Kalel Versions Save

Kal El Network Stress Test and Penetration Testing Toolkit


6 years ago

New Tool!

  • Pawned, Enter an email/username and it will check it against hacked/leaked lists. You can also give it a password and "Pawned" will try to log in to several services like facebook, google, twitter, github etc.

  • KalEl does no longer automaticly install dependencies outside python lib.

  • KalEl will try to execute the required applications and scripts if not found in /usr/bin/ it will ask you to define its path

  • Huge change in code, bugfixes and improvements.

If you get an ipv6 error from ettercap: (Menu item 1, DNS SPOOF) ettercap: symbol lookup error: ettercap: undefined symbol: set_ip6scan

This is due to a faulty update because you install it using apt-get. Try removing it and pull a new version from github https://github.com/ettercap. See this issue for more info: https://github.com/Ettercap/ettercap/issues/778