KnobScripter Versions Save

Python script editor for Nuke that can script on .py files and python knobs, with all the functionality from Nuke's default script editor plus syntax helpers.


5 months ago

KnobScripter v3.1 (or KS3) is a full script editor for Nuke that can script python on .py files and knobs as well as BlinkScript, with all the functionality from the default script editor in Nuke plus syntax helpers, predictions, snippets and other handy features.

Tutorial video: KnobScripter v3 - Full Tool Overview Online documentation: KnobScripter v3.1 User Guide

KnobScripter v3.1

New features:

  1. Nuke 14 & 15 compatible.
  2. Ctrl + +/- to change font size on both editor and output console
  3. Multi-line codes can be run on knobs as well (thanks pancho!)

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  1. Fixed character movement error (thanks itaki!)
  2. Removed python package ‘six’ (thanks itaki!)
  3. Esc behaviour limited to floating panels only (thanks pancho!)
  4. Other little bug fixes.


2 years ago

KnobScripter v3.0 (or KS3) is a full script editor for Nuke that can script python on .py files and knobs as well as BlinkScript, with all the functionality from the default script editor in Nuke plus syntax helpers, predictions, snippets and other handy features.

Tutorial video: KnobScripter v3.0 - Full Tool Overview Online documentation: KnobScripter v3.0 User Guide

KnobScripter v3.0

New features:

  1. Blinkscript mode.
  2. Compatible with python 2 and 3 (Nuke 13+) and Win/Mac/Lin.
  3. Code Gallery.
  4. Fully redesigned Snippets, with a new Snippet Editor, default snippets and a simplified workflow.
  5. Preferences Panel redone, and new settings added.
  6. Keyword Hotbox for double clicking on keywords and showing alternatives.
  7. Storing the knob and .py editor state, for quickly jumping back to your edit point on new KnobScripters.
  8. New code helpers such as Ctrl/Cmd + and Ctrl/Cmd - for changing font size.
  9. Method placeholders.
  10. Parentheses wrappers.

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  1. Fixed predictor tab with custom words in Nuke 13.
  2. Fixed backspace crash on indented lines.
  3. Snippet behaviour improvements.
  4. Fixed syntax highlighting errors.
  5. Whole code refactored, and improved py import scheme.


3 years ago

KnobScripter v2.4 is a full Python script editor for Nuke that can script on .py files and python knobs, with all the functionality from the default script editor plus syntax helpers.

You can also find a video of the tool here and one with the v2.1 updates here.

Online documentation: KnobScripter v2.4 User Guide


New features:

  1. Run in Context mode.
  2. “Grab current dimensions” button.

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  1. Improved modal window behavior (thanks Jed Smith!)
  2. Ctrl+Backspace now clears output log.
  3. Improved how Nuke’s Script Editor widgets are found (thanks Jed Smith!)
  4. Modified (*) property now shows properly on the knob dropdown.
  5. Picker (“change to Node”) crashing fixed.
  6. Unicode encoding works with both .py scripts and nodes now.
  7. Compatible with Nuke 12.2
  8. Add snippet button scrolls to top.