JZtvOSParallaxButton Save

:tv: tvOS Button with Parallax Effect (ObjC)

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中文 / English
tvOS Button with Parallax Effect (ObjC).
Apple TV HIG has a Video
This is a Button try to be similar. With reflection light, long press to enable parallax mode, long press to disable.


#import "JZParallaxButton.h"

..... //TL;DR

NSMutableArray *Layers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Layer1"],[UIImage imageNamed:@"Layer2"],[UIImage imageNamed:@"Layer3"],[UIImage imageNamed:@"Layer4"], nil];
    JZParallaxButton *NewPB = [[JZParallaxButton alloc] initButtonWithCGRect:YourRect
    [self.view addSubview:NewPB];

WithLayerArray:NSArray,Array of UIImage,Remember that image index in array should be from buttom to top.
WithRotationFrames:int,how many frames should be rendered if the button rotates itself for a complete turn.
WithRotationInterval:CGFloat,how many seconds should the button rotates itself for a complete turn.
(Tips: WithRotationInterval/WithRotationFrames indicates how a rotation & position lasts, usually it should be < 1/24 , or with any RotateMethodType the rotation animation will be lag)

You can also tweak these parameters:
ScaleBase:CGFloat , default 1.0f. When long pressed , the button scales up for a little bit, and this is how much should be scaled up.
ScaleAddition:CGFloat , default 1.0f. When long pressed , the button also scales up parallax image layers to have a perspective effect. and ScaleAddition adjusts this.
isParallax:BOOL, indicates the button's state.

ParallaxMethod:ENUM, 3 choices, this changes depth effect

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ParallaxMethodType)  
    ParallaxMethodTypeLinear = 0, //Default  
    ParallaxMethodTypeEaseIn, //Use this when your want your foreground layer parallax more  
    ParallaxMethodTypeEaseOut, //Use this when your want your background layer parallax more  

RotateMethodType:ENUM, 3 choices, this changes if rotation effect is automatic, or changes with finger movements.

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RotateMethodType)
    RotateMethodTypeAutoRotate = 0, //Default
    RotateMethodTypeWithFinger, //Rotation for the direction where finger at.
    RotateMethodTypeWithFingerReverse, //Rotation for the opposite direction where finger at.

And these:(in JZParallaxButton.m define)
RotateParameter CGFloat,default 0.4. Rotation angle parameter.
SpotlightOutRange CGFloat, default 5.0f. indicates the distance from button's center to the reflection light.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
JZViewController.m contains 3 Parallax button, 2 posters and 1 icon. Remove the // before addSubview to see it.


JZtvOSParallaxButton is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "JZtvOSParallaxButton"

Or, grab JZParallaxButton.h and .m ,edit .m file:

SpotLightView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Spotlight" inBundle:bundle compatibleWithTraitCollection:nil];


SpotLightView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Spotlight"];

Then grab Spotlight.png from this


1.Add 3d touch support.


Fincher Justin, [email protected]


JZtvOSParallaxButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

##Chinese JZtvOSParallaxButton 是一个模仿Apple TV中三维视差按钮的UIButton.
这个按钮init的时候 是普通样式 但是长按可以开启如同苹果设计规范这样的自转效果 同时便可以看到分层的三维效果. 长按即可回到普通样式.

WithRoundCornerEnabled:BOOL 是否圆角(好看些 推荐)
WithCornerRadiusifEnabled:CGFloat 圆角的半径
WithRotationFrames:int,就是自转一周要用多少帧(这里说的不太严谨 其实指的不是帧速 而是按钮自己一周要做多少次3DTransform的Animation)
(建议: WithRotationInterval/WithRotationFrames 表示一帧保持多少秒, 一般这个数字应该小于 1/24 , 否则对于任何RotateMethodType整个动画都会显得很卡)

ScaleBase:CGFloat , 默认1.0f. 长按的时候 有个变大的动画 这个可以改变大多少 不过默认1.0够了
ScaleAddition:CGFloat , 默认 1.0f. 长按后 每个图层都会有或多或少的放大(用于制造远小近大的透视效果)这个参数调节图层放大多少.
isParallax:BOOL, 通过这个读取当前状态 应该是read-only的 但没限制.

ParallaxMethod:枚举, 3个选择, 用于改变透视的深度效果

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ParallaxMethodType)  
    ParallaxMethodTypeLinear = 0, //默认  
    ParallaxMethodTypeEaseIn, //如果想要前排的图层视差效果更好些    
    ParallaxMethodTypeEaseOut, //如果想要后排的图层视差效果更好些    

RotateMethodType:枚举, 3 选择, 改变自转效果是自动的 还是跟随手指

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RotateMethodType)
    RotateMethodTypeAutoRotate = 0, //默认    
    RotateMethodTypeWithFinger, //按钮向手指按下的地方转动  
    RotateMethodTypeWithFingerReverse, //按钮向手指按下的反方向转动  

RotateParameter CGFloat,默认 0.4. 自转的时候角度参数.
SpotlightOutRange CGFloat, 默认 5.0f. 高光和按钮中心的距离(最好调大点 这样看起来真实, 4.0-7.0f差不多).

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "JZtvOSParallaxButton" Project. README Source: JustinFincher/JZtvOSParallaxButton

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