Incubator Tubemq Versions Save

Apache InLong - a one-stop, full-scenario integration framework for massive data


2 years ago


2 years ago


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-2347 [Feature]Support hive sink in sort-single-tenant
INLONG-2334 [Feature][inlong-dataproxy]create pulsar client need support config ioThreads
INLONG-2333 [Feature]Support clickhouse sink in sort-single-tenant
INLONG-2266 [Feature]Support reporting metrics by audit-sdk in sort
INLONG-2250 [Feature][InLong-Sort] Support Kafka sink in InLong-Sort
INLONG-2247 Read the consume group offset and store to the specified topic
INLONG-2236 [Feature]Support iceberg sink in sort-single-tenant
INLONG-2232 Add start and end timestamp of segment
INLONG-2218 [Feature][InLong-DataProxy] Inlong-DataProxy support authentication access pulsar
INLONG-2217 [Feature][InLong-DataProxy] Add TCP protocol client demo and config doc feature
INLONG-2216 [Feature][InLong-DataProxy] Add UDP protocol client demo and config doc
INLONG-2215 [Feature][InLong-DataProxy] Add http protocol client demo and config doc
INLONG-2326 [Feature] Inlong-Sort-Standalone support to sort the events to ElasticSearch cluster.
INLONG-2322 [Feature][InLong-Sort] Support json format for kafka sink
INLONG-2301 [Feature] Support Standalone deployment for InLong
INLONG-2207 [Feature][InLong-Website] Add component about charts
INLONG-2187 [Feature] Website support audit view
INLONG-2183 [Feature][InLong-Sort] Bump flink version to 1.13.5
INLONG-2176 Add histogram metric and client-side metric output
INLONG-2170 [Feature] add Inlong-Sort-standalone document.
INLONG-2169 [Feature] [Agent] should provide docs for agent db sql collect
INLONG-2167 [Feature] [Agent] support db SQL collect
INLONG-2164 [Feature] Sort-standalone expose metric data using prometheus HttpServer.
INLONG-2161 [Feature][InLong-Manager] Manager support getClusterConfig
INLONG-2138 [Feature] Agent should provide docs for programmers to customize their own source or sink
INLONG-2106 [Feature] DataProxy expose metric data using prometheus HttpServer.
INLONG-2096 [Feature] DataProxy add InlongGroupId+InlongStreamId metric dimensions in TDSDKSource and TubeSink.
INLONG-2077 [Feature]sort-sdk change pulsar consume mode from listener to fetch
INLONG-2076 [Feature] Tube sink of DataProxy support new Message format.
INLONG-2075 [Feature] SDK Source of DataProxy support new Message format.
INLONG-2058 [Feature] The metric of Sort-standalone append a dimension(minute level) of event time, supporting audit reconciliation of minute level.
INLONG-2056 [Feature]The metric of DataProxy append a dimension(minute level) of event time, supporting audit reconciliation of minute level.
INLONG-2055 [Feature] [InLong audit] Audit SDK Support real-time report
INLONG-2054 [Feature] [InLong audit] Audit SDK Support disaster tolerance
INLONG-2053 [Feature] [InLong audit] Audit Web Page Display
INLONG-2051 [Feature] [InLong audit] Add Audit API for Manager
INLONG-2050 [Feature] [InLong audit] Audit Strore for Elasticsearch
INLONG-2045 [Feature]sort-sdk support Prometheus monitor
INLONG-2028 [Feature][CI] Add support for docker build on GitHub Actions
INLONG-1992 [Feature]sort-flink support configurable loader of getting configuration.
INLONG-1950 [Feature] DataProxy add supporting to udp protocol for reporting data
INLONG-1949 [Feature] DataProxy sdk add demo
INLONG-1931 [Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone-readapi support to consume events from inlong cache clusters(tube)
INLONG-1895 [Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone support to sort the events to Hive cluster.
INLONG-1894 [Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone support JMX metrics listener for pushing.
INLONG-1892 [Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone support to consume events from Pulsar cache clusters.
INLONG-1738 [Feature] InLong audit


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-2373 [Improve] Refactor of CreateBusinessWorkflow
INLONG-2358 [InLong audit] modify audit proxy name of introduction
INLONG-2352 [InLong audit] add audit introduction
INLONG-2349 [inlong-dataproxy] change log file name from flum.log to dataproxy.log
INLONG-2331 [Improve] Extract connector related code to sort-connector module
INLONG-2329 [Improve][inlong-dataproxy-sdk] asyncSendMessage in can be optimized to reduce the number of invalid objects
INLONG-2297 [Improve][agent] support audit for source and sink
INLONG-2296 Added lag consumption log
INLONG-2279 [Improve] Supplement TubeMQ's Javadoc information
INLONG-2274 [Improve][Manager] Supports configuring whether to create a Hive database or table
INLONG-2271 [Improve] rename the TDMsg to InLongMsg
INLONG-2258 [Improve][dashboard] Audit page support auto select datastream
INLONG-2254 Add historical offset query API
INLONG-2245 [Improve] Supports database-level isolation of audit queries
INLONG-2229 [Improve] Manager support pulsar authentification
INLONG-2225 [Improve][InLong-Dashboard] Audit module support i18n
INLONG-2220 [Improve] move dataproxy-sdk to inlong-sdk
INLONG-2210 [Improve] package inlong-manager-web as inlong-manager
INLONG-2200 [Feature] DataProxy add supporting to http protocol for reporting data
INLONG-2196 [Improve] move website to dashboard
INLONG-2193 [Improve] optimize inlong manager structure
INLONG-2160 [Improve] Time format conversion using DateTimeFormatter
INLONG-2151 [Improve] Add time and sort statistics by topic
INLONG-2133 Update year to 2022
INLONG-2126 [Improve] can be merged into,as a InLong beginner maybe forgot this step
INLONG-2122 [Improve] Send a dev notifications email for issue status
INLONG-2119 [Improve][Website][CI] Add support for building inlong website when building or testing project
INLONG-2117 [Improve][agent] optimize class name
INLONG-2116 [Improve][Website] Improve the README document
INLONG-2107 [Improve] [InLong Manager] remove gson and json-simple from dependency
INLONG-2103 [Improve] update the definition of Apache InLong
INLONG-2073 [Improve] [InLong agent] remove spring 2.5.6 from dependencyManagement
INLONG-2072 [Improve] update the deployment guide for sort
INLONG-2070 [Improve] update the default pulsar demo configuration for dataproxy
INLONG-1944 Bumped version to 0.13.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT for the master branch


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-2371 [Bug][inlong-dataproxy] monitorIndex should not use msgid for key,it affects performance
INLONG-2361 [Bug] audit have no data
INLONG-2344 [Bug][InLong-Sort] Kafka sink ut failed under multithread compiling
INLONG-2338 [Bug] agent can not get dataproxy for docker-compose environment
INLONG-2336 [Bug][agent] the manager fetcher thread was shielded
INLONG-2288 [Bug] sort-flink task catches an NPE
INLONG-2264 [Bug] DataProxy get metric value with error JMX ObjectName
INLONG-2263 [Bug] SortStandalone get metric value with error JMX ObjectName
INLONG-2252 [Bug] Remove <> character in sort-standalone
INLONG-2242 [BUG][manager] table field incorrect: db_collector_detail_task, 'sql' should be 'sql_statement'
INLONG-2237 [Bug] call audit query interface error
INLONG-2230 [Bug] manager started get jackson error
INLONG-2227 [Bug] build failed for dataproxy-sdk
INLONG-2224 [Bug][inlong-DataProxy] Source receive one message will be send to pulsar twice when config both memery channel and file channel
INLONG-2202 [Bug] add lower version log4j exclusion in sort-standalone pom.xml
INLONG-2199 [Bug][inlong-audit][audit-source] one message will put tow channel, and store two message
INLONG-2191 [Bug][inlong-audit][audit-source] requestId is not set in response message
INLONG-2190 [Bug][inlong-audit][audit-store] can not started by start shell
INLONG-2174 [Bug]Clickhouse sink can cause data loss when checkpointing
INLONG-2155 [Bug][Manager] Some unit tests running failed
INLONG-2148 [Bug][sort]Pattern used for extracting clickhouse metadata is not compatible with some versions of clickhouse
INLONG-2143 [Bug][sort] caught a NoClassDefFoundError exception
INLONG-2137 [Bug] version 0.12.0 cannot pass UT
INLONG-2130 [Bug] inlong-sort occurs ClassNotFoundException: og.objenesis..ClassUtils
INLONG-2113 [Bug][Docker] Audit docker image build failed
INLONG-2098 [Bug] agent can not restart successfully
INLONG-2097 [Bug][Docker] error while building tubemq image
INLONG-2094 [Bug] summit job failed after enabling Prometheus
INLONG-2089 [Bug]tubemq-manager throws error when starting: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.validation.ClockProvider
INLONG-2087 [Bug] Miss a "-p" flag before 2181:2181 in the command "Start Standalone Container"
INLONG-2085 [Bug] Solve the incubator-inlong-website Compilation failure problem
INLONG-2084 [Bug]A bug in the Go SDK demo, and the API result class is not clear enough
INLONG-2082 [Bug] file agent collector file failed
INLONG-2080 [Bug] file agent send file failed
INLONG-2078 [Bug] create pulsar subscription failed
INLONG-2068 [Bug] the class name in dataproxy is wrong
INLONG-2066 Each message will be consumed twice.[Bug]
INLONG-2064 [Bug]master branch, tubemq-manager module occurs: package Java.validation.constraints not exists
INLONG-2061 [Bug][Office-Website] The homepage structure image error
INLONG-1989 [Bug]some font of " DataProxy-SDK architecture " page incorrectly
INLONG-1342 [Bug] Create tube consumer group failed where the group exists


2 years ago


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-1310 [Feature] [Feature] Support Pulsar
INLONG-1711 [feature] website support process pulsar dataflow
INLONG-1712 [Feature][agent] Add agent metric statistics
INLONG-1722 [Feature] Add IssueNavigationLink for IDEA
INLONG-1725 [Feature] [InLong-Manager] Modify bid and tid (or dsid) to inlongGroupId and inlongStreamId
INLONG-1726 [Feature] [InLong-Website] Adapt the Manager module and modify the field names of bid and dsid
INLONG-1732 [Feature] [InLong-Agent] Modify bid and tid to inlongGroupId and inlongStreamId
INLONG-1738 [Feature] InLong audit
INLONG-1764 [Feature]Use black for code block background style
INLONG-1768 [Feature] Adding consume type that allows partition assign from the client
INLONG-1785 [Feature] add 0.11.0 release article for blog
INLONG-1786 [Feature]Inlong-common provide monitoring indicator reporting mechanism with JMX, user can implement the code that read the metrics and report to user-defined monitor system.
INLONG-1791 [Feature][InLong-Manager] Some bid fields have not been modified
INLONG-1796 [Feature]DataProxy support monitor indicator with JMX.
INLONG-1809 [Feature] Adjust the font style of the official home page
INLONG-1814 [Feature] Show document file subdirectories
INLONG-1817 [Feature][InLong-Manager] Workflow supports data stream for Pulsar
INLONG-1821 [INLONG-810] Sort Module Support store data to ApacheDoris
INLONG-1826 [Feature] Use jmx metric defined in inlong-common
INLONG-1830 [Feature] Add a star reminder
INLONG-1833 [Feature] Add Team button to the navigation bar
INLONG-1840 [Feature] add a Welcome committer articles to official website blog
INLONG-1847 [Feature][InLong-Manager] Add consumption APIs for Pulsar MQ
INLONG-1849 [Feature][InLong-Manager] Push Sort config for Pulsar
INLONG-1851 [Feature]TubeMQ supports monitoring indicators with JMX.
INLONG-1853 [Feature] Agent should provide docs for jmx metrics
INLONG-1854 [Feature] Agent Rmi args should be added in
INLONG-1856 [Feature] Add a news tab on the official website
INLONG-1867 [Feature] Add a user column display to the official website
INLONG-1873 [Feature] refactor the structure of the document for the official website
INLONG-1874 [Feature] Add contact information and common links at the bottom of the homepage of the official website
INLONG-1878 [Feature] Optimize user display page layout style
INLONG-1901 [Feature] Optimize the layout of the user display page
INLONG-1910 [Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone-sort-sdk support to consume events from inlong cache clusters(pulsar)
INLONG-1926 [Feature]Inlong-Sort-Standalone support JMX metrics listener for pulling.
INLONG-1938 [Feature] DataProxy send message to multi-pulsar cluster conf demo
INLONG-2002 [Feature]creating data access with pulsar, users should be able to change the ensemble param


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-1708 [Improve] Add restrict of @author and Chinese in java file
INLONG-1729 [Improve] Avoid using constant value as version when referencing other modules
INLONG-1739 [Improve] Optimization of TubeMQ SDK usage demo
INLONG-1740 [Improve] change bid/tid to be more identifiable
INLONG-1746 [improve] the log4j properties for dataproxy contains some useless code and some class name are incorrect
INLONG-1756 [Improve] Use metadata to manage data sources and flow fields
INLONG-1772 [Improve]Adjust the ProcessResult class implementation
INLONG-1798 [Improve]RestTemplate does not read configuration from the configuration file
INLONG-1802 [Improve] Optimize document version management
INLONG-1808 [Improve] Optimize document of DataProxy about monitor metric.
INLONG-1810 [Improve] update the architecture for office-website
INLONG-1811 [Improve] Modify the architecture diagram of
INLONG-1815 [Improve][translation] the blog of the 0.11.0 release should be translated into English
INLONG-1819 Optimize GC parameter configuration in TubeMQ's file
INLONG-1822 Optimize the table formatting in some MD documents
INLONG-1824 Refine the
INLONG-1857 [Improve] Adjust the content of the Disclaimer and Events column
INLONG-1859 [Improve][InLong-Manager] Remove duplicate SQL files
INLONG-1861 [Improve] Update document for docker-compose
INLONG-1863 [Improve][TubeMQ] repHelperHost for master should be exposed in configuration
INLONG-1864 [Improve] Agent Website doc contains a typo
INLONG-1865 [Improve] There are several errors in TubeMQ's guidance document
INLONG-1877 [Improve] improve the document's format for the office website
INLONG-1886 [Improve][InLong-Manager] Refactor and delete unused entities
INLONG-1916 [Improve][website] modify the Business to InLong Group
INLONG-1934 [Improve] update the image of the hive example after the bid changed
INLONG-1935 [Improve] package the SQL file for the manager
INLONG-1939 [Improve] add basic concepts for InLong
INLONG-1952 [Improve] Update the office website structure image
INLONG-1987 [Improve] Add function comment information in TubeMQ
INLONG-2017 [Improve] Add more guide documents for Pulsar


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-1706 [Bug] there are some incorrect expressions for issues tracking in the how-to-contribute file
INLONG-1716 [Bug][manager] can not login successfully
INLONG-1731 [Bug] release template has sth wrong with KEY URL
INLONG-1745 [Bug]TubeMQ HTTP API download link cannot be opened
INLONG-1752 [Bug] The official website action failed to build, it may be that the node version needs to be upgraded
INLONG-1754 [Bug] confused navigation in download page
INLONG-1755 [Bug] Broken link in the ANNOUNCE email template
INLONG-1769 [Bug][TubeMQ]Util function SpitToMap in Go SDK panic
INLONG-1771 [Bug] Website readme error
INLONG-1776 [Bug] Get error while parse td msg with go client
INLONG-1777 [Bug][TubeMQ]Go SDK failed to parse tdmsg v4
INLONG-1781 [Bug] Get uncorrect time value of attributes
INLONG-1783 [Bug] Topic filters config has't any effects
INLONG-1828 [Bug]parse message error: invalid default attr's msg Length
INLONG-1876 [Bug] office website build failed
INLONG-1897 [Bug][Website] form cannot use chain name
INLONG-1898 [Bug][Website] The error of the person responsible for the second edit of the new consumption
INLONG-1902 [Bug][Website] Access create params error
INLONG-1911 [Bug] Some questions about the metric implementation in the common module
INLONG-1915 [Bug] tubemq master can not start
INLONG-1919 [Bug] TubeMQ HTTP API xls can not download
INLONG-1920 [Bug]Failed to start up MultiSession factory by following the demo code
INLONG-1953 [Bug]It can not be submitted when I create data access using file data source
INLONG-1954 [Bug]inlong-sort does not support pulsar ???
INLONG-1955 [Bug]Source data fields' type are all mapped to tinyint, and can not be modified
INLONG-1958 [Bug]Avoid the security risks of log4j package
INLONG-1966 [Bug][InLong-Manager] The stream name field is not required, but error occurs when create a data stream with name field not filled
INLONG-1967 [Bug][InLong-Manager] Cannot create the Pulsar subscription
INLONG-1973 [Bug]with the demo conf of dataproxy, the app can not start rightly
INLONG-1975 [Bug]error occurs when deleting a data access
INLONG-1978 [Bug]Create multiple file import tasks, and inlong-agent reports an error when registering metric
INLONG-1980 [Bug]the content of generated incorrectly,and too much backup files generate automatically
INLONG-1981 [Bug] When compiling the project, the InLong-audit module reported Warning errors
INLONG-1984 [Bug][InLong-Manager] Create pulsar access, modify pulsar related parameters failed
INLONG-1995 [Bug] Compile Audit-SDK and report TestNGException
INLONG-1996 [Bug] Compile the project and InLong-Agent module throws 3 exceptions
INLONG-1997 [Bug]after the compilation of inlong, no lib directory in inlong-dataproxy
INLONG-2009 [Bug]Topic obtained through "/api/inlong/manager/openapi/dataproxy/getConfig" is not right
INLONG-2012 [Bug] Inlong-agent could not fetch file agent task through api --"/api/inlong/manager/openapi/agent/fileAgent/getTaskConf"
INLONG-2014 [Bug]inlong-dataproxy could not identify the groupId and topic format of
INLONG-2018 [Bug]after approving a data access, some failures happen and the data access is always in the state of configuration
INLONG-2020 [Bug] Dependency of "jul-to-slf4j" is missing for pulsar connector
INLONG-2023 [Bug] Agent stream id is not passed to proxy
INLONG-2026 [Bug] Found Pulsar client create failure when starting Sort
INLONG-2030 [Bug]inlong-agent raises NPE error when running
INLONG-2032 [Bug]"javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError" throwed in flink when starting a inlong-sort job
INLONG-2035 [Bug] Agent use wrong tid __ to generate message
INLONG-2038 [Bug]inlong-sort abandon data from pulsar due to an ClassCastException
INLONG-2043 [Bug] Sort module renames tid to streamId