LinkedIn Auto Endorsement Bot Save

A chrome extension to automatically endorse all your connection's skills. Or a LinkedIn bot to automatically endorse all skills of your connections. Endorse everyone on LinkedIn. Auto Endorser.

Project README


A chrome extension to automatically endorse all your connection's skills.

1 - Just import it as a chrome extension. You have to get logged in on LinkedIn.

2 - Click this extension (Pictured as Hello).

3 - Press F12 and see Logs.

Note: Current Version works for first 240 connections. If you want to endorse more connections just change the value of 'start' variable in 'script.js' to 240, 480, or 720 so on to get next 240 connections.

Future work: Instead of hitting LinkedIn API every time, one can maintain the database on first hit and just iterate through it. Furthermore a random time interval must also be set to get user predictable behaviour. Any contributors? Enjoy the code!

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "LinkedIn Auto Endorsement Bot" Project. README Source: shahwaiz90/LinkedIn-Auto-Endorsement-Bot

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