K8s School Save

Learn Kubernetes fundamentals / Formation Kubernetes et les micro-services

Project README

K8s-school Logo, expertise et formation Kubernetes

Kubernetes fundamentals course

Slides and materials

All slides are on our website

Check the Framapad

Set up course platform


Set up local machine

  • Ubuntu LTS is recommended
  • 8 cores, 16 GB RAM, 30GB for the partition hosting docker entities (images, volumes, containers, etc). Use df command as below to find its size.
sudo df –sh /var/lib/docker # or /var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker/
  • Internet access without proxy
  • sudo access
  • Install dependencies below:
sudo apt-get install curl docker.io git vim

# then add current user to docker group
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
# command below, or restart gnome session
newgrp docker

Configure the k8s-toolbox (i.e. Kubernetes client and tooling):

Follow official instructions at: https://github.com/k8s-school/k8s-toolbox

  • Use the k8s-toolbox to create a k8s cluster, if it does not yet exists
  • Launch interactive k8s-toolbox:
ktbx desk

then validate Kubernetes is up and running

# Check k8s cluster is up and running
kubectl get nodes

# Launch an ubuntu pod from Docker Hub
kubectl run -it --rm  shell --image=ubuntu --restart=Never -- date

# Launch an other pod from gcr.io
kubectl run shell --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:1 --restart=Never
# Open a shell inside it and exit
kubectl exec -it shell -- ash
kubectl delete pod shell

Play with examples

Retrieve k8s-school's examples, demos and exercices by running script below inside toolbox container:

# Play with kubectl and yaml files :-)

Additional information

Kubernetes ecosystem

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "K8s School" Project. README Source: k8s-school/k8s-school
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1 week ago

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