Jackson Js Versions Save

JavaScript object serialization and deserialization library using decorators. It supports also advanced Object concepts such as polymorphism, Object identity and cyclic objects.


4 years ago


  • Update bundle dependencies
  • Fixed transform methods when using Babel compiler
  • Added dateLibrary option to @JsonFormat() and JsonStringifierContext
  • Added uuidLibrary option to @JsonIdentityInfo() and JsonStringifierContext


  • To be able to use @JsonFormat() on class properties of type "Date" with JsonFormatShape.STRING, a date library needs to be set. Date libraries supported: "https://github.com/moment/moment", "https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs/"
  • To be able to use @JsonIdentityInfo() with any UUID ObjectIdGenerator, an UUID library needs to be set. UUID library supported: "https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid".


4 years ago