KaoriEl Go Tdlib Save

Library for working with golang telegram client + bot based on tdlib. This library was taken from the user Arman92 and changed for the current version of tdlib.

Project README


Golang Telegram TdLib JSON bindings


To install, you need to run inside a docker container (it is given below)

go get -u github.com/kaoriEl/go-tdlib


Library for working with golang based on tdlib.

This library was taken from the user Arman92 and changed for the current version of tdlib.

Telegram Tdlib is a complete library for creating telegram clients, it also has a simple tdjson ready-to-use library to ease the integration with different programming languages and platforms.

go-tdlib is a complete tdlib-tdjson binding package to help you create your own Telegram clients.

NOTE: basic tdjson-golang binding is inspired from this package: go-tdjson

All the classes and functions declared in Tdlib TypeLanguage schema So you can use every single type and method in Tdlib.

Key features:

  • Autogenerated golang structs and methods of tdlib .tl schema
  • Custom event receivers defined by user (e.g. get only text messages from a specific user)
  • Supports all tdjson functions: Send(), Execute(), Receive(), Destroy(), SetFilePath(), SetLogVerbosityLevel()
  • Supports all tdlib functions and types


You can use prebuilt tdlib with following Docker image:

DockerFile with supervisord:

FROM jancimertel/golang-1.16-tdlib AS build

WORKDIR ./var/www

# Updates the repository and installs git
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
    apk add --no-cache git supervisor

RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache supervisor

COPY ./%YourPath%/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf

COPY /%YourGoScript% .
RUN go mod download

# Runs the binary once the container starts
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-n"]


Here is a simple example for authorization and fetching updates:

package main

import (


func main() {

	// Create new instance of client
	client := tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
		APIID:               "187786",
		APIHash:             "e782045df67ba48e441ccb105da8fc85",
		SystemLanguageCode:  "en",
		DeviceModel:         "Server",
		SystemVersion:       "1.0.0",
		ApplicationVersion:  "1.0.0",
		UseMessageDatabase:  true,
		UseFileDatabase:     true,
		UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
		UseTestDataCenter:   false,
		DatabaseDirectory:   "./tdlib-db",
		FileDirectory:       "./tdlib-files",
		IgnoreFileNames:     false,

	for {
		currentState, _ := client.Authorize()
		if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType {
			fmt.Print("Enter phone: ")
			var number string
			_, err := client.SendPhoneNumber(number)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Error sending phone number: %v", err)
		} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType {
			fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
			var code string
			_, err := client.SendAuthCode(code)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Error sending auth code : %v", err)
		} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType {
			fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
			var password string
			_, err := client.SendAuthPassword(password)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Error sending auth password: %v", err)
		} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType {
			fmt.Println("Authorization Ready! Let's rock")

	// Main loop
	for update := range client.RawUpdates {
		// Show all updates


More examples can be found on examples folder

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "KaoriEl Go Tdlib" Project. README Source: KaoriEl/go-tdlib

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