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Apache InLong - a one-stop, full-scenario integration framework for massive data


2 weeks ago


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-9457 [Improve][Agent] Add task and instance heartbeat audit
INLONG-9481 [Improve][Agent] Add unit test of reading with offset
INLONG-9580 [Improve][Agent] Add unit testing to taskmanager to test their ability to recover tasks from DB
INLONG-9614 [Improve][Agent] Change folder name
INLONG-9467 [Improve][Agent] Improve code exception detection to ensure task and instance state transitions
INLONG-9454 [Improve][Agent] Increase exit conditions to prevent dead loops
INLONG-9556 [Improve][Agent] Prevent thread freeze caused by deleting data sources when the backend cannot send out
INLONG-9572 [Improve][Agent] Set data time of message cache by sink data time
INLONG-9548 [Improve][Agent] Supports HTTPS and can determine whether to enable it through configuration
INLONG-9600 [Improve][Agent]Adjust the sinks directory for code consistency


                           ISSUE                             Summary                                                                                  
INLONG-9627 [Improve][Dashboard] Audit and transmission delay filtering query optimization
INLONG-9543 [Improve][Dashboard] Cls, Pulsar and es sink support saving sortTaskName and sortConsumerGroup
INLONG-9610 [Improve][Dashboard] Cluster creation type optimization
INLONG-9495 [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization basic information page optimization
INLONG-9663 [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization doris sink supports append Mode
INLONG-9530 [Improve][Dashboard] Dataproxy cluster nodes support adding the enabledOnline parameter
INLONG-9505 [Improve][Dashboard] Pulsar source parameter optimization
INLONG-9516 [Improve][Dashboard] Remove useless dependencies
INLONG-8393 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize the HeartbeatManager class
INLONG-9657 [Feature][Dashboard] Support management of Doris data node
INLONG-9439 [Feature][Dashboard] Support module reconciliation function
INLONG-9550 [Feature][Dashboard] System operation and maintenance supports query and audit through Gorupid and Stream id
INLONG-9489 [Bug][Dashboard] Transform remove missing stream id


                           ISSUE                             Summary                                                                                                                                      
INLONG-9508 [Feature][Manager] Add Iceberg field type mapping strategy to improve usability
INLONG-9634 [Feature][Manager] Auto assgin sort task and consumer group of standalone export
INLONG-9056 [Feature][Manager] Configuration change detection  
INLONG-9524 [Feature][Manager] Manager client support migrate group tenant
INLONG-9452 [Improve][Manager] Add audit items for file agent
INLONG-9484 [Improve][Manager] Improve logic of sortstandalone sink auto-assigned cluster  
INLONG-9441 [Improve][Manager] MySQL data source supports both full and incremental modes
INLONG-8392 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the HeartbeatMsg class
INLONG-9586 [Improve][Manager] Provide installation agent framework
INLONG-9528 [Improve][Manager] Support configuring the switch to enable dataproxy nodes
INLONG-9591 [Improve][Manager] Support printing thread status before submitting tasks
INLONG-9523 [Improve][Manager] Support querying all audit information based on IP address
INLONG-9440 [Improve][Manager] Support querying audit information based on ip
INLONG-9518 [Improve][Manager] Support resetting the consumption location of the consumption group used by sort
INLONG-9475 [Improve][Manager] Support setting dataNode when configuring streamSource for MYSQL
INLONG-9533 [Improve][Manager] Support setting dataNode when configuring streamSource for Pulsar/Iceberg/PostgreSQL
INLONG-9510 [Improve][Manager] Supports doris database synchronization
INLONG-9503 [Improve][Manager] Unified Hashmap Dependency Package
INLONG-9577 [Bug][Manager] Datatime field type conversion error
INLONG-9204 [Bug][Manager] Failed to use PostgreSQL sink
INLONG-9470 [Bug][Manager] Failed to verify if the namespace exists
INLONG-9461 [Bug][Manager] Failure of GroupTaskListenerFactoryTest
INLONG-9618 [Bug][Manager] HttpUtils did not process 307 status code
INLONG-9606 [Bug][Manager] Incorrect flow status when cls sink configuration fails
INLONG-9488 [Bug][Manager] Not redirecting post requests
INLONG-9552 [Bug][Manager] Sink remains in configuration after standalone cluster allocation failure
INLONG-9632 [Bug][Manager] StartupSortListener may miss to build flink job for every stream
INLONG-9222 [Bug][Manager] When cluster have multiple cluster tag,manager return wrong metadata info


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-9554 [Bug][SDK] When close DataProxy SDK sender thread, The shutdownInternalThreads methods throw the NullPointerException
INLONG-9624 [Improve][SDK] Adjust code directory structure
INLONG-9658 [Improve][SDK] Bump up Golang SDK modules
INLONG-9546 [Feature][SDK] DataProxy SDK support request manager by https


                           ISSUE                             Summary                                                                                      
INLONG-8358 [Feature][Sort] Add Kafka connector on Flink 1.15
INLONG-9521 [Feature][Sort] Sort format supports InLongMsg-kv format
INLONG-9571 [Feature][sort] Support row way of sort InLong message binlog format
INLONG-9597 [Feature][Sort] Support row way of sort InLong message tlog-csv format
INLONG-9569 [Feature][Sort] Support rowdata way of sort InLong message csv format
INLONG-9563 [Feature][Sort] Support rowdata way of sort message kv format
INLONG-9473 [Feature][Sort] Support transform of embedding
INLONG-9626 [Improve][Sort] Change the variable name from tid to streamId
INLONG-9491 [Improve][Sort] Csv format support ignore trailing unmappable fields
INLONG-9479 [Improve][Sort] There are too many flink version definitions
INLONG-9616 [Bug][Sort] Failed to create pulsar producer with the same topic
INLONG-9501 [Bug][Sort] Modify EncryptFunction
INLONG-9499 [Bug][Sort] Typos in FlinkPulsarSource and  FlinkPulsarSourceWithoutAdmin


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-9603 [Bug][TubeMQ] Cpp client build failed
INLONG-9033 [Improve][TubeMQ] Docker container is missing tubectl script


                           ISSUE                             Summary                                                                                                          
INLONG-9541 [Feature][ASF] Remove branch protection strategy for the master branch  
INLONG-8391 [Improve] Optimize the HeartbeatMsg class
INLONG-9640 [Improve][CVE] Apache Shiro vulnerable to path traversal
INLONG-9048 [Improve][CVE] Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key vulnerability in Apache ZooKeeper
INLONG-9465 [Improve][CVE] Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key vulnerability in Apache ZooKeeper
INLONG-9666 [Improve][CVE] Domain restrictions bypass via DNS Rebinding in WireMock and WireMock Studio webhooks, proxy and recorder modes
INLONG-9644 [Improve][CVE] Guava vulnerable to insecure use of temporary directory
INLONG-9477 [Improve][CVE] Observable Discrepancy in Apache Kafka
INLONG-9642 [Improve][CVE] TemporaryFolder on unix-like systems does not limit access to created files
INLONG-9463 [Improve][POM] Bump curator to 4.2.0
INLONG-9525 [Improve][Tools] There is a typo for script
INLONG-9493 [Bug] Logging error for the NativeFlinkSqlParser  


4 months ago


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-9089 [Improve][Agent] Add enums for task and instance
INLONG-9091 [Improve][Agent] Add offset profile
INLONG-9094 [Umbrella][Agent] Reconfiguration of task management
INLONG-9102 [Improve][Agent] Add file utils
INLONG-9112 [Improve][Agent] Add task and instance profile
INLONG-9117 [Improve][Agent] Rewrite class RocksDbImp to enable it to be constructed with a child path
INLONG-9120 [Improve][Agent] Add offset db to store the offset data
INLONG-9122 [Improve][Agent] Add task and instance action
INLONG-9124 [Improve][Agent] Add task and instance db
INLONG-9125 [Improve][Agent] Add offset manager
INLONG-9132 [Improve][Agent] Add file used message cache
INLONG-9134 [Improve][Agent] Add file related utils
INLONG-9136 [Improve][Agent] Add instance manager
INLONG-9138 [Improve][Agent] Add task manager
INLONG-9143 [Improve][Agent] Add log file collect task
INLONG-9149 [Improve][Agent] Add sender manager for file collect
INLONG-9151 [Improve][Agent] Add log file source and source related modification
INLONG-9155 [Improve][Agent] Add file used proxy
INLONG-9159 [Improve][Agent] Add file instance
INLONG-9161 [Improve][Agent] Modify left sink
INLONG-9163 [Improve][Agent] Delete trigger related file
INLONG-9165 [Improve][Agent] Delete job related file
INLONG-9182 [Improve][Agent] Delete useless code
INLONG-9187 [Improve][Agent] Delete useless memory manager
INLONG-9190 [Bug][Agent] Log file source clear buffer queue does not take effect
INLONG-9194 [Bug][Agent] Calc time offset failed if the param is 0
INLONG-9200 [Bug][Agent] Duplicate file collect instance
INLONG-9207 [Bug][Agent] Task manager stuck
INLONG-9214 [Improve][Agent] Limit max file count to collect once
INLONG-9215 [Improve][Agent] Add predefine fields
INLONG-9233 [Bug][Agent] Fix bug: source, proxy, sender get stuck
INLONG-9237 [Improve][Agent] Move addictive fields to package attributes
INLONG-9241 [Improve][Agent] Print task and instance detail every ten seconds
INLONG-9244 [Bug][Agent] Fix bug: miss file from next data time
INLONG-9253 [Bug][Agent] Get byte position of file by line count offset failed
INLONG-9263 [Improve][Agent] Print the statistics of task and instance not detail
INLONG-9265 [Improve][Agent] Add audit of agent send success
INLONG-9267 [Bug][Agent] Data loss when there are many files to read once
INLONG-9284 [Improve][Agent] Report audit by data time not real time
INLONG-9286 [Improve][Agent] Adjust the time offset calculation function
INLONG-9289 [Improve][Agent] Improve the completion judgment logic of collecting instances
INLONG-9300 [Improve][Agent] Divide data time into source time and sink time
INLONG-9308 [Improve][Agent] The sink end of the file instance supports sending data with different streamIds
INLONG-9310 [Improve][Agent] Add extended handler in file source
INLONG-9312 [Improve][Agent] Add data content style
INLONG-9315 [Improve][Agent] Convert data time from source time zone to sink time zone.
INLONG-9317 [Improve][Agent] Print basic info of hearbeat
INLONG-9335 [Improve][Agent] Bring cycle parameters when creating an instance
INLONG-9338 [Improve][Agent] Real time file collection uses the current time as the data time
INLONG-9347 [Improve][Agent] Check task profile before save into db
INLONG-9364 [Improve][Agent] Remove expired instance from db
INLONG-9366 [Improve][Agent] Remove useless offset record
INLONG-9369 [Improve][Agent] Increase sending failure audit and real-time audit
INLONG-9375 [Improve][Agent] Modify the agent's real-time audit id to prevent duplication
INLONG-9390 [Improve][Agent] Collect supplementary data in chronological order
INLONG-9397 [Improve][Agent] Do not directly delete the instance records of the local db when stopping the instances


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-9225 [Improve][Audit] Automatically create audit topic after service startup


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8983 [Improve][Dashboard] Log component query optimization
INLONG-9016 [Improve][Dashboard] Change the wrapWithInlongMsg to wrapType in data stream
INLONG-9053 [Improve][Dashboard] Query list shows creators and modifiers
INLONG-9055 [Improve][Dashboard] The approval management list displays the name of the consumer group
INLONG-9107 [Improve][Dashboard] Navigation widget optimization
INLONG-9114 [Improve][Dashboard] Stream log query parameter optimization
INLONG-9185 [Feature][Dashboard] Cluster management supports sort_cls, sort_es, sort_pulsar types
INLONG-9196 [Improve][Dashboard] Navigation widget user manual optimization
INLONG-9219 [Improve][Dashboard] Stream advanced options parameter optimization
INLONG-9229 [Improve][Dashboard] Data access transmission delay optimization
INLONG-9256 [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization iceberg sink supports append Mode
INLONG-9260 [Improve][Dashboard] Support batch import in Synchronize dashboard and detail page
INLONG-9302 [Improve][Dashboard] Elasticsearch sink optimization
INLONG-9322 [Improve][Dashboard] Sink field mapping title format is unified
INLONG-9354 [Improve][Dashboard] Data access File sources optimization
INLONG-9368 [Improve][Dashboard] Creation time or other time display in an easily readable format
INLONG-9383 [Improve][Dashboard] Resource details display cluster label information
INLONG-9385 [Improve][Dashboard] Create a new cluster and remove the agent and dataproxy types
INLONG-9427 [Improve][Dashboard] Data access supports viewing operation logs


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8958 [Bug][Manager]Create cls topic fail
INLONG-8960 [Feature][Manager] Automatically assign sort cluster after creating stream sinks
INLONG-8964 [Feature][Manager] Support Sortstandalone cluster management
INLONG-8975 [Improve][Manager] The manager issues an audit IDs based on the group mode
INLONG-8986 [Bug][Manager] Sort standalone get params from manager error
INLONG-8988 [Improve][Manager] Supports multiple wrap types for message body
INLONG-8990 [Improve][Manager][DataProxy][SDK] Rename DataProxyMsgEncType to Message WrapType
INLONG-8992 [Bug][Manager] NPE caused by not using transform
INLONG-8995 [Improve][Manager] Add an interface for querying used task information for agent
INLONG-9003 [Feature][DataProxy][Manager] Support extend fields
INLONG-9017 [Improve][Manager] Add stop interface in stream source API
INLONG-9023 [Bug][Manager] Failed to stop job task
INLONG-9027 [Bug][Manager] Fix SQL error in ClusterSetMapper.selectInlongStreamId
INLONG-9036 [Improve][Manager] Support create tables for dataSync
INLONG-9041 [Improve][Manager] Support saving schema information when saving iceberg source
INLONG-9051 [Improve][Manager] Add consumer group in the approval form
INLONG-9060 [Bug][Manager] Manager return wrong sink configuration to sort standalone
INLONG-9062 [Improve][Manager] Add default values for stream related interface parameters
INLONG-9066 [Improve][Manager] Renaming group related states
INLONG-9069 [Improve][Manager] Filter out invalid configs when organize SortStandalone configuration
INLONG-9070 [Improve][Manager] Add MessageWrapType.forType method for MessageWrapType
INLONG-9073 [Improve][Manager] Add getStreamBriefInfo method for InlongStreamClient
INLONG-9092 [Improve][Manager] Tube supports inlong-msg format
INLONG-9098 [Improve][Manager] Support to save additional info for the Iceberg field
INLONG-9106 [Improve][Manager] Support configuring multiple job tasks under a group
INLONG-9109 [Bug][Manager] Incorrect URL address for getbrief mapping in streamApi
INLONG-9147 [Improve][Manager] The group details are displayed with the tag of the cluster to which the group belongs
INLONG-9192 [Feature][Manager] Flat Sort Cluster types
INLONG-9203 [Bug][Manager][Sort] Failed to use Iceberg sink
INLONG-9205 [Bug][Manager] Failed to use Hudi sink
INLONG-9209 [Improve][Manager] Support configuring predefined fields and issuing agents
INLONG-9211 [Bug][Manager] Redis cannot get the clusterMode from sink
INLONG-9240 [Improve][Sort][Manager] Add options for Iceberg connector
INLONG-9248 [Improve][Manager] Supports configuring builtIn fields for tube source and pulsar source
INLONG-9250 [Improve][Manager] Add auditId for tube, pulsar, and mysql
INLONG-9259 [Feature][Manager] Optimize Elasticsearch sink and datanode
INLONG-9269 [Bug][Manager] Get SortClusterConfig is empty,when sink params include non-string type
INLONG-9280 [Feature][Manager] Support different size of extended fields of InlongStream
INLONG-9285 [Bug][Manager] When creating KafkaSource, the autoOffsetReset param cannot be empty
INLONG-9297 [Feature][Manager] Support configuring multiple sink types of tasks under a single stream
INLONG-9303 [Feature][Manager]Support Tube MQ sink
INLONG-9314 [Feature][Manager] Support cluster switch for InlongGroup
INLONG-9318 [Improve][Manager] ManagerClient supports pulling clusters based on tenant roles
INLONG-9328 [Improve][Manager] Add parameters validation for the updateAuditSource method
INLONG-9330 [Improve][Manager] Add encoding check to the StarRocks JDBC URL
INLONG-9337 [Improve][Manager] Support querying operation records
INLONG-9343 [Improve][Manager] Support configuring timeZone related parameters for fileSource
INLONG-9351 [Improve][Manager] Support querying audit data size
INLONG-9358 [Bug][Manager] The creation time of the information in the database differs from the creation time in the returned information by eight hours
INLONG-9362 [Improve][Manager] Support the configuration of parameters related to the migration of the entire Iceberg database
INLONG-9373 [Bug][Manager] Failed to create namespace
INLONG-9400 [Bug][Manager] Error obtaining sort task type
INLONG-9433 [Bug][Manager] NPE exception encountered while querying audit information
INLONG-9444 [Bug][Manager] ES sink unsuccessful flow status configuration successful
INLONG-9447 [Bug][Manager] Suspend group failed


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8990 [Improve][Manager][DataProxy][SDK] Rename DataProxyMsgEncType to Message WrapType
INLONG-9007 [Improve][SDK] ClientList out of bounds
INLONG-9044 [Improve][SDK] Add server response log to facilitate troubleshooting
INLONG-9058 [Improve][SDK] Limit the number of inlong-groupid and inlong-streamid of a single SDK instance
INLONG-9079 [Improve][SDK] Shaded some dependency to reduce conflicts with other sdk
INLONG-9083 [Improve][SDK] Bump up Golang SDK x/net modules
INLONG-9167 [Improve][SDK] Use UUID as the batch ID instead of snowflake ID for DataProxy Golang SDK
INLONG-9170 [Improve][SDK] Use pointer instead of object for chans in Golang SDK
INLONG-9172 [Improve][SDK] comment/delete some debug log in some frequently called methods for Golang SDK
INLONG-9174 [Improve][SDK] Improve response attr parsing in Golang SDK
INLONG-9176 [Improve][SDK] Fail fast when worker is unavailable in Golang SDK
INLONG-9178 [Improve][SDK] Update the default values of the config options of Golang SDK
INLONG-9180 [Improve][SDK] Cache up batchReq.dataReqs
INLONG-9184 [Improve][SDK] Update in Golang SDK
INLONG-9213 [Improve][SDK] Support isolation by inlong groupid
INLONG-9228 [Improve][SDK] CPP SDK supports dynamic load balancing
INLONG-9277 [Feature][SDK] Optimize multi-region nearby access
INLONG-9293 [Improve][SDK] Optimize the problem that the more inlong grouids there are, the more memory is consumed.
INLONG-9307 [Improve][SDK] Improve DataProxy SDK code readability
INLONG-9320 [Improve][SDK] Support local disaster recovery manager configuration
INLONG-9324 [Improve][SDK] Supports automatic creation of custom log directories
INLONG-9341 [Improve][SDK] Optimize obtaining local IP information
INLONG-9345 [Bug][SDK] DataProxy SDK throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorException
INLONG-9355 [Improve][SDK] Optimize resource isolation for CPP SDK
INLONG-9378 [Improve][SDK] Optimize proxy configuration update


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8959 [Feature][Sort]Add mongodb connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-8973 [Bug][Sort] Fix PRIMARY KEY desc error in redis readme.
INLONG-8979 [Bug][Sort] Wrong desc about redis-conenctor in flink 1.13 module about command option
INLONG-8982 [Feature][Sort] Iceberg sink on flink 1.15
INLONG-8997 [Improve][Sort] Keep the logic the same with flink v1.15 mysql in flink v1.13 end to end test
INLONG-8998 [Improve][Sort] Add sqlserver connector of flink 1.15
INLONG-8999 [Feature][Sort] Add sqlserver connector of flink 1.15
INLONG-9009 [Feature][Sort] Add HBase connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-9038 [Bug][Sort] Fail to parse InlongMessage when exporting Pulsar
INLONG-9075 [Improve][Sort] TubeMQSource support InlongMsg format
INLONG-9077 [Bug][Sort] TubeMQ connector fail to subscribe streamId
INLONG-9084 [Bug][Sort] Fail to parse InlongGroupId when report Inlong Audit
INLONG-9087 [Improve][Sort] TubeMQ Connector use latest offset mode
INLONG-9128 [Bug][Sort] Failed to init TubeMQ source with InlongMsg type message
INLONG-9203 [Bug][Manager][Sort] Failed to use Iceberg sink
INLONG-9223 [Feature][Sort] TubeMQ souce support InlongAudit
INLONG-9231 [Bug][Sort] Find no audit time field when the filed is in upper case
INLONG-9240 [Improve][Sort][Manager] Add options for Iceberg connector
INLONG-9246 [Improve][Sort] Pulsar source support audit when the deserialized type is not InlongMsg
INLONG-9247 [Improve][Sort] TubeMQ source support audit when the deserialized type is not InlongMsg
INLONG-9273 [Bug][Sort] IcebergSingleFileCommiter will throw exception for error code
INLONG-9333 [Bug][Sort] Related problem with attribute exceptions when creating 'hudiSink'
INLONG-9371 [Bug][Sort] elasticsearch sort shade relocation error
INLONG-9377 [Bug][Sort] Failed to init iceberg sink with upsert mode
INLONG-9380 [Bug][Sort] Audit lost when stop job immediately after checkpoint
INLONG-9388 [Improve][Sort] Updated version of embedded-redis in sort-connector-redis
INLONG-9392 [Bug][Sort] MySqlContainer class getJdbcUrl() method splicing querystring error
INLONG-9394 [Improve][Sort] Incorrect use of maven plugin on integration test among sort-end-to-end-tests
INLONG-9417 [Bug][Sort] Missing MySQL CDC connector for Flink 1.15


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8961 [Improve] Server-side request forgery attack prevention in some classes
INLONG-8967 [Feature] Add Mysql connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-8971 [Improve][manager] Missing audit id for MQ
INLONG-8977 [Feature] Add tube source connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-8994 [Feature] Add hudi connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-9013 [Improve][DataProxy] Inconsistent annotations
INLONG-9025 [Improve][Build] Avoid deploying the distribution packages to repositories
INLONG-9034 [Improve] Fix sort redis test with incorrect use of sleep
INLONG-9046 [Improve][CVE] snappy-java's missing upper bound check on chunk length can lead to Denial of Service (DoS) impact
INLONG-9064 [Feature] Add Audit report for Pulsar connector in flink 1.15
INLONG-9081 [Bug] Pulsar connector in flink 1.15 should running in exclusive mode
INLONG-9095 [Feature] Support inlong-msg in pulsar flink 1.15 connector
INLONG-9104 [Improve][ASF] Add a protected branches strategy for the master branch
INLONG-9202 [Bug] Fix audit report error when running pulsar -> iceberg in flink1.15
INLONG-9221 [Bug]When sink is MySQL, there is no 'DataNode' when first selected
INLONG-9225 [Improve][Audit] Automatically create audit topic after service startup
INLONG-9271 [Bug] When creating 'StreamField', 'isMetaField' must be initialized
INLONG-9281 [Bug] Fix pulsar flink connector cannot support batch messages
INLONG-9296 [Bug] Cluster type 'DATAPROXY' not supported
INLONG-9299 [Feature] Iceberg support all migrate and auto create table
INLONG-9359 [Bug] Fix iceberg all migrate connector stack overflow error
INLONG-9384 [Bug] Fix audi report loss in pulsar connector


6 months ago


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8850 [Improve][Agent] Remove unregister of MetricRegister when taskmanager is initialized
INLONG-8655 [Bug][Agent] JobWrapper thread leaks when the job is stopped
INLONG-8652 [Improve][Agent] Delete the capacity of setting blacklist
INLONG-8649 [Bug][Agent] Thread leaks for ProxySink when the DataProxy SDK init failed
INLONG-8647 [Improve][Agent] Stop sending task snapshot to Manager module
INLONG-8645 [Improve][Agent] Delete the capacity of the loading trigger for local files
INLONG-8629 [Bug][Agent] Sending invalid data to DataProxy failed blocks normal data sending
INLONG-8524 [Improve][Agent] Update the JVM Options for Agent
INLONG-8520 [Bug][Agent] File agent sent data to dataproxy was all json formatted 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8146 [Improve][Agent] Optimize, and '-XX:NativeMemoryTracking'
INLONG-8799 [Bug][Manager][Agent][DataProxy] The "opentelemetry" related configs may affect the startup of services
INLONG-8611 [Feature][Manager][Agent][DataProxy] Support full link tracking to improve the observability of the project


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8836 [Improve][Audit] Add audit_tag information to distinguish data sources and data targets
INLONG-8753 [Improve][Audit] Separate commons-text from org.apache.flume
INLONG-8699 [Improve][Audit] Optimize the service log of audit-proxy
INLONG-8642 [Improve][Audit] Remove the audit commons-text dependency


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8882 [Feature][Dashboard] Support management of Pulsar data node
INLONG-8881 [Feature][Dashboard] Support management of Pulsar sink
INLONG-8843 [Improve][Dashboard] StarRocks sink field optimization
INLONG-8841 [Feature][Dashboard] Support management of Iceberg sources
INLONG-8810 [Improve][Dashboard] Approval management process ID link optimization
INLONG-8800 [Improve][Dashboard] Owners search component optimization
INLONG-8788 [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization page optimization
INLONG-8779 [Improve][Dashboard] Modify password verification optimization
INLONG-8760 [Bug][Dashboard] The transform button was not at the center
INLONG-8757 [Improve][Dashboard] Implement buttons using a link good first issue
INLONG-8755 [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization field mapping optimization
INLONG-8727 [Improve][Dashboard] Approval management Application details optimization
INLONG-8705 [Improve][Dashboard] Source and sink title optimization
INLONG-8693 [Feature][Dashboard] Data synchronization supports Audit
INLONG-8661 [Bug][DashBoard] DatabaseWhiteList is required which is inconsistent with tips
INLONG-8624 [Bug][Dashboard] Tenant Management Search Tenant Exceptions
INLONG-8621 [Feature][Dashboard] Approval management supports approval data synchronization
INLONG-8575 [Improve][Dashboard] Tenant management query optimization
INLONG-8560 [Bug][Dashboard] No username and password when configuring hive.
INLONG-8548 [Feature][Dashboard] Data access supports displaying transmission delay
INLONG-8546 [Bug][Dashboard] Inlong group resource details display error good first issue
INLONG-8512 [Bug][Dashboard] Create tube consumer failed when selecting topic 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8502 [Bug][Dashboard] Query data preview interface exception
INLONG-8500 [Bug][Dashboard] Fix stream data preview url error
INLONG-8008 [Improve][Dashboard] Add default icon for different data nodes good first issue


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8914 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize DataProxy event statistics
INLONG-8899 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize metadata update logic
INLONG-8819 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize ConfigHolder related subclass loading processing
INLONG-8758 [Improve][DataProxy] Metadata synchronization management optimization
INLONG-8741 [Bug][DataProxy] Wrong constant reference in CommonConfigHolder class
INLONG-8729 [Bug][DataProxy] Wrong result in the addSendResultMetric function also reports success
INLONG-8725 [Improve][DataProxy] Cache file metric output switch value at usage location
INLONG-8679 [Improve][DataProxy] Migrate index-related variables to abstract classes
INLONG-8670 [Improve][DataProxy] Define in detail the exceptions actively thrown in Source
INLONG-8657 [Improve][DataProxy] Cache Source, Sink name and Channel object content
INLONG-8597 [Improve][DataProxy] Adjust the format of the metric output to the file
INLONG-8589 [Improve][DataProxy] Add callback parameter support for Http access
INLONG-8576 [Improve][DataProxy] Adjust handling when messages are incomplete
INLONG-8507 [Improve][Dataproxy] Modify nodeIp in dataproxy message to clientIp
INLONG-6364 [Improve][DataProxy] Add DataProxy node load information stage/stale
INLONG-8799 [Bug][Manager][Agent][DataProxy] The "opentelemetry" related configs may affect the startup of services
INLONG-8611 [Feature][Manager][Agent][DataProxy] Support full link tracking to improve the observability of the project


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8852 [Improve][Manager] Supports fuzzy matching of username based on keyword
INLONG-8845 [Feature][Manager] Support Tencent Cloud Log Service data flow
INLONG-8834 [Bug][Manager] No relationship generated after setting the transformnode
INLONG-8832 [Bug][Manager] The request type for transform/list in the client does not match the actual one
INLONG-8829 [Improve][Manager] Support configuring whether to use zookeeper by request
INLONG-8827 [Feature][Manager] Inlong manager sql directory is incorrect in docker README
INLONG-8823 [Feature][Manager] Supporting data flow to Pulsar
INLONG-8816 [INLONG-8815][Manager] Supports configuring iceberg streamSources
INLONG-8815 [Improve][Manager] Supports configuring iceberg streamSources
INLONG-8813 [Improve][Manager] Replacing whitespace characters in MySQL JDBC URL
INLONG-8805 [Feature][Manager] Check tenant status before deleting tenant
INLONG-8799 [Bug][Manager][Agent][DataProxy] The "opentelemetry" related configs may affect the startup of services
INLONG-8797 [Feature][Manager][Sort] Audit has no data for data sync
INLONG-8794 [Improve][Manager] Support add streamField and sinkField
INLONG-8781 [Bug][Manager] When batch task is finished, exception is throw
INLONG-8773 [Improve][Manager] Optimize Agent heartbeat logic
INLONG-8771 [Bug][Manager] Audit data error for MySQL data source
INLONG-8751 [Bug][Manager] Response of data preview was empty
INLONG-8749 [Improve][Manager] Support configuring whether to initialize node state during startup
INLONG-8739 [Bug][Manager] The file collection task was mistakenly deleted
INLONG-8675 [Bug][Manager]Manager client InlongTenant get method request type error
INLONG-8671 [Bug][Manager] Find no method parameter of form data in POST request
INLONG-8663 [Improve][Manager] Add tenant related OpenAPI
INLONG-8627 [Improve][Manager] Add parameters validation for the testConnection method
INLONG-8622 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the permission control of user API
INLONG-8620 [INLONG-8619][Manager] Remove the inlong role check of internal interfaces
INLONG-8619 [Improve][Manager] Remove the inlong role check of internal interfaces
INLONG-8618 [INLONG-8617][Manager] Optimize compatibility of SortSdk config interface 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8617 [Improve][Manager] Optimize compatibility of SortSdk config interface
INLONG-8611 [Feature][Manager][Agent][DataProxy] Support full link tracking to improve the observability of the project
INLONG-8606 [INLONG-8590][Manager] Make Cluster and ClusterTags as public resources
INLONG-8603 [Bug][Manager] Fix the vulnerability to security attacks for the MySQL JDBC URL
INLONG-8590 [Improve][Manager] Make Cluster and ClusterTags as public resources
INLONG-8586 [Improve][Manager] Stop Stream Source which is still running after group is stopped
INLONG-8582 [Improve][Manager] Remove unnecessary log information in InlongClusterServiceImpl
INLONG-8570 [Bug][Manager] Modules in the wrong order cause UT execution to fail
INLONG-8568 [INLONG-8567][Manager] Add new role INLONG_SERVICE for internal service query 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8567 [Feature][Manager] Add new role INLONG_SERVICE for internal service query
INLONG-8564 [Bug][Manager] Unable to issue tasks after modifying data node info
INLONG-8563 [Improve][Manager] Opitmize the permission check of tenant-related operation
INLONG-8556 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the location of the manager-plugins-flink jar package
INLONG-8550 [INLONG-8547][Manager] Add workflow approver automatically when create a new tenant
INLONG-8547 [Feature][Manager] Add workflow approver automatically when create a new tenant
INLONG-8541 [Bug][Manager] Save InlongGroup with error tenant 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8539 [Improve][Manager] Remove stream source when heartbeat of agent contains no group message
INLONG-8537 [Bug][Manager] Insert group failed 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8535 [Bug][Manager] There is a null pointer when calling updateRuntimeConfig method
INLONG-8529 [Improve][Manager] update stream source to heartbeat timeout when evit cluster node
INLONG-8522 [Improve][Manager] Optimize log print for AgentService
INLONG-8516 [Improve][Manager] Missing scala dependency for Flink 1.15 1.9.x/bugfix
INLONG-8514 [Improve][Manager] Support ClickHouse field type special modifier Nullable
INLONG-8509 [Improve][Manager] Optimize preProcessTemplateFileTask in AgentServiceImpl
INLONG-8492 [INLONG-8490][Manager] Duplicate queried audit data according to all fields
INLONG-8491 [Feature][Manager] manager client support list inlong streams with sources and sinks by paginating
INLONG-8490 [Improve][Manager] Duplicate queried audit data according to all fields
INLONG-8488 [INLONG-8374][Manager] Manager client tools support multiple tenant
INLONG-8448 [INLONG-8447][Manager] Optimize paging logic
INLONG-8447 [Improve][Manager] Optimize paging logic stage/stale
INLONG-8446 [Feature][Manager] Remove the permission check logic in Services and DAOs good first issue
INLONG-8403 [Feature][Manager] Support resource migrate to different tenant
INLONG-8374 [Feature][Manager] Manager client tools support multiple tenant good first issue
INLONG-8360 [Improve][Manager] Support previewing data of Kafka


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8916 [Improve][SDK] Update SDK configuration file for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8910 [Improve][SDK] Adjust some default configuration parameters
INLONG-8905 [Improve][SDK] Code specifications for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8896 [Improve][SDK] Remove old code before refactoring for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8891 [Improve][SDK] Optimize compile for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8889 [Improve][SDK] Optimize CmakeList for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8887 [Improve][SDK] Optimize api framework for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8885 [Improve][SDK] Optimize tcp manager framework for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8883 [Improve][SDK] Optimize proxy config manager framework for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8868 [Improve][SDK] Optimize send data framework for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8866 [Improve][SDK] Optimize data receiving framework for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8864 [Improve][SDK] Add memory utils for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8861 [Improve][SDK] Add mutex utils for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8860 [Improve][SDK] Add log utils for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8858 [Improve][SDK] Add init helper information for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8856 [Improve][SDK] Add msg information for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8854 [Improve][SDK] Add return code information for dataproxy cpp sdk
INLONG-8784 [INLONG-8766][SDK] SortSdk create consumer in parallel
INLONG-8766 [Improve][SDK] SortSdk create consumer in parallel
INLONG-8747 [Improve][SDK] Optimize the local configuration management of cpp sdk
INLONG-8728 [Improve][SDK] Optimize the problem of third-party openssl library dependency failure
INLONG-8639 [Improve][SDK] Improve send failed logic of DataProxy
INLONG-8637 [Improve][SDK] Pool data request and batch request for DataProxy
INLONG-8635 [Improve][SDK] Update dependency packages and required Go version for DataProxy
INLONG-8633 [Improve][SDK] Update debug log level for DataProxy SDK
INLONG-8631 [Improve][SDK] Handle context.Done() in Send() for DataProxy SDK


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8897 [Bug][Sort] update dbz option name 'schema. whitelist' to 'schema.include.list'
INLONG-8848 [Bug][Sort] Sort base dependency error
INLONG-8839 [Feature][Sort] Add audit metric in starrocks connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-8838 [Improve][Sort] IcebergSource support metadata
INLONG-8825 [Feature][Sort] Optimize the field type conversion between source and target in the whole database scenario
INLONG-8818 [INLONG-8643][Sort] Support Iceberg source
INLONG-8808 [Improve][Sort] Improve convertToBinary for RowDataDebeziumDeserializeSchema
INLONG-8796 [Improve][Sort] Add SchemaChangeEventHandler to deal schema change event by each connector
INLONG-8786 [Bug][Sort] The Doris schema should be changed in case of multiple URI
INLONG-8783 [Bug][Sort] MySql connector jdbc version is incompatible with mysql-cdc version
INLONG-8776 [Improve][Sort] MySql connector should add jdbc driver jar
INLONG-8745 [Improve][Sort] Add incremental and postgre type in postgre connector
INLONG-8743 [Feature][Sort] Support more type of ddl in all migration
INLONG-8667 [Improve][Sort] The inner class name was wrong in OracleSnapshotContext
INLONG-8653 [Bug][Sort] fix the query sql for jdbc pg dialect multiple table scenerios.
INLONG-8643 [Feature][Sort] Add Iceberg source on flink 1.15
INLONG-8641 [Bug][Sort] SingleTableCustomFieldsPartitioner package name does not match path
INLONG-8616 [INLONG-8598][Sort] Optimize sortstandalone pulsar sink
INLONG-8602 [Bug][Sort] Fix StackOverflowError of Oracle CDC
INLONG-8598 [Improve][Sort] Optimize sortstandalone pulsar sink
INLONG-8596 [Feature][Sort] Iceberg supports dynamic switching between append and upsert
INLONG-8594 [Bug][Sort] When change record is chunk range of snapshot phase, MongoDB cannot rewrite the record
INLONG-8579 [INLONG-8578][Sort] Fix npe inside outputReadPhaseMetrics in mysql-cdc
INLONG-8578 [Bug][Sort] NPE occurred inside outputReadPhaseMetrics of mysql-cdc
INLONG-8558 [Improve][Sort] Use database name in upper case at the OracleTableSourceFactory
INLONG-8551 [INLONG-8549][Sort] Fix incorrect use of maven plugin on integration test among sort-end-to-end-tests
INLONG-8549 [Bug][Sort] Incorrect use of maven plugin on integration test among sort-end-to-end-tests
INLONG-8445 [Feature][Sort] Support running tests on both Flink 1.13 and Flink 1.15
INLONG-8436 [Bug][Sort] The backfill task not running bug in oracle cdc connector
INLONG-8279 [Bug][Sort] NPE when run MySqlLoadSqlParseTest
INLONG-8236 [Feature][Sort] Iceberg supports dynamic switching between append and upsert
INLONG-7908 [Feature][Sort] PostgreSQL connector supports parallel read
INLONG-7900 [Feature][Sort] Support partition by custom fields when upsert single table of Kafka
INLONG-7763 [Feature][Sort] Support ddl change for doris
INLONG-8797 [Feature][Manager][Sort] Audit has no data for data sync
INLONG-8903 [Bug][TubeMQ][Sort] int64 not recognized by the compiler and Missing @Override annotations


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-4972 [Feature][TubeMQ] Add TubeMQ Command Tools stage/roadmap
INLONG-8903 [Bug][TubeMQ][Sort] int64 not recognized by the compiler and Missing @Override annotations
INLONG-8871 [Improve][TubeMQ] Use an error code in checkMessageAndStatus() to return the check result instead of throwing an exception
INLONG-8812 [Improve][Tubemq] Missing parameter
INLONG-8793 [INLONG-8791][TubeMQ] Tubemq-client-go lacks log level configuration API
INLONG-8768 [Improve][TubeMQ] Adding for inlong-tubemq-manager
INLONG-8720 [Improve][TubeMQ] Some unused return params in WebParamaterUtils
INLONG-8717 [Bug][TubeMQ] Display wrong response message in TubeMQ master web panel
INLONG-8716 [Bug][TubeMQ] set error code 0 when it works
INLONG-8701 [Improve][TubeMQ] Master dashboard respond always true when some operation complete


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8614 [Bug][CI] Post maven cache failed for UT and build workflow service/ci
INLONG-8494 [Bug][CI] Caught IOException "No space left on device" for Analyze by CodeQL workflow
INLONG-8846 [Improve][Doc] Add ASF DOAP File for InLong
INLONG-8543 [Bug][Docker] The path of the mysql connector is wrong when docker build service/docker
INLONG-8533 [Improve][Docker] Add MySQL connector to the manager image service/docker
INLONG-8918 [Bug][Script] A script parameter error in bin/inlong-daemon
INLONG-8690 [Improve][Security] TemporaryFolder on unix-like systems does not limit access to created files
INLONG-8688 [Improve][Security] Incorrect Authorization in MySQL Connector Java
INLONG-8687 [Improve][Security] Apache Pulsar Java Client vulnerable to Improper Certificate Validation
INLONG-8686 [Improve][Security] TemporaryFolder on unix-like systems does not limit access to created files
INLONG-8685 [Improve][Security] Denial of service due to parser crash
INLONG-8684 [Improve][Security] Vite Server Options (server.fs.deny) can be bypassed using double forward-slash (//)
INLONG-8683 [Improve][Security] OutOfMemoryError for large multipart without filename in Eclipse Jetty
INLONG-8682 [Improve][Security] Guava vulnerable to insecure use of temporary directory
INLONG-8681 [Improve][Security] netty-handler SniHandler 16MB allocation


9 months ago

Release Notes


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8176 [Improve][Agent] Upgrade rocksdb version
INLONG-8180 [Improve][Agent] Improve the efficiency and safety of log file reading
INLONG-8183 [Improve][Agent] Optimize agent UT
INLONG-8244 [Bug][Agent] Thread leaks after the job is finished
INLONG-8251 [Improve][Agent] Add global memory limit for file collect
INLONG-8334 [Improve][Agent] Optimize the file collection UT
INLONG-8339 [Improve][DataProxy][Agent] Enable audit by default in DataProxy and Agent
INLONG-8347 [Improve][Agent] Optimize the agent UT of testTimeOffset
INLONG-8352 [Improve][Agent] Optimize the agent UT of testRestartTriggerJobRestore
INLONG-8376 [Improve][Agent] Optimize the agent UT of TestTriggerManager


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-4961 [Feature][DataProxy] Golang SDK
INLONG-7194 [Improve][DataProxy] Migrate index log statistics for the new mq layer
INLONG-7766 [Bug][SDK] Adjusted frame length exceeds occurred when reporting data through the HTTP protocol
INLONG-7950 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize the implementation logic of the Source
INLONG-8049 [Improve][DataProxy] Add CIDR configuration in the BlackList and WhiteList
INLONG-8073 [Improved][DataProxy]Add HTTP message processing logic in source2
INLONG-8106 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize ConfigManager implementation ( part one )
INLONG-8132 [Improve][DataProxy] Fix Golang SDK typo errors in and options.go
INLONG-8161 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize BatchPackProfile related classes implementation
INLONG-8163 [Improve][Manager][DataProxy] Make DataProxy config interface compatible with old versions
INLONG-8167 [Improve][DataProxy]Update Golang SDK dependent packages to fix dependabot alerts
INLONG-8192 [Bug][DataProxy] The topic name generated by dataproxy is incorrect
INLONG-8212 [Improve][DataProxy] Improve HTTP related message handling
INLONG-8228 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize the implementation of the index output to files
INLONG-8252 [Improve][DataProxy] Adjust default Topic settings from Source to Sink
INLONG-8267 [Improve][DataProxy] Add the control of whether to retry and the count of retries for the failure message
INLONG-8284 [Improve][DataProxy] Unify the message encoding definition of DataProxy
INLONG-8294 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize the log output in the Sink module
INLONG-8305 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize HttpPost object creation
INLONG-8311 [Improve][DataProxy] Add event handling support for FlumeEvent type
INLONG-8318 [Improve][DataProxy] Change notification synchronization through condition variables and locks
INLONG-8323 [Improve][DataProxy] Add Topic detailed information output when Producer is null
INLONG-8332 [Improve][DataProxy] Return original content for MSG_ORIGINAL_RETURN type messages
INLONG-8339 [Improve][DataProxy][Agent] Enable audit by default in DataProxy and Agent
INLONG-8356 [Improve][DataProxy] Replace source2 to source
INLONG-8368 [Bug][DataProxy] Sink does not have audit data
INLONG-8385 [Improve][DataProxy] Add take method in BufferQueue class
INLONG-8459 [Improve][DataProxy] Fix code scanning alert - Implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-4968 [Feature][TubeMQ] Golang SDK for Producing Message
INLONG-8122 [Feature][TubeMQ] Add "Heartbeat" method for GO SDK
INLONG-8165 [Feature][TubeMQ] Add "SendMessage" method for GO SDK
INLONG-8286 [Improve][TubeMQ] Supports the return package type when querying messages
INLONG-8321 [Improve][TubeMQ] Improve the precision of tube consumer id


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7914 [Feature][Manager] Support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8024 [Improve][Manager] Add extended properties when getting the status of the sort task info
INLONG-8035 [Bug][Manager] Non-file tasks cannot be recovered from the heartbeat timeout state
INLONG-8039 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the transform interface
INLONG-8047 [Improve][Dashboard][Manager][Sort] Rename lightweight to DataSync
INLONG-8066 [Improve][Manager] Add sort extended properties when getting the status info of the InlongGroup
INLONG-8068 [Feature][Manager] Support repeatable read for http request
INLONG-8072 [Bug][Manager] NPE when sort_task_name of stream_sink table is empty or null
INLONG-8080 [Bug][Manager] The total parameter found on the page is different from the actual value
INLONG-8087 [Feature][Manager] Add definition of Inlong tenant table
INLONG-8088 [Improve][Manager] The heartbeat timeout interval can be configured
INLONG-8091 [Bug][Manager] Unsupported FieldType is reported when the source and sink are both PostgreSQL
INLONG-8093 [Feature][Manager] Add inlong tenant related APIs
INLONG-8098 [Feature][Manager] Support Inlong user permission control
INLONG-8108 [Bug][Manager] WorkflowApprover API Permissions Optimization
INLONG-8114 [Bug][Manager] Appeared NPE when building properties
INLONG-8118 [Feature][Manager] Support tenant user permission control
INLONG-8121 [Improve][Manager] Supports cluster node status management in the case of multiple manager nodes
INLONG-8127 [Bug][Manager] UT failed in HeartbeatManagerTest.testReportHeartbeat
INLONG-8129 [Improve][Manager] Add encoding check to the MySQL JDBC URL
INLONG-8136 [Improve][Manager] Support obtaining resource information used by the current group
INLONG-8148 [Bug][Manager] The method of querying cluster nodes is not idempotent
INLONG-8150 [Improve][Manager] Not throw an exception when getting cluster nodes
INLONG-8152 [Improve][Manager] Paging queries remove the restriction that groupid is not empty
INLONG-8154 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the way of creating ExtractNodes to make it easy to expand and maintain
INLONG-8159 [Improve][Manager] Rename "tenant" in InlongPulsarInfo to "pulsarTenant"
INLONG-8163 [Improve][Manager][DataProxy] Make DataProxy config interface compatible with old versions
INLONG-8169 [Feature][Manager] Add default tenant "public" if the request does not specify one
INLONG-8171 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the way of creating LoadNodes to make it easy to expand and maintain
INLONG-8188 [Improve][Manager] Support querying audit information by sink id
INLONG-8197 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the ClickHouse query for the Audit interface
INLONG-8199 [Improve][Manager] Supports get brief information of inlong stream
INLONG-8200 [Feature][Manager] Fliter out requests which user has no permission to the specific tenant
INLONG-8202 [Improve][Manager] Extract public parseFormat method to optimize NodeProvider
INLONG-8222 [Feature][Manager] Support different data types mapping for different data sources by the strategy pattern
INLONG-8226 [Improve][Manager] Change the type of partitionNum for KafkaSink
INLONG-8231 [Feature][Manager] Add tenant into param and body of each request
INLONG-8247 [Improve][Manager] Removes the restriction that only the admin user can create DataNodes
INLONG-8260 [Bug][Manager] Source field is empty for data sync
INLONG-8266 [Improve][Manager] Optimize PostgreSQL field type mapping strategy with the customized configuration file
INLONG-8275 [Umbrella][Manager] All resources support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8276 [Feature][Manager] InlongGroup support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8278 [Feature][Manager] Add tenant into the login user info
INLONG-8281 [Feature][Manager] Manager client support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8282 [Improve][Manager] Increase the length of the partial ID or name field
INLONG-8288 [Feature][Manager] Add MySQL field type mapping strategy to improve usability
INLONG-8290 [Improve][Manager] Support SQL interceptor to add tenant into each query
INLONG-8292 [Improve][Manager][Dashboard] Add task types on the approval management page
INLONG-8296 [Improve][Manager] Move LoginUserUtils to pojo to avoid cycle dependency
INLONG-8300 [Feature][Manager] Support previewing data of Pulsar
INLONG-8313 [Feature][Manager] Add Oracle field type mapping strategy to improve usability
INLONG-8327 [Feature][Manager] Add SQLServer field type mapping strategy to improve usability
INLONG-8330 [Bug][Manager] The information returned by the getAllConfig interface is incorrect
INLONG-8345 [Improve][Manager][Sort] Flink multi-version adaptation directory adjustment and version unified management
INLONG-8349 [Feature][Manager] DataNode support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8354 [Improve][Manager] Support previewing data of TubeMQ
INLONG-8361 [Bug][Manager] Group restart fail
INLONG-8365 [Feature][Manager] InlongCluster support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8369 [Feature][Manager] Add MongoDB field type mapping strategy to improve usability
INLONG-8378 [Feature][Manager] InlongClusterTag support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8380 [Feature][Manager] InlongConsume support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8389 [Bug][Manager] Tenant interception failure when authentication is disable
INLONG-8394 [Improve][Manager] TenantRole list interface support fuzzy match
INLONG-8396 [Improve][Manager] Support for querying audit data with average delay
INLONG-8398 [Improve][Manager] Optimize multiple tenant related logs
INLONG-8404 [Feature][Manager] Workflow support multi-tenancy
INLONG-8405 [Improve][Manager] Dynamically configure ClickHouse source
INLONG-8421 [Bug][Manager] NPE when disable OpenApi auth
INLONG-8423 [Feature][Manager] Manager client support tenant operation
INLONG-8425 [Bug][Manager] Error in obtaining audit information when sink is not configured
INLONG-8434 [Bug][Manager] Error converting null to string when converting JSON string
INLONG-8440 [Feature][Manager] Support list tenant info by user or given tenant list
INLONG-8442 [Feature][Manager] Support delete tenant and tenant role
INLONG-8443 [Feature][Manager] Add ClickHouse field type mapping strategy to improve usability
INLONG-8449 [Bug][Manager] Abnormal growth of self increasing primary key in heartbeat table
INLONG-8462 [Bug][Manager] Attribute was overwritten by the default value error when modifying the group
INLONG-8469 [Bug][Manager] The ext_params is incorrectly set to null


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-6545 [Improve][Sort] Accurately parse the schema type and completely match the missing precision information
INLONG-7853 [Feature][Sort] Add common handle for schema-change in sink
INLONG-7882 [Improve][Sort] Oracle CDC reduces the number of session connections
INLONG-7959 [Improve][Sort] Dynamic schema evolution support delete and update columns when sink to Iceberg
INLONG-7990 [Improve][Sort] Fix license header for InLongFixedPartitionPartitionerTest
INLONG-7994 [Improve][Sort] Add UT for all migration to MongoDB CDC
INLONG-8034 [Improve][Sort] Bump hudi version to 0.12.3
INLONG-8038 [Feature][Sort] Optimize MySQL CDC chunk splitting logic
INLONG-8047 [Improve][Dashboard][Manager][Sort] Rename lightweight to DataSync
INLONG-8054 [Improve][Sort] Update document information of Sort
INLONG-8062 [Feature][Sort] Add PostgreSQL source connector on flink 1.15
INLONG-8065 [Feature][Sort] Add StarRocks connector on Flink 1.15
INLONG-8092 [Feature][Sort] Support all database and multiple tables transmission for Hive
INLONG-8099 [Umbrella][Sort] Sort support Flink multi-version
INLONG-8101 [Feature][Sort] Support multi-version packaging of sort-connectors
INLONG-8110 [Improve][Sort] Only whole database migration need table level metric
INLONG-8116 [Improve][Sort] Support table api config setting
INLONG-8125 [Improve][Sort] Optimizing the speed of transitioning from snapshot to binlog
INLONG-8140 [Feature][Sort] Support data inference schema change type
INLONG-8143 [Feature][Sort] Kafka support DDL
INLONG-8173 [Bug][Sort] Fix the NPE problem when adding new columns
INLONG-8175 [Improve][Sort] MySQL CDC support read data from specific timestamp
INLONG-8177 [Improve][Sort] Improve jdbc connector object calculation and Fix filesystem connector report dirty data metrics error
INLONG-8217 [Improve][Sort] Sort-core should support running on flink-1.15
INLONG-8218 [Bug][Sort] Kafka connector reader data byte calculation error
INLONG-8220 [Improve][Sort] Add PostgreSQL connector for Flink 1.15 in distribution
INLONG-8233 [Improve][Sort] Support running tests on both Flink 1.13 and Flink 1.15
INLONG-8239 [Improve][Sort] Support sort format to flink-1.15
INLONG-8307 [Bug][Sort] Job restart failed from savepoint When set 'scan.startup.mode' = 'timestamp'
INLONG-8337 [Improve][Sort] Support getting accurate precision and scale of decimal type for Iceberg
INLONG-8341 [Improve][Sort] MySQL cdc connector cannot get scale for decimal field
INLONG-8345 [Improve][Manager][Sort] Flink multi-version adaptation directory adjustment and version unified management
INLONG-8363 [Improve][Sort] MySQL connector captures binlog in snapshot phase all the time even if tables have been removed in flink sql
INLONG-8366 [Bug][Sort] Lost data in Iceberg when restoring checkpoint
INLONG-8372 [Improve][Sort] MySQL connector supports uploading flink job delay metrics
INLONG-8382 [Improve][Sort] Provide unsupported operation for ddl that is not parseable
INLONG-8411 [Bug][Sort] The artifactId of the dependency of sort-format-json is wrong
INLONG-8429 [Bug][Sort] Shield the missing part of the Flink 1.15 connector pipeline failure error


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8224 [Bug][Audit] Fix audit-proxy memory leak
INLONG-8315 [Improve][Audit] Filter out invalid data that is more than 7 days old (configurable)


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8043 [Improve][Dashboard] The label displays the cluster name as displayName
INLONG-8046 [Improve][Dashboard] Support batch import of sink fields
INLONG-8047 [Improve][Dashboard][Manager][Sort] Rename lightweight to DataSync
INLONG-8051 [Improve][Dashboard] Optimize the display effect of the batch parse dialog
INLONG-8078 [Bug][Dashboard] Source and sink list pagination does not work
INLONG-8134 [Feature][Dashboard] Inlong Group supports viewing resource details
INLONG-8190 [Improve][Dashboard] Optimize the param display name for PostgreSQL
INLONG-8204 [Improve][Dashboard] Support querying audit information by sink id
INLONG-8254 [Improve][Dashboard] Supports get brief information of inlong stream
INLONG-8257 [Improve][Dashboard] Optimize the data node to display normally
INLONG-8262 [Improve][Dashboard] Optimize the group log component
INLONG-8269 [Feature][Dashboard] Navigation bar increased data synchronization
INLONG-8298 [Improve][Dashboard] Stream supports data preview
INLONG-8302 [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization source and sink type optimization
INLONG-8316 [Improve][Dashboard] Update length limit for partial ID or name field
INLONG-8343 [Improve][Dashboard] Increase the length of the field for creating MySQL varchar types to 16383
INLONG-8350 [Feature][Dashboard] Dashboard plugin support light
INLONG-8384 [Improve][Dashboard] Data Integration ---> Data Ingestion
INLONG-8431 [Feature][Dashboard] Support tenant management and tenant role management
INLONG-8461 [Improve][Dashboard] Cluster management tag optimization
INLONG-8467 [Improve][Dashboard] Audit query condition optimization


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8005 [Bug] Fix duplicate split request when add new table in mysql connector
INLONG-8042 [Improve][CI] Update the workflow to avoid the network being unreachable
INLONG-8060 [Improve] Let mysql source reader throws runtimeException when connect times out or OOM
INLONG-8082 [Bug][CI] workflow ci_build.yml ci_greeting.yml syntax error
INLONG-8103 [Improve][CI] Format the order of imports by the spotless plugin
INLONG-8157 [Bug][CI] Failed to compile code in submodule
INLONG-8249 [Improve][CVE] Upgrade org.springframework:spring-boot-autoconfigure to 2.6.15
INLONG-8274 [Bug][Sort] Mysql connector will throw exception when synchronizing incremental data
INLONG-8309 [Improve][CVE] Upgrade org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java to version 1.1.10. 1
INLONG-8326 [Improve][Build] Remove duplicate dependency declarations of "jsqlparser"
INLONG-8407 [Improve] Optimize mongodb cdc for verifying type DDL types
INLONG-8413 [Improve][Doc] Update the description about data Ingestion and Synchronization
INLONG-8419 [Improve][Doc] Update the description about InLong


11 months ago

Release Notes


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7847 [Bug][Agent] Failed to create MySQL reader
INLONG-7783 [Feature][Agent] Support sink data tor Kafka
INLONG-7752 [Bug][Agent] PulsarSink threadPool throw reject exception
INLONG-7976 [Bug][Agent] The data collected by the agent is incomplete
INLONG-8026 [Improve][Agent] Improve the Agent performance


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7931 [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize related control mechanism
INLONG-7898 [Improve][DataProxy] Clean up useless configuration files in the ConfigManager class
INLONG-7769 [Bug][DataProxy] NPE when request Inlong Manager failed
INLONG-7512 [Improve][DataProxy] Update the metrics log level to avoid the log file increasing quickly
INLONG-7766 [Bug][DataProxySDK] Adjusted frame length exceeds occurred when reporting data through the HTTP protocol
INLONG-7194 [Improve][DataProxy] Migrate index log statistics for the new mq layer


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7926 [Feature][TubeMQ] Add ""Register2Master"" method for GO SDK "


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-8021 [Improve][Manager] Periodically delete sources with inconsistent states
INLONG-8006 [Improve][Manager] Set displayname for the auto-registered cluster
INLONG-7999 [Improve][Manager] Support PostgreSQL data node
INLONG-7996 [Improve][Manager] Support issued kafka consumer group to sort
INLONG-7987 [Improve][Manager] Add a heartbeat timeout status to the source
INLONG-7981 [Bug][Manager] Failed to stop source correctly when suspend a group
INLONG-7948 [Improve][Manager] Add user authentication when operate inlong consume
INLONG-7946 [Improve][Manager] Add user authentication when bind clusterTag
INLONG-7941 [Improve][Manager][Dashborad] Query group to distinguish lightweight
INLONG-7940 [Bug][Manager][Sort] Use Pulsar subscriptions in Pulsar connector
INLONG-7938 [Bug][Manager] The consume list interface does not filter by request
INLONG-7936 [Improve][Manager] Support issued pulsar subscriptions to sort
INLONG-7934 [Improve][Manager] Optimize the serializationType to support debezium json
INLONG-7912 [Improve][Manager] Only response DataProxy nodes in normal status
INLONG-7895 [Feature][Manager] Support field description when parsing field by SQL
INLONG-7893 [Feature][Manager] Support field description when parsing field by JSON
INLONG-7890 [Improve][Manager] Add checks for unmodifiable data_node_name and cluster_name
INLONG-7888 [Bug][Manager] Failed to create lightweight task
INLONG-7883 [Improve][Manager] Invalidate user session when deleting user
INLONG-7867 [Feature][Manager] Support data validation when importing Excel file
INLONG-7844 [Improve][Manager] Support to set cluster when create table for clickhouse
INLONG-7843 [Feature][Manager] Creating the schema of StreamSource by importing an Excel file
INLONG-7841 [Feature][Manager] Support title style and font when exporting Excel file
INLONG-7839 [Improve][Manager] Bump version of apache-poi:poi to 5.2.3
INLONG-7837 [Bug][Manager] The Admin user cannot modify streamSource when it is not the responsible person
INLONG-7835 [Improve][Manager] The permission is removed when a user is deleted
INLONG-7823 [Improve][Manager] Supports creating clickhouse tables using the ReplicatedMergeTree engine
INLONG-7820 [Feature][Manager] Support style and font when exporting Excel file
INLONG-7816 [Feature][Manager] Support validation rules when exporting Excel file
INLONG-7810 [Bug][Manager] No token field in the return result of getAllConfig
INLONG-7804 [Improve][Manager] Limit the length of user password
INLONG-7800 [Bug][Manager] Update redis data node failed
INLONG-7798 [Improve][Manager] Add user authentication when operate workflow
INLONG-7792 [Feature][Manager] Support export Excel template file of StreamSource
INLONG-7778 [Feature][Manager] Optimize the create command for ease of use
INLONG-7774 [Improve][Manager] Add permission verification for streamSource
INLONG-7760 [Bug][Manager] Parse fields failed for streamSink and InlongStream
INLONG-7730 [Feature][Manager] Support node management for Redis
INLONG-7722 [Bug][Manager] The task status is inconsistent with the returned result
INLONG-7720 [Umbrella][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by Excel
INLONG-7719 [Feature][Manager] Support test connection for Redis in NodeManagement
INLONG-7713 [Feature][Manager] Support test connection for Apache Kudu
INLONG-7711 [Feature][Sort][Manager] Support specifying parameters for the kudu client
INLONG-7706 [Bug][Manager] sink is always in the configuration after being saved
INLONG-7701 [Feature][Manager] Support test connection for hudi in NodeManagement
INLONG-7690 [Feature][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by CSV
INLONG-7688 [Feature][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by SQL
INLONG-7686 [Feature][Manager] Support node management for Apache Kudu
INLONG-7678 [Improve][Manager] Rename FROZEN to STOP for source status
INLONG-7675 [Improve][Manager] Check OrderType when calling listAll to prevent sql injection
INLONG-7673 [Improve][Manager] Remove whitespace when saving or updating URLs
INLONG-7670 [Improve][Manager] Filter out sinks with empty cluster
INLONG-7666 [Improve][Manager] Support to freezing and restarting streamSource
INLONG-7658 [Improve][Manager] Optimized table index
INLONG-7655 [Improve][Manager] Remove the dependency of hudi-flink1.13-bundle
INLONG-7651 [Bug][Manager] StreamSource in normal state cannot be modified
INLONG-7648 [Improve][Manager] Support list streams by a specific group principal
INLONG-7632 [Improve][Manager] Mask the audit information that Sort sent successfully
INLONG-7625 [Improve][Manager] Make data encoding type as a common property of StreamSink
INLONG-7619 [Improve][Manager] Support update and retry MySQL sources after updating MySQLDataNode
INLONG-7004 [Feature][Dashboard][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by Statement
INLONG-6672 [Feature][Manager] Add inlongctl status management for the group


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7958 [Bug][Sort] MongoDB's schema becomes unordered after extracting the row data
INLONG-7957 [Bug][Sort] The canaljson's type of Oracle CDC and MongoDB CDC is inconsistent with MySQL CDC
INLONG-7952 [Improve][Sort] Mask sensitive message of Flink SQL in the logs
INLONG-7945 [Bug][Sort] MongoDB CDC unable to output the 'replace' records
INLONG-7940 [Bug][Manager][Sort] Use Pulsar subscriptions in Pulsar connector
INLONG-7906 [Improve][Sort] Improve logic of calculation object byte size
INLONG-7858 [Bug][Sort] Oracle CDC uploaded two different db name metrics for the same table
INLONG-7857 [Bug][Sort] Duplicated chunk happens when open scan-newly-added-table in mysql-cdc
INLONG-7855 [Bug][Sort] Hang up reader in snapshot phase when reducing paralleism
INLONG-7850 [Feature][Sort] Add support for extracting ddl statement and operation from origin data
INLONG-7831 [Improve][Sort] Using spilling disk map to reduce memory loss for buffer per parititon data
INLONG-7829 [Improve][Sort] Add mini-batch pre aggregate by partition when ingesting data into iceberg
INLONG-7825 [Bug][Sort] MySQL CDC cannot capture truncate ddl statement
INLONG-7813 [Bug][Sort] ES6 multiple sink initialize error
INLONG-7809 [Improve][Sort] ES multiple sink support dirty data runtime strategies
INLONG-7790 [Bug][Sort] Setting ""scanNewlyAddedTableEnabled=true"" and ""scan.startup.mode=latest-offset"" in MySQL CDC failed to capture newly added tables"
INLONG-7787 [Bug][Sort] Fix cannot output drop statement
INLONG-7767 [Bug][Sort]Doris connector does not real delete record because of columns header losing
INLONG-7762 [Bug][Sort] Fix capturing unrelated tables when open DDL change detection
INLONG-7731 [Bug][Sort] Fix the problem of calling getAndSetPkFromErrMsg method parameter order
INLONG-7724 [Improve][Sort] Add rate limit for ingesting into iceberg
INLONG-7715 [Bug][Sort] Fix single table metric invalid
INLONG-7711 [Feature][Sort][Manager] Support specifying parameters for the kudu client
INLONG-7708 [Bug][Sort] Fix the error that occurs when adding a table during whole database synchronization in Oracle.
INLONG-7700 [Improve][Sort] Update some copy class file when update mongo-cdc version to 2.3
INLONG-7695 [Bug][Sort] NPE occurs when running Oracle all database migration jobs
INLONG-7693 [Improve][Sort] MySQL CDC Connector supports specifying field synchronization
INLONG-7683 [Bug][Sort] Unit test error for Oracle connector
INLONG-7680 [Improve][Sort] MySQL CDC supports unsigned zerofill data type
INLONG-7660 [Feature][Sort] Support DDL model for MySQL connector when running in all migrate mode
INLONG-7653 [Feature][Sort] Support archiving dirty data and metrics for Iceberg connector
INLONG-7635 [Feature][Sort] MongoDB CDC supports metrics with enable incremental snapshots
INLONG-7581 [Feature][Sort] Support multiple-sink migration for Elasticsearch
INLONG-7554 [Feature][Sort] MySQL CDC supports parsing gh-ost records
INLONG-7553 [Feature][Sort] Mysql CDC support output DDL model in all migrate
INLONG-7249 [Feature][Sort] JDBC accurate dirty data archive and metric calculation
INLONG-6668 [Improve][Sort] Unify the constants in inlong-common and sort-connectors
INLONG-7970 [Bug][Sort] java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to
INLONG-7747 [Umbrella][Sort] Improve memory stability of data ingesting into iceberg
INLONG-6545 [Improve][Sort] Accurately parse the schema type and completely match the missing precision information


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7646 [Bug][Audit] NPE when mq configuration is not registered
INLONG-7641 [Feature][Script] Modify script for Audit standalone deployment
INLONG-7636 [Feature][Docker] Modify the Kafka config for Audit docker deployment
INLONG-7413 [Feature][Audit] Proxy and Store get MQ address from the Manager service


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7955 [Improve][Dashboard] Change the consumption query method from get to post
INLONG-7929 [Bug][Dashboard] The select box cannot be triggered when the form is not entered
INLONG-7918 [Improve][Dashboard] File source cluster name is displayed as displayName
INLONG-7915 [Improve][Dashboard] Clickhouse sink engine field optimization
INLONG-7871 [Improve][Dashboard] MySQL source supports filling in the database name whitelist
INLONG-7852 [Improve][Dashboard] Clickhouse supports setting cluster when creating a table
INLONG-7833 [Improve][Dashboard] Process optimization for creating source and sink
INLONG-7826 [Improve][Dashboard] Supports filling in the life cycle when the Clickhouse sink engine is ReplicatedMergeTree
INLONG-7802 [Improve][Dashboard] Requirements for optimizing data sources
INLONG-7796 [Improve][Dashboard] Add icon to menu
INLONG-7789 [Feature][Dashboard] Support create stream fields by statement
INLONG-7785 [Improve][Dashboard] Clickhouse sink engine defaults to MergeTree
INLONG-7772 [Improve][Dashboard] Redis sentinel master name normalization in NodeManagement
INLONG-7758 [Bug][Dashboard] Login page display error
INLONG-7756 [Bug][Dashboard] Group logs can not display
INLONG-7749 [Improve][Dashboard] Support rate limit for pulsar mq mark-delete operation
INLONG-7738 [Improve][Dashboard] The name and type of cluster and node cannot be modified
INLONG-7734 [Feature][Dashboard] Update Dashbaord layout & folder design
INLONG-7728 [Feature][Dashboard] Extract the cluster properties of Redis NodeManagement
INLONG-7702 [Improve][Dashboard] Add Chinese name for partitionKeys properties of Hudi LoadNode
INLONG-7672 [Feature][Dashboard] Support kudu node management
INLONG-7668 [Feature][Dashboard] InLong source supports restart and freeze operations
INLONG-7643 [Feature][Dashboard] Support specifying buckets when creating kudu resource
INLONG-7630 [Bug][Dashboard] The page flickers when the route is switched
INLONG-7004 [Feature][Dashboard][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by Statement
INLONG-7971 [Feature][Dashboard] Support batch import fields by Excel
INLONG-8001 [Feature][Dashboard] Support postgreSQL node management
INLONG-8011 [Improve][Dashboard] Cluster name and node name can be modified when editing
INLONG-8011 [Improve][Dashboard] Node management title text optimization


ISSUE Summary
INLONG-7909 [Bug]Capture changes made by connector user & document that SYS/SYSTEM changes are not captured
INLONG-7892 [bug] multiple times generating approval slips
INLONG-7876 [Improve][CVE] Upgrade org.springframework:spring-core to 5.3.27
INLONG-7781 [Bug] [InLong-SDK] Solve the problem of cpp-sdk send data by HTTP protocol
INLONG-7745 [Improve][CVE] Spring Framework vulnerable to denial of service via specially crafted SpEL expression
INLONG-7742 [Improve][Tool] Only support inlong-dev-toolkit on MacOS and Linux
INLONG-7698 [Bug][Docker] docker images build faild for tubemq-build
INLONG-7697 [Feature] Reduce the memory usage of JM when split table chunks
INLONG-7986 [Bug] Collect file to Postgresql failed when using docker image for test
INLONG-7986 [Improve] Exclude the useless dependency for pulsar-client to decrease the distribution package size


1 year ago


1 year ago
  • Release InLong 1.5.0 - Released (as of 2023-01-14)

  • Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago