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GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)


2 years ago

Bugfix release:

Known bugs:

  • --set-ttl after --auto-ttl does not work (does not disable auto-ttl) despite Fake requests, TTL: fixed in the status line (since v0.2.0)
  • Not really a bug, but anyway: --max-payload 1200 would skip HTTP request block circumvention if the payload is large (if there's a lot of cookies for example).


2 years ago

Quick bugfix for the domain names which contain hyphen (-), which were not processed correctly in v0.2.0.

Known bugs:

  • -5 and -6 modes activate --max-payload, but it's not mentioned in the help message.


2 years ago

New features:

This release also has small bug fixes.

-5 and -6 modes now use --max-payload=1200 by default.

Known bugs:

  • When --blacklist is used, domain names which contain hyphen (-) are not considered as blocked even if they are in the blacklist.
    If --blacklist is used in combination with --allow-no-sni, TLS circumvention techniques are applied to all domains with hyphen (even not in blacklist).
  • -5 and -6 modes activate --max-payload, but it's not mentioned in the help message.


2 years ago

Try the new -5 mode, which is default now when you start the program without options. It should work on overwhelming majority of DPI systems out of the box.

New censorship circumvention method:

  • Fake Packet with wrong SEQ/ACK numbers (--wrong-seq)

New features:

  • --blacklist option now also applies to TLS (HTTPS websites)
  • Automatic TTL value picker for set-ttl Fake Packet mode (--auto-ttl) ← very convenient
  • New modern mode sets (more stable, more compatible, faster): -5 (now default) with native reversed fragmentation and fake packet auto-ttl, and -6 with wrong-seq instead of auto-ttl.

Other changes:

  • Fake Packet mode (--set-ttl, --wrong-chksum, --wrong-seq) now applies each method to each packet separately, and doesn't combine all methods for a single packet.


2 years ago

New feature: --native-frag non-Window-Size TCP segmentation and it's companion --reverse-frag, which sends segments in the reverse order to workaround TLS terminators issues with fragmented packets.
This is faster and more compatible than using Window Size shrinking.

Bugfix: Fix fake packet handling without other modifying parameters (#150)


4 years ago

New feature: Fake Packet Mode, activate with --set-ttl and --wrong-chksum options. This feature is surprisingly effective against many DPI systems.

Known bugs: fake HTTP packets are not getting sent if only Fake Packet Mode is activated, without any other HTTP options (


5 years ago
  • Change: Add version number into greeting message
  • Change: Use newlines for current options information


5 years ago

This is third release candidate of v0.1.5

  • Bugfix: skip loopback and impostor packets injected by other WFP software. Fixes Malwarebytes Web Protection and GoodbyeDPI DNS redirection incompatibility (#53).


5 years ago

This is second release candidate of v0.1.5

  • Bugfix: -f and -e options could not be used if any preset is enabled
  • Bugfix: Enable PIE, High Entropy ASLR and add more warnings to Makefile
  • Bugfix: Correctly handle WoW64 in .cmd scripts (fixes #61)
  • Misc: WinDivert 1.4 support
  • Misc: Executables are now digitally signed


6 years ago

This is first release candidate of v0.1.5

  • New feature: IPv6 filtering support
  • New feature: IPv6 dns redirection (--dnsv6-addr and --dnsv6-port)
  • New feature: Custom IP ID filtering (--ip-id)
  • Bugfix: Make sure to search DLLs only in safe path, not in current working dir
  • Bugfix: Fix crash on error (free→LocalFree)
  • Information message: Print KB3033929 message with scary notification
  • Bugfix: Minor service fixes
  • Bugfix: Fix build with -DDEBUG