Hemantasapkota Insta Save

Instagram power tool

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Insta - Power tool for Instagram.

Insta is a command line power tool for Instagram. With it, you can like, follow, comment and query Instagram.


There're plenty of Instagram automation tools floating around the web and app stores. Most of them, however, ask for your username and password which poses a big safety risk.

With insta, you can automate engagement yourself.

How do i install it ?

  • git clone https://github.com/hemantasapkota/insta
  • go get . && go build


You can specify credentials inline or via a file.

  • Inline credentials insta -username user1 -password pass1

  • Create a .credentials.yaml file. Sample content below.

    username: user1
    password: pass1

    username: user2
    password: pass2

insta -account acc1

Insta can be used anonynously using the test account. Test account is also a great way to quicky script flows.

insta -username test -password test


  • Interactive console
  • Manage multiple accounts
  • Database log
  • Built-in DSL for scripting flows


Insta comes with a built-in DSL that can be used to script flows. Example flow listed below:

$(get_data path=explore/tags/coffee => result)
$(loop range=0,5 => i)
  $(filter var=result query=entry_data.TagPage[0].graphql.hashtag.edge_hashtag_to_media.edges[$(`i`)].node.display_url => url)
  $(download url="$(`url`)")

The script queries for the tag coffee, loops through the result 5 times, filters the image url from the result and downloads it. See the examples folder for more sample scripts.

To the run examples using test account:

./insta -silent -json -username test -password test -execFile=examples/insta_01.iml


  • True automation
  • CLI app
  • Mobile apps ( IOS & Android )
  • Chrome extension
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Hemantasapkota Insta" Project. README Source: hemantasapkota/insta
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Last Commit
5 years ago

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