Hugo Theme Monochrome Save

Monochrome is a fast, clean and responsive hugo theme

Project README



A fast, clean and responsive hugo theme

Demo & Documents



  1. Clean UI with small resources. Monochrome has clean UI design with ~5KB gzipped bundled CSS.

  2. Self-Contained. Monochrome doesn't require webpack, nodejs and other dependencies to setup or edit, just hugo.

  3. Responsive layout. Adapt to different viewpoint, from desktop to mobile.

  4. Support light/dark mode. Low-light UI.

  5. Multiple layouts built-in. Monochrome now supports 6 different layouts. See Demo.

  6. Nested navbar and Multilingual mode. Make good use of hugo's well-designed structure.

  7. Syntax Highlighting (with copy feature). Integrate both server-side solution (Chroma, hugo built-in) and client-side solution (Prism.js, for someone who need more languages supported).

  8. Site Search with real-time matches highlight. Powered by Fuse.js.

  9. SEO-friendly. Easily change your author, description, keywords, open graph, twitter card meatdata.

  10. Support mathematical notation. Powered by MathJax.

  11. Useful shortcodes. See Document.


See Setup


See Configuration


Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Hugo Theme Monochrome" Project. README Source: kaiiiz/hugo-theme-monochrome

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