Godot Lua Pluginscript Versions Save

Godot PluginScript for the Lua language, currently based on LuaJIT's FFI


1 year ago

Built platforms: Windows, Linux/X11, OSX, iOS, Android Notes: OSX .dylib is not signed and will need explicit permission from the user or codesigning for running. iOS .dylibs are not signed and require codesigning before building the application.


  • Fixed undefined symbol: lua_* when requiring Lua/C modules in POSIX systems (#41)


1 year ago

Built platforms: Windows, Linux/X11, OSX, iOS, Android Notes: OSX .dylib is not signed and will need explicit permission from the user or codesigning for running. iOS .dylibs are not signed and require codesigning before building the application.


  • Plugin initialization on Windows (#31)
  • [build] Fixed make dist dependencies to include LuaJIT's jit/*.lua files
  • [build] Fixed make unzip-to-build to only copy contents from build folder


1 year ago

Built platforms: Windows, Linux/X11, OSX, iOS, Android Notes: OSX .dylib is not signed and will need explicit permission from the user or codesigning for running. iOS .dylibs are not signed and require codesigning before building the application.


  • join method for all Pool*Array metatypes with the same implementation as for Array and PoolStringArray.
  • Possibility for using ClassWrappers as extends of a script instead of their string name. E.g. script: return { extends = Node }
  • Object:get_class_wrapper method that returns the ClassWrapper associated with the Object's class.
  • ClassWrapper:has_property method that returns whether a class has a property with the passed name. Properties are considered available if they are found in the result of ClassDB:class_get_property_list.
  • Library mapping for Server platform pointing to the linux_x86_64 build.
  • string.quote function for quoting values.
  • [build] Passing DEBUG=1 to make docs adds --all flag to ldoc, which adds documentation for locals.
  • [build] Passing DEBUG_INTERACTIVE=1 to make test* makes errors trigger a debugger.lua breakpoint, for debugging tests.


  • Return values passed to lps_coroutine:resume(...) when calling GD.yield().
  • Comparing Array and Pool*Arrays against Lua primitives like nil and numbers now return false instead of raising.
  • Support for false as the default value for a property.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Array and Pool*Array's __index and __newindex metamethods now use 1-based indices to match Lua tables. For 0-based indexing, use get/set or safe_get/safe_set instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: property setter functions don't receive property name anymore (#5). That is, instead of function(self, property_name, value), setters now look like function(self, value).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: script instances are now structs instead of tables. They still have a backing table for storing data, but indexing now calls getter and setter functions for known properties. Use rawget and rawset to bypass getter/setter functions and access the data table directly. (#5)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Object.call now raises instead of failing silently. Use Object.pcall to protect from errors.


2 years ago

Built platforms: Windows, Linux/X11, OSX, iOS, Android Notes: OSX .dylib is not signed and will need explicit permission from the user or codesigning for running. iOS .dylibs are not signed and require codesigning before building the application.


  • Support for running without JIT enabled
  • Support for iOS builds
  • export function, an alias for property that always marks the property as exported


  • Quote CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY argument passed to codesign invocations
  • ABI mismatch for math types in Linux x86_64 + Mono (#4)


  • BREAKING CHANGE: properties are not exported by default. Either pass a usage with the PropertyUsage.EDITOR bit set or call export instead of property


2 years ago

Built platforms: Windows, Linux/X11, OSX, Android Note: OSX .dylib is not signed and will need explicit permission from the user or codesigning for running.


  • Support for codesigning OSX builds directly from make invocation. The optional parameters are CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY and OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS.
  • LUA_BIN option for specifying a Lua command other than lua when building
  • native-luajit make target, used by CI
  • unzip-to-build make target, for unzipping artifacts from CI to build folder


  • strip invocation on OSX builds
  • Update build GitHub Actions workflow with newer build pipeline


  • Added build/.gdignore to distribution, to stop Godot from trying to import build/jit/*.lua files
  • Added default values for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, making it an optional parameter for OSX builds


2 years ago


  • EditorExportPlugin for minifying Lua scripts with LuaSrcDiet on release exports. Minification may be turned off with the lua_pluginscript/export/minify_on_release_export project setting.


  • Release builds' init Lua script are minified with LuaSrcDiet and libraries are now striped, resulting in smaller dynamic libraries
  • HGDN functions are now compiled with static visibility and unused GDNative extensions are excluded, also resulting in smaller dynamic libraries
  • Makefile targets for cross-compiling for Windows were renamed from cross-windows* to mingw-windows*


  • PoolByteArray.extend when called with a string argument


2 years ago


  • Array.join method, similar to PoolStringArray.join
  • Project Settings for setting up package.path and package.cpath
  • Bundle LuaJIT's jit/*.lua modules in build folder


  • Error handler now uses tostring to stringify the incoming parameter, avoiding type errors. It also checks for the result of string.match, so it does not errors if the message is not in the format expected.
  • Loading of C modules now uses absolute library paths, so that files found in patterns like res://* are correctly loaded.
  • Always try loading active library, so that dynamic loader knows about lua* symbols when loading C modules.
  • Pool*Arrays' __gc metamethod


2 years ago

First release to be submitted to Asset Library.

Built platforms: Windows, Linux/X11, Android


2 years ago

First binary release, with LuaJIT + FFI based PluginScript definition and editor plugin with REPL.

Note: OSX .dylib is not signed yet and will need explicit permission from the user for running.