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? Ground Zero: Lean Cubical Base Library

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Ground Zero

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This library provides computable HITs, variation of Cubical Type Theory using them, and some other math.


Most HITs in the library (except n-truncation) constructed using quotients. Quotients in Lean have good computational properties (quot.ind computes), so we can define HITs with them without any other changes in Lean’s kernel.

There are:

  • Interval I.
  • Pushout pushout.
  • Homotopical reals R.
  • (Sequential) colimit.
  • Generalized circle {α}.
  • Integers ℤ.
  • Rational numbers ℚ.
  • Möbius band.
  • n-Simplex Δⁿ.
  • Propositional truncation is colimit of a following sequence: α → {α} → {{α}} → ...
  • Suspension ∑α is defined as the pushout of the span ? ← α → ?.
  • Circle S¹ is the suspension of the bool ?.
  • Sphere S² is the suspension of the circle S¹.
  • Join join α β.

Cubical Type Theory (cubical/ directory)

In the topology functions from the interval to some type is a paths in this type. In HoTT book path type is defined as a classical inductive type with one constructor:

inductive eq {α : Sort u} (a : α) : α → Sort u
| refl : eq a

But if we define paths as I → α, then we can use a nice syntax for paths as in cubicaltt or Arend:

@[refl] def refl {α : Sort u} (a : α) : a ⇝ a := <i> a

@[symm] def symm {α : Sort u} {a b : α} (p : a ⇝ b) : b ⇝ a :=
<i> p # −i

def funext {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} {f g : Π (x : α), β x}
  (p : Π (x : α), f x ⇝ g x) : f ⇝ g :=
<i> λ x, p x # i

The same in cubicaltt:

refl (A : U) (a : A) : Path A a a = <i> a

symm (A : U) (a b : A) (p : Path A a b) : Path A b a =
  <i> p @ -i

funExt (A : U) (B : A -> U) (f g : (x : A) -> B x)
       (p : (x : A) -> Path (B x) (f x) (g x)) :
       Path ((y : A) -> B y) f g = <i> \(a : A) -> (p a) @ i

We can also define coe as in yacctt:

def coe.forward (π : I → Sort u) (i : I) (x : π i₀) : π i :=
interval.ind x (equiv.subst seg x) (equiv.path_over_subst eq.rfl) i

def coe (i k : I) (π : I → Sort u) : π i → π k :=
coe.forward (λ i, π i → π k) i (coe.forward π k)

And use it:

def trans {α β : Sort u} (p : α ⇝ β) : α → β :=
coe 0 1 (λ i, p # i)

def trans_neg {α β : Sort u} (p : α ⇝ β) : β → α :=
coe 1 0 (λ i, p # i)

def transK {α β : Sort u} (p : α ⇝ β) (x : α) :
  x ⇝ trans_neg p (trans p x) :=
<i> coe i 0 (λ i, p # i) (coe 0 i (λ i, p # i) x)

In yacctt:

trans (A B : U) (p : Path U A B) (a : A) : B = coe 0->1 p a
transNeg (A B : U) (p : Path U A B) (b : B) : A = coe 1->0 p b

transK (A B : U) (p : Path U A B) (a : A) :
  Path A a (transNeg A B p (trans A B p a)) =
  <i> coe i->0 p (coe 0->i p a)

We can freely transform cubical paths to classical and back:

def decode {α : Type u} {a b : α} (p : a = b :> α) : Path a b :=
Path.lam (interval.elim p)

def encode {α : Type u} {a b : α} : Path a b → (a = b :> α) :=
Path.rec (# seg)

Dependency map

dependency map

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