Leabra Versions Save

Go implementation of Leabra algorithm for biologically-based models of cognition, based on emergent framework (with Python interface)


4 months ago

No new features -- just updated GUI etc infrastructure.


3 years ago

Lots of new updates here, including Python versions of most of the models too.


3 years ago

Major updates, this is release being used for CompCogNeuro/sims release, including python and go builds.


3 years ago


3 years ago
  • Should not affect user code except a couple of cases in hip projects
  • Much simpler for extending types.
  • UnitVarIdx and SynVarIdx get index for variable
  • UnitVal1D and SynVal1D is fast index access used by all routines -- these are only ones that need to be updated in subtypes.

Here's what the new code looks like in MemStats for examples/hip/hip.go, line 706 :

	actMi, _ := ecout.UnitVarIdx("ActM")
	targi, _ := ecout.UnitVarIdx("Targ")
	actQ1i, _ := ecout.UnitVarIdx("ActQ1")
	for ni := 0; ni < nn; ni++ {
		actm := ecout.UnitVal1D(actMi, ni)
		trg := ecout.UnitVal1D(targi, ni) // full pattern target
		inact := ecin.UnitVal1D(actQ1i, ni)


4 years ago

ra25 now runs (mostly) clean on race detector with lots of pushing of random buttons..


4 years ago

GoGi GUI framework now stable.

Updated python makefile and ra25 for latest gopy update.


4 years ago

all code that includes mat32 needs to change goki/gi/mat32 -> goki/mat32


4 years ago

Everything is now sufficiently feature-complete and well-tested to warrant a 1.0.0 release.


4 years ago

Everything is now far enough along that the main demo project in leabra/examples/ra25 can be used as a starting point for creating your own projects!