Java Otp Versions Save

A one-time password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Java


1 year ago

This release changes the public API a bit and is intended to make java-otp easier to work with in general. Important changes include:

  • Methods that used to throw a (checked) NoSuchAlgorithmException now throw an UncheckedNoSuchAlgorithmException because, most of the time, folks are using algorithms that are guaranteed to be supported by the JVM and there really isn't any corrective action to be taken at runtime
  • TimeBasedOneTimePasswordGenerator no longer extends HmacOneTimePasswordGenerator, which serves to make its public API a little clearer (it no longer exposes counter-based methods for generating one-time passwords)
  • Unit tests now assume that the JVM supports HMAC-SHA512 and will skip those tests if it does not (rather than reporting failure)
  • The various methods for generating one-time passwords are no longer synchronized (but password generators are still thread-safe!), making the concurrency story much simpler: you can use one-time password generators in as many threads as you want, and throughput should scale as expected

For a complete list of changes, please see the 0.4.0 milestone.


2 years ago

This release includes a fix for a build error that caused a NoSuchMethodError when running under Java 8 or newer. It contains no new features or functional changes.


2 years ago

Version 0.3.0 of java-otp adds support for formatting one-time passwords as strings and includes an automatic module name for JPMS interoperability.

For a complete list of changes, please see the v0.3.0 milestone.


4 years ago

As of v0.2, java-otp requires Java 8 or newer. This release also includes performance enhancements that increase throughput and reduce garbage collection pressure.


5 years ago

This is the initial public release of java-otp.