Intellij Randomness Versions Save

IntelliJ plugin for inserting random numbers, UUIDs, names, IP addresses, and much more


3 weeks ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.


  • Added additional debug info for future reports relating to issue #R1.


  • Fixed an exception when a StringScheme contains a matching pattern containing []{1,3}. (#R2)


1 month ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.



  • Rewrote error reporter from scratch, now ensuring all relevant data is included, and allowing non-GitHub users to report issues. (#455)
  • Significantly reduced plugin size by removing unnecessary dependencies. (#526)


  • Disabled dynamic reloading of the plugin until a stable fix can be deployed. (#522)


  • Various incorrect uses of the platform API. (#526)


4 months ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.


  • Added support for UUID versions 6, 7, and 8. (#513)
  • Added button to visit template's target. (#495)


  • Disabled uppercase option for integers when base is 10 or lower.


5 months ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.


  • Added ability to generate non-matching strings. (#447)


  • When inserting arrays at multiple carets, the number of elements per array is now independently chosen for each array. (#450)


  • Minimum IDE version has been increased to 2023.1.


6 months ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.


This release brings a major overhaul of how data is generated, allowing you to create your own data types such as IP addresses or entire JSON objects. At the same time, it remains just as easy to generate plain numbers. Check the plugin description for more details and animated usage examples.


  • Each time you insert an array your demands will be slightly different, so when you insert an array a dialog is shown in which you can quickly vary the array's settings.
  • In addition to a list of standard separators, you can now also choose your own separator for all data types, including for arrays.
  • You can automatically pad (or truncate) integers to a specific length.
  • A notification is shown after upgrading to Randomness 3 to inform the user of incompatibilities with settings from older versions.
  • Future backwards compatibility ensures that your settings can always be imported into future versions.


  • Randomness now uses templates to generate data. A template consists of a list of "primitive" data types which are concatenated together. Data types include the old data types (integer, decimal, string, word, UUID), but also the new date-time and the template reference.
  • Strings no longer consist of customisable symbol sets, but are specified using a regex.
  • Words are no longer read from dictionary files, but are stored directly in the settings window. To reuse words in multiple templates, consider using template references.
  • The preview pane now looks more beautiful :-)
  • Icons for templates and data types are dynamically generated based on the involved data types.
  • Invalid settings are now easier to correct with more specific error messages.
  • All strings have been internationalised, to make future translation easier.
  • Changelogs are now kept in keep a changelog style.


  • Minimum IDE version has been increased to 2022.3.


  • The settings-only popup is now also shown when editing a read-only file.


10 months ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.


  • In custom brackets, you can now escape the @ symbol with \@, and the \ with \\.


  • Resolves a compatibility issue with the IntelliJ 2023.2 EAP.
  • Modifier keys in the insertion popup behave as expected again.
  • The order of radio buttons in array settings has been fixed, making keyboard navigation behave as expected again.


11 months ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.

Breaking changes

Minimum IDE version has been increased to 2022.2.


Resolve compatibility issues with upcoming IDE versions. (#459) (#460)


1 year ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.

Breaking changes

Minimum IDE version has been increased to 2022.1.


Resolve compatibility issues with upcoming IDE versions.


1 year ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.


  • Settings-only popup is only shown in editors instead of the other way around.


2 years ago

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository.

Welcome to the beta of Randomness 3!

This release brings a major overhaul of how data is generated, allowing you to create your own data types such as IP addresses or entire JSON objects. At the same time, it remains just as easy to generate plain numbers. Check the plugin description for more details and animated usage examples.

Breaking changes

  • Minimum IDE version has been increased to 2021.2.
  • Randomness now uses templates to generate data. A template consists of a list of "primitive" data types which are concatenated together. Data types include the old data types (integer, decimal, string, word, UUID), but also the new date-time, and the template reference.
  • Strings no longer consist of customisable symbol sets, but are specified using a regex.
  • Words are no longer read from dictionary files, but are stored directly in the settings window. To reuse words in multiple templates, consider using template references.

New features

  • In addition to a list of standard separators, you can now also choose your own separator for all data types, including for arrays.
  • Each time you insert an array your demands will be slightly different, so when you insert an array a dialog is shown in which you can quickly vary the array's settings.
  • You can automatically pad (or truncate) integers to a specific length.
  • Icons for templates and data types are dynamically generated based on the involved data types.
  • The preview pane now looks more beautiful :-)
  • Invalid settings are now easier to correct with more specific error messages.
  • All strings have been internationalised, to make future translation easier.


The settings-only popup is now also shown when editing a read-only file.