🔒
  • We also got rid of Guava 👋

Kudos to @oyvindwe for the contribution on Liquigraph and on the JDBC driver as well! Thanks to Sebastien Latre for the logging fix!