Heir Versions Save

Helper functions for prototypical inheritance in JavaScript


10 years ago

The readme pretty much sums it all up, but this rewrite now uses prototypical inheritance correctly and adds the concept of mixins in place of multiple inheritance. This follows the technique I describe in this post.

This is a full rewrite, so expect breaking changes. The most noticeable one will be the removal of inherit from the function prototype. Check out the new source, tests and example in the readme for even more information.

Raise an issue if you encounter anything stupid!


10 years ago

I have pruned pretty much every file just to make things clearer. The source now matches my strict JSHint rules too.

This release is also the first time Heir has been on a package manager. You can now install the heir package through bower and npm. This was kickstarted when @nathggns submitted a pull request for adding node support.

I have pedantically messed around with the configuration he provided but it wouldn't be there at all if he hadn't of submitted it. So, cheers!

Hopefully this will get a bit of a wider audience now that you can depend on it. I still want to write a v2.0.0 though with a completely different and smarter implementation and API. I can do so much better now.
