Glyphfriend Versions Save

Glyphfriend is a Visual Studio Extension to add previews for various icon/glyph fonts to Visual Studio.


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following updates to the extension :

  • Support for Library Filtering
    • You can now easily select the libraries that you wish to use with Glyphfriend by simply right-clicking within an HTML file and choosing them. The Bootstrap Glyphicons are enabled by default, but any other libraries can easily be added with a single click. These preferences will persist even after closing Visual Studio and starting a new session.
  • Updated Font Awesome Library to 4.7.0
    • Updated Font Awesome to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 4.7.0 release.
  • Updated Octicons Library to 5.0.1
    • Updated Octicons to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 5.0.1 release.
  • Resolved Visual Studio Race Condition
    • This release resolves the NullReferenceException that would occur occasionally when using Glyphfriend. This was the result of a race condition within Visual Studio that could cause the Glyphs to be requested prior to them being loaded.
  • Resolved Suggested Extensions Bug
    • Since Glyphfriend is one of Visual Studio's recommend extensions, it may often suggest it to users that it feels might find it useful. During many of the large changes to the project, this process became out of sync and could result in issues where users would be perpetually recommended the extension, this release resolves that problem.
  • Added Logging Support
    • This feature is primarily for my sanity so that I can pick up if certain events aren't being executed and better troubleshoot issues as they arise.
  • Consolidated Project Structure
    • Further improvements were made to consolidate all of the core logic of Glyphfriend into the Glyphfriend.Core project, so that any changes can be made within a central location targeting both versions of the extension (VS2015 and VS2017).
  • General Cleanup
    • Several changes were made to make the Glyphfriend installer and package itself more efficient, namely with regards to size, by removing unnecessary references that were being included within it. This ultimately resulted in reducing the size of the extension by nearly 60%!

All of the individual issues within this release can be found here.


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following updates to the extension :

  • Refactoring for Performance with Protobuf
    • Glyphfriend now uses protobuf-net to serialize all of the 6,000 supported glyphs at build time (instead of run time) and handles loading them in roughly 1/10th of the time.
  • Use a CDN? New HTML file? No Problem
    • Glyphfriend previous would use the available CSS files within your current project or solution to determine which libraries to load. If you didn't have these specifically named files, then you wouldn't get intellisense. This new version will give you autocompletion for all of the supported libraries without a single file reference, you don't even need a project (File > New HTML File works just fine).
  • Smaller Project, Easier to Contribute
    • Previously to add support for a given library within Glyphfriend, you had to create your own provider, define a regular expression to match your "triggering" files, etc. It wasn't as simple as I'd like it, now, you'll literally just need to create a folder, put your glyphs in, and build. That's it.
  • No More Markdown & Emojis
    • Visual Studio and some of the popular Markdown-based extensions have added support for handling Markdown files specifically. While these didn't exist when Glyphfriend was first released, they do now and this functionality is better served by using those.

All of the individual issues within this release can be found here.


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following updates to the extension :

  • Avoiding Conflicts Markdown Files with MarkdownEditor extension
    • Removed Markdown Emoji Completion events within non-Markdown text files (e.g. HTML, etc.) to avoid conflicts with Mads' existing MarkdownEditor extension.


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following updates to the extension :

  • Removed Support for .md Markdown Files
    • Removed Emoji support for .md files as that particuliar definition appeared to conflict with several other popular extensions. (.mdown, .markdown, .mkd, .mkdn, .mdwn, and .mmd are still supported). Will discuss with other extension authors to determine if support can be added in within a future release.


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following changes to the extension :

  • Updated Font Awesome Library to 4.6.3
    • Updated Font Awesome to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 4.6.3 release.
  • Updated Octicons Library to 4.3.0
    • Updated Octicons to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 4.3.0 release.
  • Updated Material Design Library to 1.7.22
    • Updated Material Design to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 1.7.22 release.
  • General Application Cleanup
    • Moved several of the existing directories around to better organize the project. Removed any unused references and using statements and attempted to just clean things up overall.
  • Improved Asynchronous Glyph Loading
    • Implemented a mechanism to handle loading Glyphs asynchronously during the auto-completion process to avoid any blocking calls (an improvement upon the previous approach). This should prevent any blocking that may have occurred when initially loading a project that contained several different glyph libraries (Special thanks to Mads and Jimmy from the Visual Studio team as well as GitHub user Jotting89).

All of the individual issues within this release can be found here.


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following changes to the extension :

  • Asynchronous Loading Support for Glyphs
    • Support was added to handle asynchronously loading all of the available glyphs upon opening a file. Given that so many glyph libraries are supported, this should provide a significant boost in performance.
  • Improvements to Emoji Intellisense
    • Added a mechanism to suppress Emoji completion events that might be unnecessary given their context (i.e. within an existing string or when not directly preceded by white-space).

Thanks to Mads Kristensen for these awesome additions!


7 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following changes to the extension :

  • Removed Visual Studio "15" Support
    • Visual Studio "15" featured a variety of changes that are not and cannot be supported using the existing API. This will require a version-specific release of Glyphfriend to resolve, which will not be possible until the appropriate Web Tools are available.

All of the individual issues within this release can be found here.


8 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following major additions and changes to the extension :

  • Added MetroUI Library Support
  • Updated Font Awesome Glyphs to 4.6.0
    • Updated Font Awesome to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 4.6.0 release.
  • Updated Material Design Library to 1.5.54
    • Updated Material Design to the latest version and added all of the glyphs that were included within the 1.5.54 release.
  • Refactored GlyphProvider Structure
    • Implemented a BaseGlyphProvider class that dramatically simplifies the creation of new providers via three simple properties (as the core functionality of all of the providers is essentially the same); This should also resolve some minor edge-case errors that a few users had experienced.

All of the individual issues within this release can be found here.


8 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following updates to the extension :

  • Added Support for Visual Studio "15"


8 years ago

This latest release of Glyphfriend includes the following updates to the extension :

  • Optimized Glyphs via Image Optimizer
    • Losslessly optimized all of the Glyphs and other images found within the VSIX file. Each glyph was reduced by roughly ~10-20%.

All of the individual issues within this release can be found here.