Libxft Bgra Save

A patched version of libxft that allows for colored emojis to be rendered in Suckless software (dmenu/st/whatever).

Project README

Installation Instructions for Patched libXft

If you're an Arch linux user, you can just install libxft-bgra-git
from the AUR. If you use any other distro (void in my case), follow the instructions below (first install libXft from your distro's

git clone
cd libxft-bgra
sh --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man
sudo make install

libXft - X FreeType library (rest of the readme stuff)

libXft is the client side font rendering library, using libfreetype, libX11, and the X Render extension to display anti-aliased text.

Xft version 2.1 was the first stand alone release of Xft, a library that connects X applications with the FreeType font rasterization library. Xft uses fontconfig to locate fonts so it has no configuration files.

Before building Xft you will need to have installed:

All questions regarding this software should be directed at the Xorg mailing list:

The master development code repository can be found at:

Please submit bug reports and requests to merge patches there.

For patch submission instructions, see:

To release a version of this library:

  1. Update the version number in
  2. Fix the NEWS file
    Change version number
    Set the date
    add highlights
  3. Commit those changes
  4. rebuild the configuration files with
    sh --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man
  5. Follow the steps listed in

Keith Packard
[email protected]

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Libxft Bgra" Project. README Source: uditkarode/libxft-bgra
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 years ago

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