Laravel Country State Save

A helper to list countries & states in English in Laravel 5.1+

Project README

Laravel Country & State Helper

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A helper to list countries & states in English in Laravel 6.0+.

What's Changed in 4.0

  • PHP 7.4+ or 8.0+ required


Require this package with composer:

composer require dougsisk/laravel-country-state

This package will automatically be discovered by Laravel, if enabled. If you don't have auto package discovery on, you'll need to add the following service provider to your config/app.php:


Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DougSisk\CountryState\CountryStateServiceProvider" --tag="config"


By default, the helper will preload states for the US. You can change this via the preloadCountryStates config option:

'preloadCountryStates' => ['CA', 'MX', 'US']

If you don't want every country to be returned, you can define countries using the limitCountries config option:

'limitCountries' => ['CA', 'MX', 'US']


You may now use the CountryState facade to access countries and states.

Remember to import the namespace to access the facade in your files:

use CountryState;

To get an array of countries:

$countries = CountryState::getCountries();

The array keys will be the countries' 2 letter ISO code and the values will be the countries' English name. You may also set the 3 letter ISO key as the argument to receive translations of the countries' names (limited support).

To get an array of a country's states, simply pass the country's 2 letter ISO code:

$states = CountryState::getStates('US');

The array keys will be the states' 2 letter ISO code and the values will be the states' English name.


This library is available under the MIT license.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Laravel Country State" Project. README Source: DougSisk/laravel-country-state
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 months ago

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