HoloLensCameraStream Versions Save

This Unity plugin makes the HoloLens video camera frames available to a Unity app in real time. This enables Unity devs to easily use the HoloLens camera for computer vision (or anything they want).


6 years ago

This release includes camera-to-world projection mapping (locatable camera), accessible via the LocatableCameraUtils.PixelCoordToWorldCoord() method. With this feature, you can obtain a Unity 3D world coordinate that corresponds to a pixel coordinate from the HoloLens camera.

An example use case: You can use the HoloLens camera to identify a face (algorithm not included). Once you have the 2D bounds of that face, you can then find the 3D coordinates and render a 3D box hologram around that face.

Thanks to @labellson for his pull request!


7 years ago

This initial early release allows developers to easily get access to the real time camera frame buffer. It includes a .unitypackage file, which can be imported directly into a Unity/HoloLens project. See the examples in the Unity package to learn how to use CameraStream.

There are still some missing pieces to be aware of:

  • The raw "locatable camera" attributes exist, but are not easily usable in their current state.
  • You can only copy the bitmap buffer bytes. You can not yet access a pointer directly.


7 years ago

This initial early release allows developers to easily get access to the real time camera frame buffer. There are still some missing pieces that will round out this plugin:

  • Plugin delivers the raw "locatable camera" attributes, but does not yet transform them to be utilized in Unity.
  • Developers cannot yet set the camera's resolution and frame rate.