Hashicorp Terraform Google Nomad Versions Save

A Terraform Module for how to run Nomad on Google Cloud using Terraform and Packer


4 years ago

Modules affected

  • n/a


Fix broken links in readme.

  • #15


4 years ago

Modules affected

  • nomad-cluster [BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE]
  • nomad-firewall-rules [BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE]


All the modules are now terraform 0.12.0 compatible. Note that this means the modules are no longer compatible with terraform 0.11 and under. Starting this release, you must use terraform 0.12.0 or greater to use this module.

All the module variables have been updated to use concrete types based on the new type system introduced in terraform 0.12.0. You can learn more about the types in the official documentation.

Note that as part of this, we switched to using null to indicate unset values when passing them through to resources. If you were previously using a 0 value ("" for strings and 0 for numbers), review the module variables.tf file to double check if the 0 value has been converted to a null.

As part of this work, automated tests were added to this repository, several bugs were fixed related to the firewall rules and the instance groups were updated from zonal to regional instance groups.

  • #10


6 years ago

Initial release!