Jasonrudolph Keyboard Versions Save

⌨ Toward a more useful keyboard


3 years ago

Hammerspoon 0.9.80 introduced a breaking API change related to window management (https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon/issues/2517, jasonrudolph/keyboard#72). Since Hammerspoon regularly prompts users to upgrade, anyone who upgraded to the newer version of Hammerspoon was then unable to use Window Layout Mode in jasonrudolph/keyboard v5.0.0 and earlier.

To be compatible with Hammerspoon 0.9.80 and up, this release updates to the new API, but this change is incompatible with older versions of Hammerspoon (0.9.79 and earlier).

To upgrade to this release, upgrade to Hammerspoon 0.9.81 and then update your local checkout of jasonrudolph/keyboard:

$ cd ~/keyboard

$ git fetch

$ git checkout v6.0.0

Shout-out to @landongrindheim for the fix! (https://github.com/jasonrudolph/keyboard/pull/73) :zap:


5 years ago

To overcome an issue with Karabiner-Elements where keys would seemingly get stuck and start repeating at unexpected times, jasonrudolph/keyboard v4.0.0 removed the dependency on Karabiner-Elements and implemented Hyper Mode via Hammerspoon.

Due to differences in the abilities of Karabiner-Elements and Hammerspoon, implementing Hyper Mode via Hammerspoon required a slight reduction in the ease of activating Hyper Mode. That slightly degraded user experience was a reasonable compromise to overcome the bug in Karabiner-Elements, but now that the Karabiner-Elements bug is resolved, jasonrudolph/keyboard v5.0.0 restores Hyper Mode's previous (faster, more pleasant) user experience. :sweat_smile:

For full details on Hyper Mode and its usage, check out the README.


  1. Install the latest bits
    cd <path-to-your-local-copy-of-this-repository>
    git pull
  2. Restart Hammerspoon
  3. You may be prompted to allow Karabiner-Elements to load its kernel extension. If so, follow the prompts to upgrade your life:
    1. Click "Open System Preferences" [screenshot]
    2. Click "Allow" [screenshot]


  • #43 Restore use of Karabiner-Elements for more convenient Hyper Key


5 years ago

To overcome an issue with Karabiner-Elements, this release removes the dependency on Karabiner-Elements and doubles down on Hammerspoon.

As a result of this change, Hyper Mode is now triggered by tapping the option key.


  1. Grab the latest bits
    cd <path-to-your-local-copy-of-this-repository>
    git pull
  2. Uninstall Karabiner-Elements
  3. Restart your Mac
  4. [OPTIONAL] Remap your caps lock key to control: Open System Preferences, navigate to Keyboard > Modifier Keys, and set the caps lock key to control [screenshot]



6 years ago


  • #11 Add script/setup to automate installation -- :zap: @bkeepers
  • #12 Support native modifier keys in (S)uper (D)uper mode -- :zap: @raineorshine
  • #13 + #21 Provide universal push-to-talk/push-to-mute hotkey using the fn key -- :zap: @adamyonk
  • #16 In Markdown Mode, use c to format the selected text as code -- :zap: @jnunemaker
  • #20 In Window Layout Mode, use / to send window to the monitor on the left/right -- :zap: @sonnius
  • #21 Make it easier to use jasonrudolph/keyboard in combination with other Hammerspoon customizations


To account for the changes in #21, you'll need to remove your existing ~/.hammerspoon symlink before upgrading to this version. The following steps should do the trick:

rm ~/.hammerspoon

cd <path-to-your-local-copy-of-this-repository>

git pull



7 years ago

:wave: Sierra (10.12)

This release is suitable for use on macOS Sierra (10.12) and OS X El Capitan (10.11). For compatibility with earlier versions of OS X, see v1.0.0.



7 years ago

✅ El Capitan (10.11), Yosemite (10.10), and Mavericks (10.9)

This release is suitable for use on OS X El Capitan (10.11), and it probably works on OS X Yosemite (10.10) and OS X Mavericks (10.9) as well. This release depends on:

❌ Not compatible with Sierra (10.12)

This release is not compatible with macOS Sierra (10.12). According to the Karabiner site as of January 2017:

Karabiner does not work on macOS Sierra at the moment.

We are developing Karabiner-Elements which provides simple key modification for macOS Sierra at first. ... We'll start updating for the full featured Karabiner for Sierra after Karabiner-Elements is completed.

https://github.com/tekezo/Karabiner/issues/660#issuecomment-226942420 provides additional context on the breaking changes in macOS Sierra:

macOS 10.12 changes of the generic keyboard and mouse drivers made a great impact on Karabiner and Seil. We should make a large changes in Karabiner and Seil architecture. There is not a workaround for this issue.

Please wait an update of Karabiner and Seil for macOS 10.12. (It may take a long time.)

For Sierra support, see v2.0.0, which removes the dependency on Karabiner and Seil, and instead depends on Karabiner-Elements and Hammerspoon.