Hyper Hypest Versions Save

A beautiful and minimal macOS theme for Hyper


3 years ago

What's new?

You can now optionally configure the vibrancy level of the window background and an issue with compatibility with zsh-autosuggestions has been improved.

Congifure vibrancy level

When vibrancy is enabled, you can optionally choose to set vibrancyLevel if you wish to adjust how strong the vibrancy effect is, and therefore how transparent/opaque the window appears.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default value is 0.6
        vibrancyLevel: 0.2

When setting the vibrancyLevel to 0.2, the window becomes more transparent, and the vibrancy effect will appear stronger. If you set the vibrancyLevel to 0.8, the effect would become more subtle, and the window would appear almost opaque.

Improve zsh-autosuggestions compatibility

To make sure the typeahead hints in plugins such as zsh-autosuggestions are visible in the dark theme, and not too strong in the light theme, lightBlack now has a value of #AAA, instead of being mapped to color.black as it was before.


4 years ago

Updates the style overrides for the buttons and icons rendered by the hyper-search plugin.


4 years ago

Updates the style overrides for the hyper-search plugin.


4 years ago

What's new?

There's a bit of refactoring in this release to improve the way borders render, to improve a workaround for text selection colors in non-vibrant modes and some improved support for the hyper-tabs-enhanced and hyper-statusline plugins.

  • Borders no longer overlap each other, the visual weight is improved and they are now light instead of dark under dark mode
  • When vibrancy is set to false text selection colors are now improved to prevent a rendering bug in Xterm.js (I'm addressing this as a workaround for #3)
  • The accentColor configuration option is now used for the git 'dirty' state in hyper-statusline and for activity tab states in hyper-tabs-enhanced
  • Tab titles are slightly bolder


4 years ago

What's new?

New in this release is an updated tab design that also supports a new borders option for increased contrast.


Set borders to true if you prefer your tabs with some more contrast.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is false
        borders: true
Hypest Screenshot


4 years ago

Whats' new?

New options introduced to override theme colors, specify an accent color and optionally hide the window controls. There's also improved plugin support and better tab layout and alignment.

Accent color

Pass a supported named color with accentColor to use it for the cursor color, selection color and the search styling (if using the hyper-search plugin).

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is 'blue'
        // Use one of 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan' or 'white'
        accentColor: 'cyan'

Custom theme colors

Hypest has it's own set of colors defined by the theme but you can override them by adding a colors object and setting all or some of the supported color properties.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Supported  colors are 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan' and 'white'
        // Custom colors must be specified as 6 character hexadecimals
        colors: {
          blue: '#0067FF'

Remove window controls

Set hideControls to true to remove the window controls and just show tabs.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is false
        hideControls: true


4 years ago

Updates some screenshots and some notices in the readme.


4 years ago

The initial release of Hypest.

  • Light and dark themes
  • Theming support for popular Hyper plugins