Iterm Tab Color Oh My Zsh Versions Save

Oh My Zsh plugin for setting iTerm2's custom tab colors


5 years ago

This fixes a bug where the tab color wasn't being reset when changing directories if the directory wasn't present in the config.

Thanks to @volovar for finding and fixing!


5 years ago
  • .tc-dirs is now called .tc-config
  • You can add command=hexValue pairs to automatically set the color of your tab to hexValue when your current command matches command (you can use regular expressions)

Example .tc-config file


Thanks to @volovar for the laying the groundwork for this feature!


5 years ago

Fixes an issue with IFS. It is now reset to the old value so it doesn't cause issues with other plugins.


5 years ago

You can modify the .tc-dirs file located in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/iterm-tab-color and add directory=hexValue pairs to automatically set the color of your tab to hexValue when your current working directory matches directory (you can use regular expressions)

Example .tc-dirs file



5 years ago

Oh My Zsh plugin that will expose a command to change the colors of iTerm tabs by passing a hex value or red, green, blue values (rgb)