Launchd Package Creator Versions Save

A utility that allows you to easily create a .pkg containing a LaunchDaemon or LaunchAgent, and a target script of your choosing.


4 years ago

Additional Features

  • Added the ability to package the Target where it exists (user specified path)
  • Added the ability not to package the Target. This results in the user specified path being inserted into the ProgramArguments


5 years ago

Re-issue of Pre-Release PKG due to fixing of bug from last build

  • Added launchd option: LimitLoadToSessionType
  • Added a Component Property List used during the package build to ensure that all items in the PKG are always deployed despite version
  • Added option to export the launchd plist only, this allows you to inspect or re-purpose the plist if necessary


5 years ago

First release. Probably some bugs.