Kapilratnani JSON Viewer Versions Save

A JSON viewer plugin for Notepad++. Displays the selected JSON string in a tree view.


4 months ago

Change log

Bug/regression fixes:

  1. "Copy value" / "Copy" not always return complete text
  2. Format JSON option does not work if focused tab is in other view
  3. Corrected some typos on setting dialog
  4. Updated icons to match with dark mode as well
  5. Removed quotes from the key in Treeview
  6. Some other minor enhancements

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kapilratnani/JSON-Viewer/compare/v2.0.6.0...v2.0.7.0


11 months ago

Change log

  1. New feature:
    1. Replace value 'undefined' with 'null'. This is configurable feature.
  2. Bug/regression fixes:
    1. Cyrillic text is not properly shown in json tree view dialog


1 year ago

Change log

  1. New feature:
    1. Make json highlighter configurable
  2. Bug/regression fixes:
    1. Handle json for both the views.
    2. Update treeview on reopen
    3. When file type is json, then error message is shown twice on npp launch if viewer dock was kept opened on previous instance
    4. Don't show error message on startup for non json files


1 year ago

Change log

  1. New feature:
    1. Show element count for list/array
  2. Bug/regression fixes:
    1. Crash fix: Setting dialog is not shown if about dialog is opened before it.
    2. Set language type JSON properly
    3. Some minor UI enhancements


1 year ago

Change log

  1. New feature:
    1. Search in json tree window
    2. Handle NaN, Inf, -Inf, Infinity, -Infinity properly
  2. Bug/regression fixes:
    1. Handle all types of arrays which does not have any key
    2. Corrected typos in setting json
    3. Don't use double qoutes for other than string type


1 year ago

Change log

  1. Provided UI to control formatting option via setting dialog
    1. Setting for indentation
    2. Setting for line ending
    3. Setting for line format
    4. Make json parsing configurable e.g. ignore trailing comma, ignore comment
  2. Added couple of new feature
    1. Follow json tree for current tab if it is json file
    2. Auto format json file when opened (by direct or by tab switching)
  3. Few bug/regression fixes


1 year ago

Major change:

  1. Redeveloped UI
    1. Provided menu icon
    2. Json view panel is redesigned which is button like, refresh, validate, format etc.
    3. It uses well performed class instead of plain function
  2. Current selected node path is given on the bottom of json view window
  3. Many feature support such as copy node, copy value, copy path, expand/collapse all etc.
  4. Few bug fixes


1 year ago
  1. Support for ARM64
  2. Dropped Windows XP support as Notepad++ is no more supporting Windows XP.
  3. Upgrade Visual Studio to 2022


3 years ago
  1. issue-55 Format JSON should also set the language to JSON #FeatureRequest
  2. issue-56 Format Should Follow Line Break Settings
  3. issue-57, issue-60 "Should add a function to remove line breaks and spaces" Thanks @neoarc
  4. issue-68 Crashing Notepad++
  5. issue-72 tab setting from notepad++ settings are not honored
  6. issue-73 Display tree for Array of Object
  7. issue-80 use line ending setting from editor
  8. Relaxed parsing. Supports trailling commas, comments(only parsing), NaN and infinity JS literals.


5 years ago
  • Fix bug which resulted in "Access Violation" when the root element is an Array