Here are the steps to create your own honeypot token.

Project README


Hi, I'm smart contract developer Harry from Starblock. Now we will briefly look at how to make your own honeypot token.

Starblock is a library where you can learn how to create, improve and invent EVM smart contracts.

You can find all our guides here

Step-by-step instructions for creating a token with the honeypot function:

Library of smart contracts source codes

[!NOTE] You can also find the contract source codes in the files in this repository.

01 - Setting Up And Deploying a Contract Code

  • Installing REMIX IDE & MetaMask.
  • Preparation and Compilation of a Smart Contract
  • Deploying a smart contract

02 - Verify Your Contract

Guide: How To Verify Smart Contract

03 - Add Liquidity / DEX Listing

Guide: How To Add Liquidity

Done, now your token is traded on dex platforms.

[!NOTE] In some smart contracts you need to enable trading and only then can your token be traded

Next, you need to enable the honeypot function. How to do this - see the complete guide to creating the token you have chosen. In some contracts, the honeypot function is enabled automatically during deployment, in others, you need to enable it yourself.

Smart contract codes for your token:

Switchable (Turn on, turn off) Honeypot Smart Contract Code (v 1.2)

Honeypot Smart Contract Code with AntiDetect (v1.1)

Regular Honeypot Smart Contract Code (v1.0)

Whitelist & MEV Protect Smart Contract Code

Regular Smart Contract Code 3 With Ownership Renounce Function

Regular Smart Contract Code 2 With Add Supply Function

Regular Smart Contract Code (Same as Doge, Pepe, etc)

[!NOTE] Smart contract is suitable for such blockchains as Ethereum, BSC (BNB), Arbitrum. And also for other EVM protocols.


Guides with detailed instructions for creating a token:

Complete guide to create Switchable Honeypot Token Contract (v.1.2)

Complete guide to create Honeypot Token Contract + AntiDetect (V.1.1)

Complete guide to create Regular Honeypot Token Contract (v1.0)

Complete guide to create Whitelist & MEV Protect Token Contract

Complete guide to create Regular Token Contract 3 With Ownership Renounce Function

Complete guide to create Regular Token Contract 2 With Add Supply Function

Complete guide to create Regular Token Contract (Same as DOGE, PEPE and others)

This material is for testing and study purposes only, do not use it for bad purposes.


Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "GUIDE HOW TO CREATE HONEYPOT TOKEN" Project. README Source: starblockresearch/GUIDE-HOW-TO-CREATE-HONEYPOT-TOKEN