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:bento: Higher-Order Components for React

[email protected]

4 years ago

🐞 update the new state, so when the prop is not updated after a first update it works as expected (#30)

[email protected]

4 years ago

🐞 fix a React warning caused by onReceiveProps (close #27)

[email protected]

5 years ago

➕ allow delay argument to be a function invoked with props which should return delay value (#23) ✔️ invoke actual function from component props

[email protected]

5 years ago

➕ allow delay argument to be a function invoked with props which should return delay value (#23)

[email protected]

5 years ago

✔️ invoke actual function from component props (#22)

[email protected]

5 years ago

💥 change peer dependency to react@^16.3.0 ♻️ recompose is no longer a peer dependency

[email protected]

5 years ago

💥 change peer dependency to react@^16.3.0 ♻️ recompose is no longer a peer dependency

[email protected]

5 years ago

💥 change peer dependency to react@^16.3.0 ♻️ recompose is no longer a peer dependency

[email protected]

5 years ago

💥 change peer dependency to react@^16.3.0 ♻️ recompose is no longer a peer dependency

[email protected]

5 years ago

💥 change peer dependency to react@^16.3.0 ♻️ recompose is no longer a peer dependency