Granted Versions Save

The easiest way to access your cloud.


3 weeks ago

This release brings a few minor bug fixes and support for Just-In-Time (JIT) access using Common Fate. For more information on JIT access, check out the JIT recipe in our documentation. A big thankyou to @Nepoxx for making their first contribution in this release!

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1 month ago

IAM Federated logins now have attributable username in Cloudtrail

  • The changes refactor the way federation token ID is used for AWS IAM credentials. Instead of relying on the userID which was previously parsed, the code now uses the userName which is more easily attributable to the IAM user name in the Cloudtrail events list view.

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1 month ago

What's Changed

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1 month ago

Added support for refreshable AWS SSO

You can now add granted_sso_registration_scopes = sso:account:access to your ~/.aws/config, which will cause Granted to respect the session duration in IAM Identity Center. This can be extended to prompt less frequently. Supplying thesso:account:access scope will cause IAM Identity Center to return a refreshable access token, with a total allowed session time in accordance with your configured AWS SSO session length.

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3 months ago

Added better error handling for oauth2 invalid_grant error

we have added better error handling for the oauth2 invalid_grant error. Now, whenever this error is encountered, Granted automatically clears the cached token and sends a message like:

[i] It looks like the above error was caused by an invalid authentication token. We have cleared the token from your keychain. To re-run the command, you'll need to authenticate again by running: 'granted login'

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3 months ago

Fix for assume --exec with multiple arguments/spaces

The output from goassume when --exec is provided now returns the arguments with proper escaping/splitting to ensure they are evaluated when passed to sh -c in the assume script.

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4 months ago

What's Changed

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4 months ago

Added TTY support for --exec

--exec now uses the shell script to execute commands instead of Go; this enables TTY applications to work as expected.

ExportSSOToken Configuration and --export-sso-token Flag

@cedieio has introduced the --export-sso-token flag, which exports the SSO token to ~/.aws/sso/cache. The ExportSSOToken configuration automatically exports the SSO token by default.

Change in EKS set up

The command field in your ~/.kube/config needs to be changed to assume from assumego. Follow docs here

What's Changed

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5 months ago

Generate JSON output for SSO token expiry

Run granted sso-tokens expiry --json to print the SSO token expiry in JSON. Additionally, you can use jq to filter and display only the expired tokens in JSON format: granted sso-tokens expiry --json | jq -r '[.[] | select(.is_expired == true)]'

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5 months ago

What's Changed

Downgrades aws config package and dependency ini due to a performance regression causing large config files to hang

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