Kakoune Themes Save

Beautiful Color schemes for kakoune.

Project README

Kakoune themes

This repo has 48 themes
8 from modus-themes, 32 from ef-themes and 8 more

This repo is also my personal config for kakoune

Modus vivendi color scheme

Ef-themes pictures: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/ef-themes-pictures
Modus-themes pictures: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes-pictures

vivendi color scheme

Background color #000000

Modus operandi color scheme

operandi color scheme

Background color #ffffff

Ef-autumn color scheme

ef-autumn color scheme

Background color #0f0e06

Ef-winter color scheme

ef-winter color scheme

Background color #0f0b15

Kanagawa color scheme

kanagawa color scheme

Background color #1F1F28

Ayu-mirage color scheme

ayu_mirage color scheme

Background color #1F2430

Ayu-dark color scheme

ayu_dark color scheme

Background color #0A0E14

Pastel color scheme

Pastel color scheme

Background color #2B2E33

Warm color scheme

Warm color scheme

Background color #222120

Cherry color scheme

Cherry color scheme

Background color #23232F

Berry color scheme

Berry color scheme

Background color #2C2C2C

Cyanide color scheme

Cyanide color scheme

Background color #171A1F

Undoo color scheme

Undoo color scheme

Background color #101010

Monokai color scheme

Monokai color scheme monokai syntax is different than the sublime's monokai

Background color #2C2C2D

One-dark color scheme

One-dark color scheme

Background color #282C34

Mygruvbox color scheme

Mygruvbox color scheme mygruvbox is almost identical to original gruvbox {whitespace color is dimmed & few other minor changes}
gruvbox name was already taken so i have to resort to mygruvbox

Background color #282828

By default background color is set to terminal's default


add colors to ~/.config/kak/

cp colors ~/.config/kak/ -r

use change-theme.pl to change the themes (fzf optionally required)

$ perl ~/.config/kak/change-theme.pl 

This will use fzf to select a theme interactively

$ perl ~/.config/kak/change-theme.pl viv
'vivendi.kak' theme selected

This will change theme to the first theme that has viv in its name

$ perl ~/.config/kak/change-theme.pl desert
'desertex.kak' theme selected

This will change theme to the first theme that has desert in its name, like desertex


Modus themes - https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes-colors
Ef themes - https://protesilaos.com/emacs/ef-themes
Kanagawa theme - https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim
Cherry theme - https://github.com/nullxception/cherry-vscode
Gruvbox theme - https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
One Dark theme - https://github.com/atom/one-dark-syntax
Ayu theme - https://github.com/dempfi/ayu
Transparent Selections - https://github.com/caksoylar/kakoune-mysticaltutor

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Kakoune Themes" Project. README Source: anhsirk0/kakoune-themes
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Last Commit
1 month ago

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