Grafana Loki Syslog Aio Versions Save

Grafana Loki Syslog All In One Syslog Deployable Stack


2 years ago

Updated to now work correctly with the latest versions of Grafana. Specifically - I updated to 8.1.2 (current version as of writing) and locked in the example docker-compose.yml files to be version-specific. A few other updates:

  • The sample generator is now using the base image of Promtail, making it much smaller than the CentOS 7 image I was using. All dashboards (including the Performance Dashboards) now use the new Time series Grafana visualization.
  • The AIO dashboard itself didn't change functionally - but the variables now work correctly again.

The project's focus was to have a quick playground to grab UDP Syslog from my network switches. Still, I'm thinking about coming back around and adding some general logging dashboards for Loki to make it more useful.

I'm also going to start building release packages from now on (such as this one).