JRCLUST Versions Save



3 years ago

Merges, splits, and reorders correctly. Stable release, with some outstanding bugs.


5 years ago

All the v4.0.0-b goodness, plus a fix around assigning spikes to clusters when their center sites are far away.


5 years ago
  • Kilosort importer reads from NPY files instead of rez.mat (npy-matlab is required for this feature)
  • spikesRaw and spikesFilt are written to disk as they are computed, rather than all at once, to save memory (restores v3 behavior)
  • removes JRC/saveBinaries due to the above
  • New parameter: extractAfterDetect allows you to specify whether you want your features computed after ALL spikes are detected or on a per-chunk, per-file basis.
  • Fixes a bug in saveRes which caused fields of inconsistent size to be saved if clusters had been automerged.


5 years ago

See CHANGELOG for details


5 years ago

Bug fixes and enhancements


5 years ago

Fixes #70, #71, #86, #88. Partially addresses #85.


5 years ago
  • Fixes errors around ignoreSites
  • Reimplements ignoreChans
  • Fixes crash in "File > Save" menu callback


5 years ago

Bug fixes and some minor enhancements (see CHANGELOG.txt for details)


5 years ago

Bug fixes and minor enhancements


6 years ago

Bug fixes

  1. Centered cluster average waveforms are properly saved. trWav_spk_clu for filtered waveforms and trWav_raw_clu for raw waveforms tmrWav_spk_clu and tmrWav_raw_clu have worked properly, which saves waveforms at all sites.

  2. Selecting 'vpp' (peak-to-peak voltage) calcultes different values depending on whether you are displaying filtered or raw waveforms.

  • When 'pca' or 'ppca' (private pca) features are selected, PCA values are computed for the filtered waveforms whether or not the raw waveforms are displayed.
  1. Manual GUI: The x-axis labels on the waveform view are displayed properly without overlapping for smaller monitor size.
  • To prevent overlapping displays, the text size is decreased and text angle is rotated (new feature since Matlab 2016b).

New features

  1. Manual GUI: 'ppca' (private PCA) option is added under "Projection" menu.
  • When one unit is selected, filtered spike waveforms are projected to the first and second principal vectors of the selected unit for each site.
  • When two units are selected, filtered spike waveforms are projected to the first principal axes of the two selected units for each site.
  1. "jrc export-chan myparam.prm chan-list" exports channel(s) on "chan-list" to the Matlab workspace and to a binary file (_ch#.jrc).
  • To export more than one channel, use "," or ":" without space.
  • For example, run "jrc export-chan 33,34,35" or "jrc export-chan 33:35" to export channels 33-35.
  1. "jrc export-lfp" to export the LFP waveforms (ordered by the site numbers) to the Matlab workspace.
  • "mnLfp" has a nSamples x nSites dimension, and stores the LFP waveforms in the original data type (16-bit integer by default).
  • "mrSiteXY" has a nSites x 2 dimension, and stores x and y coordinate for the sites (in micrometers)
  • To extract a column of sites located at x=0, run "mnLfp(:, mrSiteXY(:,1)==0)"