Heurist Versions Save

Core development repository. gitHub: Vsn 6 (2020 - ), Vsn 5 (2018 - 2020), Vsn 4 (2014-2017). Sourceforge: Vsn 3 (2009-2013), Vsn 1 & 2 (2005-2009)


7 years ago

Drag-and-drop organisation of term trees, improvements to network visualisation including drag-and-drop creation of links between record types and between individual records, better handling of very large retrieval sets, additional database verification functions, improved layout of record type import screens, generate embedded facet search in external web sites, much greater flexibility in CSV import to add new terms automatically and permit missing values, improved layout of structure edit, addition of object clustering on maps with settable parameters, verification of change of codebase and warning to clear cache and reload, many small cosmetic changes and bug fixes,


7 years ago

Improvements to structure and network visualisation, core definitions, display of template strcutures from other databases and revision of initial hint screens, all with the aim of improving initial user experience.


7 years ago

Revised structure visualisation function with a compact toolbar, streamlined node labels and the ability to edit entity structure and build links directly from the visualisation.


7 years ago

First release version of the new version 4 tabbed interface. Version 4 has been in use for approx. 2 years, and has been distributed as pre-releases.