Hifocus Get Versions Save

Get apps instantly via web. (This project is currently deprecated, aside from some infrequent fixes)


5 years ago

Please see blog post: https://tech.hxco.de/announcement/to-meet-you-in-one-year.html

Author: @hifocus Date: Auguest 3rd, 2018


5 years ago

Here is HXCO Get v1.0 - My first formal opensource project.

The idea comes from DIYgod/RSSHub - Everything can be downloaded via a straightforward link!

From May 27th, to July 14th, I submitted just right 100 commits. Many thanks to the @mixcm group members, especially @KeJunMao and @xtlsoft , who gave me a lot of advice and helped me improve this project a lot.


Now, we are going for the 2.0 version - ideas from @KeJunMao - use Jelyll to generate static HTML pages, it would be easier to contribute and maintain.

At present, the project haven't been formally released and promoted, but we've received 3 stars. I really hope it will become more and more popular, and the most important bit - being helpful to everyone.

Author: @hifocus Date: July 15th, 2015