Fusuma Versions Save

✍️ Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.


3 years ago

issue: https://github.com/hiroppy/fusuma/issues/458 thank you for reporting

and update deps..


3 years ago


Improving output logs

Analyze runtime bundle size and speed performance.

Screen Shot 2021-03-14 at 22 42 58

Adding slides list on development env

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 21 51 04

Adding table and fit-font classes

Screen Shot 2021-03-14 at 21 29 24

Supporting video

Allow .mp4 and .webm.

fix https://github.com/hiroppy/fusuma/issues/427


  • Using commander instead of caparal

bugs fixed


3 years ago
<!-- account: twitter, about_hiroppy -->
<!-- account: github, hiroppy -->
<!-- account: facebook, yuta.hiroto0429 -->
<!-- account: linkedin, hiroppy -->

<!-- if you want to use grid -->

<!-- block-start: grid -->
<!-- account: twitter, about_hiroppy -->
<!-- account: github, hiroppy -->
<!-- account: facebook, yuta.hiroto0429 -->
<!-- account: linkedin, hiroppy -->
<!-- block-end -->
Screen Shot 2021-02-22 at 20 40 34

You can set these properties using css variables.

:root {
  --account-icon-size: 3rem;
  --account-icon-color: #545454;

and attaches these classes

.account {};

.account-linkedin {}

The Slide: https://hiroppy.github.io/fusuma/intro/#slide-14


3 years ago


The Fragment is like steps. The syntax is below.

<!-- fragments-start -->




<!-- fragments-end -->

Feb-17-2021 09-18-36

slide -> https://hiroppy.github.io/fusuma/intro/#slide-9

No need to specify Code Block Languages

You write \``jsand it will be colored as JavaScript automatically soslide.code.languages` in fusumarc.yml will be deleted.

- slide
  - code
    - languages: <-- optoinal


3 years ago

Improving output logs

Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 21 54 10

Files under 4.5KiB are hidden.

Adding embed feature on Sidebar

fixes: https://github.com/hiroppy/fusuma/issues/22

Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 21 52 35

Accordingly, the github icon is moved to the top to add the embed icon.


3 years ago


  • generate ogp automatically if you set meta.url without meta.thumbnail when running build task
  • verify a11y when running build task
  • export css variables
  • add themes
  • drop webslides
  • change rendering method from SSR to dynamic rendering
  • add reference on slides when running start task
  • generate og:image automatically
  • improve building speed using the persistent cache of webpack
  • support gzip
  • update all deps and support webpack@5
  • add start-prod command to check bundle directory


  • add meta.url option to generate og:image automatically
  • add build.useCache option
  • add build.publicPath option for production
    • in most cases, fusuma will be determined automatically so you won't use it


  • add <!-- background: red --> to change the background color/image
  • add <!-- executable-code --> to execute JavaScript code
<!-- executable-code -->


See https://hiroppy.github.io/fusuma/intro/#slide=19.

  • add <!-- block-start --> and <!-- block-end --> to wrap children using div tag
<!-- block-start: outer -->


<!-- block-start: inner -->


<!-- block-end -->
<!-- block-end -->

the above code is converted to

<div class="outer">
  <div class="inner">

e.g. https://hiroppy.github.io/fusuma/intro/#slide=15.

Breaking Changes

  • many arguments are renamed, please run with the --help to confirm them
  • mermaid is opt-out so if you want to use chart feature, please install it
  • the minimum version is Node@12
  • some class names are removed because of replacing


4 years ago

Issue: https://github.com/hiroppy/fusuma/issues/198 PR: https://github.com/hiroppy/fusuma/pull/224

Thank you for your contribution.



4 years ago

1.15.0 (2019-09-04)


  • fusuma: add option of port to the 'start-task'. (3899e49)
$ fusuma start -p 1234 # boot server in localhost:1234
$ fusuma start # boot server in default port (8080)


4 years ago

Fix jsx not replacing all img src. https://github.com/hiroppy/fusuma/pull/186


4 years ago

1.14.0 (2019-07-26)


  ssr: true
