Kitodo Production Versions Save



3 weeks ago

This is a minor release that fixes several bugs and security issues. Please see the changelog below for details.

Note: no changes were made to the database schema in this release, therefore it does not contain an SQL migration file and no database migration is necessary when updating from a previous 3.6 release.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

This is a minor release that fixes several bugs and security issues. Please see the changelog below for details.

Note: No changes were made to the database schema in this release, therefore it does not contain an SQL migration file and no migration is necessary when updating from a previous 3.6 release.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


6 months ago

This minor release extends the functionality to rename process media to the process list as a list function, resolves some security issues and fixes a few bugs in the metadata editor. See the patch notes below for more details. No changes were made to the configuration files or database schema, therefore a database migration is not required.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


8 months ago

What's new

Metadata editor features

This release contains numerous new function and bug fixes for the Metadata editor of Kitodo.Production:

  • support for video and audio files (see for details)
  • remove hierarchical links between existing processes (see #4738 for details)
  • process locks are now released even if the user does not use the "Close" button to exit the editor
  • option to rename media files corresponding to their ORDER attribute (see #5701 for details)
  • number of scans is now displayed in editor
  • new visualization options in structure tree
    • expand or collapse all nodes at once
    • show only structure elements
    • display info about assigned pages in structure element node
    • display hierarchy level in structure element nodes


  • function from Kitodo.Production 2.x to upload and download calendar has been reintroduced (see #3722 for details)
  • new option to add metadata to individual issues (see #5526 for details)

Other new features

  • interactive filter menu for task, process and user list (see #5523 for details)
  • new ruleset settings to configure behavior of repeated import for each metadata individually (see #5613 for details)
  • separate default import configuration for creating child processes (see #5460 for details)
  • many more improvements and bug fixes (see full list below)

Database changes

There have been multiple changes to the database schema of Kitodo.Production since version 3.5.x. Please use the attached file migration_3-5-0_to_3-6-0.sql to migrate your database to the current schema.


Full Changelog:

Known bugs:


9 months ago

This is a patch release that restores database compatibility with MySQL 5.7 databases and includes several security fixes. Please note that even though Kitodo.Production 3.5.1 is compatible with MySQL 5.7 databases we still recommend using MySQL 8 for increased performance. No changes were made to the configuration files or database schema.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

This release contains all changes from 3.5.0-beta1 as well as bugfixes related to features from that release.

What's new

Import Configurations

The new ImportConfiguration class replaces catalogue configurations in the kitodo_opac.xml configuration file. (the file itself is still required for other legacy uses, but the section with "catalogue" configurations is now covered by the import configurations) This allows users with the corresponding permissions to add and edit import configurations via the Kitodo frontend without the need to have acces to the file system of the Kitodo server. Those permissions are not assigned to any role by default, so this has to be done before the feature an be used. A converter allows transforming catalogue configurations from existing kitodo_opac.xml files into new ImportConfiguration entities semiautomatically. See for details.

Spanish translation

A full Spanish translation of the Kitodo.Production GUI has been added (thanks to @joergleh for this valuable contribution!)

Support for includes in rulesets

Rulesets can now be split into multiple files to make individual parts reusable in multiple rulesets which prevents code duplication and improves maintainability (see #4596 for details)

Sortable lists

All list views have been made sortable by (nearly) all columns as part of the "Usibility improvement" project of the "Kitodo Development fund"

Import of additional metadata

When creating new processes via catalogue searches, metadata imported during initial import can now be augmented with metadata from a separate import (see #4705 and linked issue for details)

Database changes

There have been multiple changes to the database schema of Kitodo.Production since the last release. Please use the attached files to migrate your database to the current schema:

  • migration_3-4-3_to_3-5-0.sql to migrate your database from Kitodo.Production 3.4.3 to Kitodo.Production 3.5.0 OR
  • migration_3-5-0-beta1_to_3-5-0.sql to migrate your database from Kitodo.Production 3.5.0-beta1 to Kitodo.Production 3.5.0

Important: Kitodo.Production 3.5.0 does not support MySQL 5.7 anymore and requires MySQL 8 instead!

Ruleset changes

Functional metadata of type recordIdentifier is now mandatory for all document types. This means all divisions in the ruleset that have a processTitle attribute must be configured to allow for at least one metadata with attribute use="recordIdentifier". In the example ruleset ruleset_default.xml this has been added to the metadata CatalogIDDigital, which has traditionally been used for this purpose.

Configuration file and shell skript line endings

The line endings of the following configuration files have been changed: In kitodo_3-5-0_config_modules/config the files

  • kitodo_fileFormats.xml
  • kitodo_loginBlacklist.txt
  • kitodo_opac.xml
  • kitodo_projects.xml

and all *.sh files in kitodo_3-5-0_config_modules/scripts have been converted to unix style line endings. *.bat files in kitodo_3-5-0_config_modules/scripts retain their Windows style line endings.

What's Changed ("**" denotes updates since the last beta release 3.5.0-beta1)

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

This is a pre-release intended for testing but not for use in production!

What's new

Import Configurations

The new ImportConfiguration class replaces catalogue configurations in the kitodo_opac.xml configuration file. (the file itself is still required for other legacy uses, but the section with "catalogue" configurations is now covered by the import configurations) This allows users with the corresponding permissions to add and edit import configurations via the Kitodo frontend without the need to have acces to the file system of the Kitodo server. Those permissions are not assigned to any role by default, so this has to be done before the feature an be used. A converter allows transforming catalogue configurations from existing kitodo_opac.xml files into new ImportConfiguration entities semiautomatically. See for details.

Spanish translation

A full Spanish translation of the Kitodo.Production GUI has been added (thanks to @joergleh for this valuable contribution!)

Support for includes in rulesets

Rulesets can now be split into multiple files to make individual parts reusable in multiple rulesets which prevents code duplication and improves maintainability (see #4596 for details)

Sortable lists

All list views have been made sortable by (nearly) all columns as part of the "Usibility improvement" project of the "Kitodo Development fund"

Import of additional metadata

When creating new processes via catalogue searches, metadata imported during initial import can now be augmented with metadata from a separate import (see #4705 and linked issue for details)


New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Release Notes

This release contains changes from the development fund for #4322

Further Changes:

  • improved performance in indexing, loading, editing in metadataeditor, creation of newspaper issues
  • a lot of dependency versions have been increased
  • sub-folders can be added to project
  • pom refactoring
  • improve excel generation
  • allow editing of active workflows
  • enable dependent value restrictions in ruleset

there is no database change since release 3.4.0 so no migration.sql is needed


2 years ago

This is a security hotfix release

security vulnerabilitys for springframework has been fixed. Version are changed to: spring-security: 5.6.2 spring-core: 5.3.18 spring-expression: 5.3.17 spring-beans: 5.3.18


2 years ago

This is a security hotfix release

security vulnerabilitys for springframework has been fixed. Version are changed to: spring-security: 5.6.2 spring-core: 5.3.18 spring-expression: 5.3.17 spring-beans: 5.3.18