Hexopress Save

A tiny blogging platform that lets you write posts in Google Docs and syncs with a Google Drive directory.

Project README


A tiny blogging platform that lets you write posts in Google Docs and syncs with a Google Drive directory.

This project is directly based upon the amazing Octopress project. However, I wanted a way to keep writing my posts in Google Docs, which is a good place to write & retain blog posts, and publish a Octopress blog out them. This project is a way forward, towards scratching that itch.

What is HexoPress?

HexoPress is a web layer that authenticates the user with google, takes their blog posts from a folder in their google drive, generate a static blog out of it and serves them at a URL.

Dev Setup

Install dependencies:

Project Setup:

Clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/joelewis/hexopress

Create a python virtual env and install python dependencies into it.
$ virtualenv --distribute venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup an Octopress instance - http://octopress.org/docs/setup/.

Rename hexopress/sample_settings.py to hexopress/settings.py

Edit settings.py to suit yours.

Run Server

Run Interface Server:
daphne hexopress.asgi:channel_layer -b -p 8000

Run workers for websockets/http handling:
python manage.py runworker -v 2

Run celery worker:
celery -A hexopress worker

Now, pointing your browser to http://localhost:8000 should land it to your dev instance.

Production setup

Edit settings.py to match your production config especially settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS, settings.HOST and settings.CLIENT_SECRET (for google auth) Use a process manager like supervisord to manage your processes.

Sample supervisord config

command = sh daphne.sh
stdout_logfile = /home/username/daphne.log
redirect_stderr = true
directory = /home/username/hexopress

command = sh worker.sh
stdout_logfile = /home/username/worker.log
redirect_stderr = true
directory = /home/username/hexopress

command = sh celery.sh
stdout_logfile = /home/username/celery.log
redirect_stderr = true
directory = /home/username/hexopress

Make sure to run python manage.py migrate once before starting the server. Without this your database will have no tables created yet.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Hexopress" Project. README Source: joelewis/hexopress
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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