Godot Versions Save

Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine


11 months ago

Godot 4.0.3 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with the previous 4.0.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


1 year ago

Godot 4.0.2 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with the previous 4.0.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


1 year ago

Godot 4.0.1 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with the previous 4.0 release.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


1 year ago

Godot 3.5.2 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with previous 3.5.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


1 year ago

4 years of development. 12,000 merged pull requests. 7,000 fixed issues. 1,500 individual contributors across engine and docs.

The Godot 4.0 release is by all metrics our biggest release so far. No stone has been left unturned, all parts of the engine have been modernized, refactored, overhauled, rewritten, redesigned.

Our work is far from done. Many areas still have significant known issues, and will require focused work from all willing contributors to fix blocking bugs, implement missing features, optimize for performance or compatibility, and improve the user experience.

But Godot 4.0 marks the start of the new, modern Godot Engine, and a solid foundation for us all to build upon. Future 4.x releases will come with a much faster cadence, enabling us to iterate quickly on new features and improvements to what we already provide.

To all of you who were involved in making Godot 4.0 what it is today, however big or small your contributions were:


This was a massive undertaking, and you all participated in unique and wonderful ways to build a free and open source game engine for everyone to use and enjoy. You are breathtaking! <3


1 year ago

Godot 3.5.1 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with previous 3.5.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


1 year ago

Godot 3.5 is a major new milestone with improvements all around, backported from the development branch of Godot 4.0, or written for the 3.x branch's specific needs. It is absolutely feature-packed with new features such as:

New NavigationServer with obstacle avoidance; improved tweening with SceneTreeTween; Time singleton; Label3D and TextMesh nodes; unique node names for easy access; flow containers; 3D physics interpolation; asynchronous shader compilation and caching; OccluderShapePolygon; material overlays; Android editor port; improved VCS features; and more!

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


1 year ago

Godot 3.4.5 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with previous 3.4.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


2 years ago

Godot 3.4.4 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with previous 3.4.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.


2 years ago

Godot 3.4.3 is a maintenance release fixing a number of issues while preserving compatibility with previous 3.4.x releases.

All files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.