Hikaru Versions Save

Move smoothly between Kubernetes YAML and Python for creating/updating/componentizing configurations.


6 months ago

Turns out that the changes around from_dict() allowed allowed timestamp fields of type 'string' with a format of date-time to bubble up from the underlying Kubernetes libraries as datetime objects, not strings. This is corrected with this bugfix release-- strings are now provided for these fields.


7 months ago

hikaru v1.3.0 This is an update of the hikaru meta-package to add in the new hikaru-model-23 package and drop hikaru-model-24 from the meta-package (24 is still available for separate installation).

hikaru-model-27 v1.1.0 This package adds support for the v28.x Kubernetes API; it contains all the model classes that work with that version of the Kubernetes Python client.

hikaru-model-23 through 27 v1.1.1 A bug fix release that included an improper version number in the root of each package (it was erroneously recorded as 1.0.0). There is no functionality change.


7 months ago

hikaru v1.2.0 This updates the Hikaru meta-package to add support for the v27.x version of the Kubernetes API, and drops inclusion of the hikaru-model-23 package. This latter package can be added manually if you wish.

hikaru-model-27 v1.1.0 Adds support of the v27.x version of the Kubernetes API.


7 months ago
  • Adds the Application class that allows Hikaru to manage a collection of resources as a unit.
  • Overhauls Hikaru's packaging to allow users to install smaller, more targeted packages that provide just the functionality they require. The 'hikaru' package still exists, but is now a meta-package that installs the component packages.
  • Other small changes, plus a speedup of the from_dict() function.


1 year ago

Fixes a bug where hostIP and podIP aren't being processed in the PodStatus object when received from Kubernetes.


1 year ago

This 1.0 release of Hikaru brings support for Custom Resource Definitions. Hikaru now supports:

  • The ability to define the structure of a CRD with Hikaru classes, either from scratch or to mimic one that is already in your environment,
  • Sending the defintition into Kubernetes where it will be established as a CRD managed by K8s,
  • Managing instances of the new CRD using CRUD methods,
  • Establishing Watchers on the new CRD to in order to monitor activity or create controllers in Python, and
  • The use of CRD classes as context managers, just like other Hikaru document classes.

This all works smoothly with the existing Hikaru features. Full documentation for these new features can be found in the "Advanced Topics" section of the Hikaru docs.

This release still contains support for the same set of Kubernetes releases, 23.x through 26.x.


1 year ago

Updated models to work with the K8s Python client 24.x, 25.x, and 26.x. Defaults to installing 26.x, but versions as low as 23.x can be installed instead.


1 year ago

Besides adding support for K8s 23.x, this release implements a small performance improvement, updates requirements for the black code formatter, and features an updated builder that produces smaller modules for alpha and beta releases.


1 year ago

Overdue release for the Kubernetes 22.x Python client. Drops support for K8s 18.x and marks 19.x as deprecated. Documentation refresh. More releases to come.


2 years ago

This is the most recent version of Hikaru that is a catch-up for the releases of the Python K8s client that have come out while Hikaru's build system was reimplemented. This latest version of Hikaru adds support for K8s 1.21 APIs and models and includes support for the black code formatter's first full release.

This release also drops support for the 1.17 release of the K8s Python client, and support for the 1.18 release is deprecated.

Full details on changes are in the release notes.