Lidar Slam Detection Versions Save

LSD (LiDAR SLAM & Detection) is an open source perception architecture for autonomous vehicle/robotic


10 months ago


  1. SLAM don't output high frequency pose in offline
  2. No connection edge in preview page while running localization


  1. Crash problem in pointcloud colouration


10 months ago


  1. Support multi-lidar mapping and localization(except the FLOAM)


  1. The IMU initialization procedure is needed for FastLIO(keep 1s stable at the startup)
  2. Enlarge the input points of lidar detection from 10w to 20w
  3. Auto switch to the 100hz motion model based localization when no imu received
  4. Optimize the status switch logic of INS


  1. The unit of accelerator in FastLIO mapping.
  2. Crash when reading the wrong map.
  3. Some vertex may not be dumped when saving map
  4. Crash when slam if camera is not available
  5. Custom configure is not updated after upgrading


1 year ago


  1. TViz support XYZI/XYZRGB pointcloud visualization
  2. Add the downsample step, resolution for SLAM localization in Web
  3. Support building RGB pointcloud map
  4. Add "RGB" color visualization in Preview.
  5. Support fisheye undistortion on x86 platform
  6. Add timestamp for camera data


  1. RTK mapping do not depend on the INS status
  2. speedup the loop closure detection
  3. use radius outlier removal to filter the key frames of map
  4. filter out the outliers of ground to slim.
  5. update the car model in preview


  1. timestamp jumping to make FastLIO output wrong pose
  2. can not save maps when using RTK mapping
  3. the bound processing in INS driver


1 year ago