Honcho Save

Honcho: a python clone of Foreman. For managing Procfile-based applications.

Project README


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|PyPI| |Build Status|

Honcho is a Python port of Foreman_, a tool for managing Procfile-based applications.

Why a port? <//honcho.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#why-did-you-port-foreman>_

.. _Foreman: https://ddollar.github.io/foreman

.. |Build Status| image:: https://github.com/nickstenning/honcho/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/nickstenning/honcho/actions :alt: Build Status

.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/honcho.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/honcho/ :alt: Latest Version on PyPI

Installing Honcho


pip install honcho

How to use Honcho

The 30-second version:

  1. Write a Procfile_::

    $ cat >Procfile <<EOM web: python serve.py redis: redis-server EOM

  2. Optional: write a .env file to configure your app_::

    $ cat >.env <<EOM PORT=6000 REDIS_URI=redis://localhost:6789/0 EOM

  3. Run the app with Honcho::

    $ honcho start

.. _a Procfile: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile .. _to configure your app: https://www.12factor.net/config

For more detail and an explanation of the circumstances in which Honcho might be useful, consult the Honcho documentation_.

.. _Honcho documentation: https://honcho.readthedocs.io/


Honcho is released under the terms of the MIT license, a copy of which can be found in LICENSE.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Honcho" Project. README Source: nickstenning/honcho
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 months ago

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