Hrbrmstr Ndjson Versions Save

:hotsprings: Wicked-Fast Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') Reader in R


5 years ago
  • Updated json.h to 3.2.0
  • Fixed CRAN check errors under clang 7.0


6 years ago

CRAN has a new policy on not hiding any warnings. The primary purpose of this release was to remove #pragmas in the included json.hpp to take care of this new requirement.

However, ndjson was on an older 2.x series of the json single-header library so this release includes v3.1.1 of json which has speedups and bug-fixes, which means you get the benefit of improved performance and stability due to a semi-nit-picky (but also good) new CRAN policy.

Since json is MIT licensed, I changed the license for ndjson to MIT starting with this version. Grifting startups and enterprises can rejoice, rest easy and use the library w/o worrying about legal issues.