Go Darknet Versions Save

Go bindings for Darknet (YOLO v4 / v7-tiny / v3)


2 years ago

What's new

  1. Just prepared go.mod to use github.com/LdDl/go-darknet instead of go-darknet


2 years ago

What's new

  1. According to https://github.com/LdDl/go-darknet/pull/25 now we've gained performance boost on exchanging standard Image type to Darknet's one Thanks @lian


3 years ago


  1. Update to last working (for us) AlexeyAB version of Darknet - https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/commit/f056fc3b6a11528fa0522a468eca1e909b7004b7
  2. Proper calling of Close() on image instance in base example
  3. Replace network_predict() with network_predict_ptr()
  4. Call Close() on neural network in base example
  5. Replace free_network() with free_network_ptr()


3 years ago

Here is minor but usefull things we hope.

  1. Update to latest AlexeyAB version of Darknet - https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/commit/d65909fbea471d06e52a2e4a41132380dc2edaa6
  2. Added Darknet installation script for Linux users (see #12 )
  3. Added REST examples (closes #4 )


3 years ago
  1. Merged: https://github.com/LdDl/go-darknet/pull/9 C-function float network_predict(network *net, float *input) has been broken for CGO with new updates of Darknet. Using float *network_predict(network net, float *input) for now.
  2. Version of AlexeyAB's Darknet is 9dc897d2c77d5ef43a6b237b717437375765b527 now.


4 years ago

Detect memory leak and make it disappear https://github.com/LdDl/go-darknet/issues/6

Also updated to lastest AlexeyAB's fork (YOLO v4 works)


4 years ago

Since this repository https://github.com/gyonluks/go-darknet is no longer maintained I decided to move on and make little different bindings for Darknet. This bindings aren't for official implementation but for AlexeyAB's fork.

Added features:

  1. It is possible to load image.Image into []float32 slice and inference it to CGO. https://github.com/LdDl/go-darknet/blob/master/image.go#L62
  2. Has GPU support (CUDA).
  3. Has download_data.sh scpirt to load YOLOv3 weights/cfg/classnames and sample image.

Future works:

  1. Add classic function for loading image from file system.
  2. Save predictions
  3. gRPC server example
  4. Updates according to AlexeyAB's fork