Github Sponsorable In Japan Save

A list of GitHub users who are living in Japan and are sponsor-able.

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GitHub Sponsor-able Users in Japan

This repository is a list of GitHub users who are living in Japan and are sponsor-able.

Wei Wang

@onevcat ❤️Sponsor
Developer, creator, proud father.
Kingfisher A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.


@kenjinote ❤️Sponsor
I like Win32API and assembly language. Microsoft MVP Since 2017 - 2024.🐳
kenjinote my profile repository


@mattn ❤️Sponsor
Long-time Golang user&contributor, Google Dev Expert for Go, and author of many Go tools, Vim plugin author. Windows hacker C#/Java/C/C++, ex-GitHubStars

Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto

@matz ❤️Sponsor

Denny Britz

@dennybritz ❤️Sponsor
High-school dropout. Ex Google Brain, Stanford, Berkeley. Into Startups, Deep Learning. Writing at and

Daichi Furiya

@wasabeef ❤️Sponsor
Google Developers Expert for Android
awesome-android-ui A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries

Hsiaoming Yang

@lepture ❤️Sponsor
This guy is too lazy to introduce himself.
authlib The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.


@zcbenz ❤️Sponsor
Creator of the Electron framework.
electron :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Guo Yu

@guo-yu ❤️Sponsor
Retired. live in Tokyo & Azumino at this moment. ex-senior principal engineer at Bytedance for 6 yrs. Founder of @ChecksFinance & @CodeforDAO
contracts Solidity smart contracts of CodeforDAO


@Shougo ❤️Sponsor
The text editor is the world.
dpp.vim Dark powered plugin manager for Vim/neovim

Hector Martin

@marcan ❤️Sponsor
If it ain't broke, I'll fix it!
openlase Open source realtime laser graphics framework

Atsushi Sakai

@AtsushiSakai ❤️Sponsor
An autonomous navigation system engineer, and an OSS developer of #PythonRobotics and #SciPy etc. Japanese web page maintainer of #NumPy
PythonRobotics Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.

Sebastian Tschan

@blueimp ❤️Sponsor
🍌banana banana banana
JavaScript-Load-Image Load images provided as File or Blob objects or via URL. Retrieve an optionally scaled, cropped or rotated HTML img or canvas element. Use methods to parse image metadata to extract IPTC and Exif tags as well as embedded thumbnail images, to overwrite the Exif Orientation value and to restore the complete image header after resizing.

kazuya kawaguchi

@kazupon ❤️Sponsor
software engineer, @vuejs core team member, creator of @intlify & i18n enthusiast, @vuejs-jp organizer, and wasm love
vue-i18n-next Vue I18n for Vue 3

Shuichi Tsutsumi

@shu223 ❤️Sponsor
Freelance iOS Programmer
ARKit-Sampler Code examples for ARKit.

Yoshifumi Kawai

@neuecc ❤️Sponsor
Founder/CEO/CTO of Cysharp, Inc. Microsoft MVP for Visual C# since 2011
MessagePack-CSharp Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). /[C#]

Hiroki Osame

@privatenumber ❤️Sponsor
I'm on a mission to open source my solutions 🚀
tsx ⚡️ TypeScript Execute: Node.js enhanced to run TypeScript & ESM

Yusuke Endoh

@mame ❤️Sponsor
World No.1 IOCCC player.


@azu ❤️Sponsor
Creator of @textlint, @secretlint, @honkit and @almin. Editor of @efcl, @jser and @ecmascript-daily. Author of @js-primer. (Don't send me email-ad.)
promises-book JavaScript Promiseの本

Kentaro Wada

@wkentaro ❤️Sponsor
Building intelligence to automate more.
labelme Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).


@mariotaku ❤️Sponsor
ihsplay Steam In-Home Streaming Client Application


@pilcrowOnPaper ❤️Sponsor
I like making stuff
lucia Authentication, simple and clean


@mob-sakai ❤️Sponsor

Chris Garry

@chrislgarry ❤️Sponsor

Hajime Hoshi

@hajimehoshi ❤️Sponsor
CTO at Odencat. Author of Ebitengine.

Yusuke Wada

@yusukebe ❤️Sponsor
Developer Advocate @cloudflare / Creator of @honojs
hono Web Framework built on Web Standards

Jianqi Pan

@Jannchie ❤️Sponsor
Non-indie developer. Passionate about programming. A Mediator (INFP).
anichart.js Easily create data visualization animation videos

Ryuichi Yamamoto

@r9y9 ❤️Sponsor
Speech Synthesis, Voice Conversion, Machine Learning, Singing Voice Synthesis
wavenet_vocoder WaveNet vocoder

Eitaro Fukamachi

@fukamachi ❤️Sponsor
woo A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev

Katsuya Hyodo

@PINTO0309 ❤️Sponsor
Hobby programmer. Intel Software Innovator Program member.
PINTO_model_zoo A repository for storing models that have been inter-converted between various frameworks. Supported frameworks are TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, OpenVINO, TFJS, TFTRT, TensorFlowLite (Float32/16/INT8), EdgeTPU, CoreML.

Hiroki Nakayama

@Hironsan ❤️Sponsor
OSS developer | Interested in Natural Language Processing
doccano Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.


@hsbt ❤️Sponsor
Full-time OSS developer. I'm a member of Ruby core team, RubyGems team and rbenv and ruby-build maintainer.
ruby The Ruby Programming Language

Tim Oliver

@TimOliver ❤️Sponsor
Gamer. Developer. Geek. iOS Software Engineer at @Instagram (prev. @Drivemode, @Realm). Lover of writing OSS code and singer of bad karaoke. 日本語もオッケ〜
TOCropViewController A view controller for iOS that allows users to crop portions of UIImage objects

Yuki Okushi

@JohnTitor ❤️Sponsor
Japanese codewriting ninja, FLOSS nerd, and sometimes warrior of light | Making things better on the FLOSS world
rust Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.


@hrsh7th ❤️Sponsor
Rational > Maintainable > Convenience. Please Twitter DM, I can't notice E-mail. nvim/vim, LSP, TypeScript.
nvim-cmp A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.

Yuji Ueki

@unhappychoice ❤️Sponsor
\ Full Stack Engineer /
Norimaki :cyclone: Android client for Circle CI

Garrett Johnson

@gkjohnson ❤️Sponsor
Working on graphics for the city of the future, space robots, path tracing, and having a good time.
three-gpu-pathtracer Path tracing renderer and utilities for three.js built on top of three-mesh-bvh.

mono — Masayuki Ono

@mono0926 ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer (Flutter/Dart, Firebase/GCP, iOS/Swift, TypeScript)
adaptive_dialog Show alert dialog or modal action sheet adaptively according to platform.

Yusuke Kuoka

@mumoshu ❤️Sponsor
AWS Container Hero / Maintains actions-runner-controller, helmfile, etc / Wanna be a paid OSS dev someday
actions-runner-controller Kubernetes controller for GitHub Actions self-hosted runners

Koichi Sasada

@ko1 ❤️Sponsor
A Ruby interpreter programmer.


@itchyny ❤️Sponsor
Professional of jq.
lightline.vim A light and configurable statusline/tabline plugin for Vim

Baku 麦

@baku89 ❤️Sponsor
video director・visual artist・coder
glisp Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression.

Toru Nagashima

@mysticatea ❤️Sponsor
A software developer.
eslint Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.

Hiroshi Kimura

@muukii ❤️Sponsor
Swift & iOS - Working on creating apps and open-sourced libraries. I'm interested in Creating smooth and fancy UI, State-Management, Image Processing.
MondrianLayout 🏗 A way to build AutoLayout rapidly than using InterfaceBuilder(XIB, Storyboard) in iOS.

Ryo Aoyama

@ra1028 ❤️Sponsor
👾 iOS lead architect / Principal engineer at @mercari
swiftui-atom-properties ⚛️ Atomic approach state management and dependency injection for SwiftUI

Yuka Ka

@yuk7 ❤️Sponsor
Software developer, Indie Hacker, Maker from Japan.
wsldl Advanced WSL launcher / installer. (Win10 FCU x64/arm64 or later.)

Yuta Hiroto

@hiroppy ❤️Sponsor
Working on @nodejs, @webpack, @babel and @whatwg.😼
node Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨

Takayama Fumihiko

@tekezo ❤️Sponsor
Karabiner-Elements Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.

Sorah Fukumori

@sorah ❤️Sponsor
❤️ IP & Systems | SWE (DX, IT) @cookpad | AS59128 @kmc-jp | RubyKaigi Organizer
acmesmith An effective ACME v2 client: Manage keys on the cloud (e.g. S3)


@bokuweb ❤️Sponsor
Embedded / Web Engineer
react-rnd 🖱 A resizable and draggable component for React.

Yoshiya Hinosawa

@kt3k ❤️Sponsor
A web dev in 🇯🇵. Work on @denoland. Current hobby: VSCode Custom Editor
deno A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Syoyo Fujita

@syoyo ❤️Sponsor
No ray tracing no life.
tinyusdz Tiny, dependency-free USDZ/USDA/USDC library written in C++14

Sora Morimoto

@smorimoto ❤️Sponsor
@ocaml @tarides @ocsigen @mirage @Solo5 @tc39
ocaml The core OCaml system: compilers, runtime system, base libraries

翠 / green

@sapphi-red ❤️Sponsor
@vitejs core team member
vite Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!

Ryo Nakamura

@r7kamura ❤️Sponsor
If you would like to help with maintenance, don't hesitate to create an Issue and contact me ✘╹◡╹✘
amazon_url_shortener Chrome extension to automatically shorten Amazon product URL.


@lestrrat ❤️Sponsor
DevRel/Tech Event orga. @peco maintainer. Projects → Go: @lestrrat-go, Perl5: @lestrrat-p5, Perl6: @lestrrat-p6, dead projects: @lestrrat-morgue
peco Simplistic interactive filtering tool


@haya14busa ❤️Sponsor
🐦 .。oO( Vim ... )
reviewdog 🐶 Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language

Masahiro Wakame

@vvakame ❤️Sponsor
❤️ TypeScript, Go, GraphQL and 🐈
graphql-schema-guide GraphQLスキーマのあれこれをいい感じにする本

Kia King Ishii

@kiaking ❤️Sponsor
The optimist web designer/developer. @vuejs core team member. VitePress and Vue’s design system. Partner at @globalbrain.
vitepress Vite & Vue powered static site generator.

Shintaro Katafuchi

@hotchemi ❤️Sponsor
PermissionsDispatcher A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions.


@maekawatoshiki ❤️Sponsor
C++ / Rust / Graduate student
vicis Manipulate LLVM-IR in Pure Rust


@takahirox ❤️Sponsor
Average level computer engineer

Λlisue (Ali sue・ありすえ)

@lambdalisue ❤️Sponsor
Vim, Python, Rust, Deno
vim-fern 🌿 General purpose asynchronous tree viewer written in Pure Vim script

Takuya Ueda

@tenntenn ❤️Sponsor
Go engineer / Gopher artist
gopher-stickers gopher stickers


@syohex ❤️Sponsor
A programmer

Taiki Endo

@taiki-e ❤️Sponsor
cargo-llvm-cov Cargo subcommand to easily use LLVM source-based code coverage (-C instrument-coverage).

Hironao OTSUBO

@motemen ❤️Sponsor
gore Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more.

Inada Naoki

@methane ❤️Sponsor
Stand with Ukraine
cpython The Python programming language


@babarot ❤️Sponsor
Oftenly writing YAML and HCL on business.
afx 📦 Package manager for CLI


@junnplus ❤️Sponsor
Hey there, I’m Jun. Having fun with Python、Go、Rust and Lua.
nerdctl contaiNERD CTL - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, ...


@ryo-ma ❤️Sponsor
I'm Ryota Sakamoto.
github-profile-trophy 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme

Yuki Hattori

@yhatt ❤️Sponsor
Web developer and Open-source lover living in Japan.
marp The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem

Kittinun Vantasin

@kittinunf ❤️Sponsor
Android/iOS Enthusiast
fuel The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android

Hiroki Kokubun

@cocopon ❤️Sponsor
Developer / Designer
tweakpane :control_knobs: Compact GUI for fine-tuning parameters and monitoring value changes

Koichi Shiraishi

@zchee ❤️Sponsor
Dev Enabling team at @gaudiy. Gopher.
docker-machine-driver-xhyve docker-machine/minikube/minishift driver plugin for xhyve/hyperkit (native macOS hypervisor.framework)

Norbert Preining

@norbusan ❤️Sponsor
texlive-source source part of the TeX Live subversion repository - for issues please contact the tex-k mailing list at

Suguru Inatomi

@lacolaco ❤️Sponsor
Google Developers Expert for Angular Trust me, I'm a programmer.


@skanehira ❤️Sponsor
Vim, Go, Rust, TypeScript. Many CLI/TUI Tools, Vim plugins author.
chibiwasm A small Wasm Runtime


@ikesyo ❤️Sponsor
Himotoki A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift

Toru Kobayashi

@koba04 ❤️Sponsor
Web Application Developer
react The library for web and native user interfaces.

Yusuke Yamamoto

@yusuke ❤️Sponsor
Java Developer, Java Champion, and author of Twitter4J
Twitter4J Twitter4J is an open-source Java library for the Twitter API.

Yosuke Ota

@ota-meshi ❤️Sponsor
Member of @vuejs, @sveltejs, @stylelint, @stylus, and @intlify. ex-@eslint. Owner of cheetah-grid. Java/JavaScript/TypeScript. I use broken English
eslint-plugin-vue Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js

Kenta Murata

@mrkn ❤️Sponsor
I am an open-source software engineer. I am a committer to Ruby and Apache Arrow and a contributor to Julia.
pycall.rb Calling Python functions from the Ruby language

Shogo Sensui

@1000ch ❤️Sponsor
grd A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).

Satoh, Hiroh

@cho45 ❤️Sponsor
Software (Server-side) Programmer

Yoshihiro Sugi

@sugyan ❤️Sponsor
ttyrec2gif ttyrec to animated GIF

Masaaki Goshima

@goccy ❤️Sponsor
go-json Fast JSON encoder/decoder compatible with encoding/json for Go

Takahiro Kubo

@icoxfog417 ❤️Sponsor
arXivTimes repository to research & share the machine learning articles

Gosuke Miyashita

@mizzy ❤️Sponsor
serverspec RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Itamae or anything else even by hand

Masayuki Matsuki

@Songmu ❤️Sponsor
Just a software engineer loves OSS

Shohei Ueda

@peaceiris ❤️Sponsor
A developer focusing on Static Site Generators and GitHub Actions.
actions-gh-pages GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages 🚀 Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly.


@BcRikko ❤️Sponsor
Creator of NES.css / Front-end developer
NES.css NES-style CSS Framework | ファミコン風CSSフレームワーク

Takashi Kitao

@kitao ❤️Sponsor
Developer of Pyxel, a retro game engine for Python. Former game developer. Lead programmer of "Zone of the Enders" series for PlayStation.
pyxel A retro game engine for Python

Ken’ichiro Oyama

@k1LoW ❤️Sponsor
tbls tbls is a CI-Friendly tool for document a database, written in Go.

Akihiro Oyamada

@yomotsu ❤️Sponsor
camera-controls A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.

Mayuki Sawatari

@mayuki ❤️Sponsor
Software Developer; Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies
Cocona Micro-framework for .NET console application. Cocona makes it easy and fast to build console applications on .NET.

Sutou Kouhei

@kou ❤️Sponsor


@kenkoooo ❤️Sponsor
Girls und Panzer
AtCoderProblems Extend your AtCoder


@shimat ❤️Sponsor
opencvsharp OpenCV wrapper for .NET

Colin Woodbury

@fosskers ❤️Sponsor
I write Rust, Haskell, and Lisp.
aura A secure, multilingual package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR.


@lovyan03 ❤️Sponsor
最近は主にESP32を扱ってます。 マイコン用のライブラリとか作るよ。
LovyanGFX SPI LCD graphics library for ESP32 (ESP-IDF/ArduinoESP32) / ESP8266 (ArduinoESP8266) / SAMD51(Seeed ArduinoSAMD51)


@saki4510t ❤️Sponsor


@sosukesuzuki ❤️Sponsor
prettier Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.

Christian Oliff

@coliff ❤️Sponsor
open source
html5-boilerplate A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.

Yuta Katayama

@yutkat ❤️Sponsor
Programmer / Editor: Neovim / Shell: zsh / Terminal: wezterm / OS: ArchLinux(hyprland), Android / PC:Thinkpad, HHKB hybrid , GameBall / Lang: Rust, Svelte

Akinori Musha

@knu ❤️Sponsor
Ruby committer, co-maintainer of @huginn, Emacs Lisper, ex-FreeBSD committer. Senior Expert at WED, Inc.
huginn Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!

Masataka Pocke Kuwabara

@pocke ❤️Sponsor


@kyubuns ❤️Sponsor
AkyuiUnity Adobe XD to Akyui to Unity UI

Anshuman Verma

@anshumanv ❤️Sponsor
react-expression-builder A React component for building function expressions with typeahead support


@KOBA789 ❤️Sponsor
💻 SWE 🦀 Rustacean 🔴 VTuber
relly RDBMS のしくみを学ぶための小さな RDBMS 実装

Yuichiro Tachibana (Tsuchiya)

@whitphx ❤️Sponsor

Junichi Kato

@j5ik2o ❤️Sponsor
I'm a tech-lead in the Chatwork Inc, is lover to Scala/Rust, Akka, DDD/CQRS+Event Sourcing.
ulid-generator-rs A Rust crate for generating ULIDs.


@sksat ❤️Sponsor
I love low-layer and universe
compose-cd Continuous Deployment for docker-compose

Michael Rambeau

@michaelrambeau ❤️Sponsor
bestofjs :star: A place to find the best components to build amazing web applications. The best of JavaScript!

Masahiro Nagano

@kazeburo ❤️Sponsor

Kazuhito Hokamura

@hokaccha ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer
bdash Simple SQL Client for lightweight data analysis.

Shohei Yokoyama

@shoheiyokoyama ❤️Sponsor
iOS Engineer at @smartnews ex-@CyberAgent
ReactiveSwift Streams of values over time

Jesse Katsumata

@Naturalclar ❤️Sponsor
Engineer @newn-team Member of @react-native-community
menu UIMenu Component for React Native


@1024jp ❤️Sponsor
hobby macOS developer/designer developing @coteditor mainly
CotEditor Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS


@otiai10 ❤️Sponsor
🙋 ❤️ 🍣
gosseract Go package for OCR (Optical Character Recognition), by using Tesseract C++ library

Natsuki Ikeguchi

@siketyan ❤️Sponsor
enginnering behind our web.
ghr 🚀 Yet another repository management with auto-attaching profiles.

Akira Aratani

@AAkira ❤️Sponsor
Android, Kotlin, Flutter, Go
ExpandableLayout [Deprecated] An android library that brings the expandable layout with various animation. You can include optional contents and use everywhere.

Takeru Ohta

@sile ❤️Sponsor

Renaud Rohlinger

@RenaudRohlinger ❤️Sponsor
CTO Utsubo
react-three-next React Three Fiber, Threejs, Nextjs starter

Koudai Aono

@koxudaxi ❤️Sponsor
I am a software engineer focusing on Python 🐍 and Open Source contributions 💻🌐.
datamodel-code-generator Pydantic model and dataclasses.dataclass generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.

Ryosuke Matsumoto / @matsumotory

@matsumotory ❤️Sponsor
Chief Researcher

Jonathan Underwood

@junderw ❤️Sponsor
Chief Bitcoin Officer, Bitbank Inc.
lnd-rpc A NodeJS library for accessing LND via gRPC.

Daofeng Wu

@idiotWu ❤️Sponsor
I've passed the Turing Test.
smooth-scrollbar Customizable, Extendable, and High-Performance JavaScript-Based Scrollbar Solution.

Hao Nguyen

@haoict ❤️Sponsor
he/him. Software Engineer, Full stack & DevOps
production-ready-webapp-boilerplate 🚀 A well-structured production ready modern web application boilerplate (Single Page Application with Server Side Render to boost SEO). With Next.js, React, Redux, Express.js, Less, Axios, Request Caching, EnvConfig, Storybook, Workbox for PWA and more 🚀

tsuyoshi wada

@wadackel ❤️Sponsor
Web Frontend Developer in Japan. 🐕💨
scaffdog :dog: scaffdog is Markdown driven scaffolding tool.


@syumai ❤️Sponsor
Web application developer interested in TypeScript and Go.

Kei Kamikawa

@Code-Hex ❤️Sponsor
Okinawapm, Previous: Mercari, Inc.
vz Create virtual machines and run Linux-based operating systems in Go using Apple Virtualization.framework.


@zonuexe ❤️Sponsor
All my English is bad. Anyone can replace all my sentences. ヾ(〃><)ノ゙☆ < I'm tadsan.

Ibai Gorordo

@ibaiGorordo ❤️Sponsor
Passionate about sensors, technology and their potential to help people.
pyKinectAzure Python library to run Kinect Azure DK SDK functions

Takayuki Maeda

@TaKO8Ki ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer? | Member of @rust-lang compiler team contributors
rust Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

Koichi ITO

@koic ❤️Sponsor
@rubocop core team.
rubocop A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.

Shinya Uryu

@uribo ❤️Sponsor
R / Data Engineer / Geo / Ecology / Visualization / Tokushima University (徳島大学)
zipangu Japanese utility functions and data

Martin Heidegger

@martinheidegger ❤️Sponsor
(Its my birth name) 1 / ∞
dns-query Node & Browser tested, Non-JSON DNS over HTTPS (and DNS) fetching with minimal dependencies.

Noriyuki Miyazaki

@hiyohiyo ❤️Sponsor
Microsoft MVP (2014/1-)
CrystalDiskInfo CrystalDiskInfo


@ikegami-yukino ❤️Sponsor
(Natural Language Processing) Software developer.
neologdn Japanese text normalizer for mecab-neologd

Hideo Hattori

@hhatto ❤️Sponsor
kamasu HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2 Proxy for PHP Built-in Server, written in Rust

Atsushi Watanabe

@at-wat ❤️Sponsor
Robotics/Media Streaming/Release Engineer of SEQSENSE, Inc.
mcl_3dl A ROS node to perform a probabilistic 3-D/6-DOF localization system for mobile robots with 3-D LIDAR(s). It implements pointcloud based Monte Carlo localization that uses a reference pointcloud as a map.

Yamagishi Kazutoshi

@ykzts ❤️Sponsor
mastodon Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community


@t9md ❤️Sponsor
atom-vim-mode-plus vim-mode improved

Tsukasa Sugiura

@UnaNancyOwen ❤️Sponsor
Microsoft MVP for Windows Development / Point Cloud Library Maintainer
RealSense2Sample RealSense SDK 2 Sample Program

Nov Matake

@nov ❤️Sponsor
Working around Ruby, OAuth, OpenID etc.

FUJIWARA Shunichiro

@fujiwara ❤️Sponsor
lambroll lambroll is a minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda.

Suguru Kishimoto

@sgr-ksmt ❤️Sponsor
iOS/Web Developer and Technical Advisor for Firebase. 💖:Swift/TypeScript/Firebase/React
FireSnapshot A useful Firebase-Cloud-Firestore Wrapper with Codable.


@0918nobita ❤️Sponsor
obsidian-zhongwen-block An Obsidian plugin which provides code blocks with features for Chinese learners

Kazuki Ota

@runceel ❤️Sponsor
Love C#!


@shogo82148 ❤️Sponsor
goroutine concurrency expert
goa-v1 fork of version 1

Soutaro Matsumoto

@soutaro ❤️Sponsor
steep Static type checker for Ruby

Yuki Toyoda

@yuk1ty ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer 🇯🇵

Satoru Takeuchi

@satoru-takeuchi ❤️Sponsor
Rook(maintainer)/Ceph/TopoLVM(maintainer)/Kubernetes/Linux kernel

Shirokuma (k tanaka)

@neka-nat ❤️Sponsor
Interested in computer vision (3D processing, GPU computing), robotics and AI.
cupoch Robotics with GPU computing

Yuma Yanagisawa

@yumayanagisawa ❤️Sponsor
Art & Code
Unity-Raindrops raindrops shader

Tatsuro Shibamura

@shibayan ❤️Sponsor
Developer / Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Azure / Windows on Arm Enthusiast

Nam Nguyen

@eneim ❤️Sponsor
SWE ❤️ Android
kohii Android Video Playback made easy.

Yohei Yasukawa

@yasulab ❤️Sponsor
Committer to @coderdojo-japan, @mitou, and @remote-jp. CEO @YassLab, where we develop & for those who learn web development! 🎓
rails Ruby on Rails

Shunsuke Suzuki

@suzuki-shunsuke ❤️Sponsor
Platform Engineer / OSS Developer / Go
aqua Declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate. CLI version is switched seamlessly

Atsushi NAGASE

@ngs ❤️Sponsor
Software Developer and Founder @instance0
ci2go CI2Go is a @CircleCI client for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac.

Kondo Uchio

@udzura ❤️Sponsor
Rubyist, founder of haconiwa, rbbcc, niao, etc
rbbcc BCC port for MRI - this is unofficial bonsai project.

Ryo Suzuki

@Reputeless ❤️Sponsor
@Siv3D developer, @cppmap author
OpenSiv3D C++20 framework for creative coding 🎮🎨🎹 / Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux, and the Web)

Yuichi Yoshida

@sonsongithub ❤️Sponsor
I'm a research engineer. I like iOS, LLVM, Swift, computer vision, machine learning and image processing. @DensoITLab

Seiei Miyagi

@hanachin ❤️Sponsor

Jonavil (Avie) Fukai

@avie-dev ❤️Sponsor
AsaKatsuProject A project to track your AsaKatsu progress

Dennis Gosnell

@cdepillabout ❤️Sponsor

Jari Vetoniemi

@Cloudef ❤️Sponsor
Available for contract work⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 委託契約書の機会を探しています Saatavilla konsulttina

Yutaka Matsubara

@mopemope ❤️Sponsor
Psychedelic programmer

Lukas Reineke

@lukas-reineke ❤️Sponsor
dotfiles My personal dotfiles. do not eat

Sam Yamashita

@sotayamashita ❤️Sponsor
Co-founder @autifyhq backed by Alchemist Accelerator


@bannzai ❤️Sponsor

Ikiru Yoshizaki

@guitarrapc ❤️Sponsor
Unity, Serverless, Kubernetes, Pulumi, Terraform, Swift, Go, Kotlin, C#, PowerShell, TypeScript, AWS, Google Cloud and Azure.
SkiaSharp.QrCode Qr Code Generator with Skia. (no System.Drawing)

Shinichi Tomita

@stomita ❤️Sponsor
jsforce Salesforce API Library for JavaScript applications (both on Node.js and web browser)

Shiono Yoshihide

@saltyshiomix ❤️Sponsor
livin' in OSS <3

Yoshinori Isogai

@shiraji ❤️Sponsor
find-pull-request Intellij plugin that jumps to the pull request page

Norio Nomura

@norio-nomura ❤️Sponsor
SwiftLint A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.


@dalance ❤️Sponsor
procs A modern replacement for ps written in Rust


@ktr0731 ❤️Sponsor
application engineer
go The Go programming language


@rinsuki ❤️Sponsor
💕: Rin Shibuya, Swift, TypeScript
iMast 📱🐘 3rd-party Mastodon Client for iOS


@dev-yakuza ❤️Sponsor
[Web Frontend] React(TypeScript) [Web Backend] Golang [App] Flutter

Yusuke Tanaka

@magurotuna ❤️Sponsor
Improving Deno. Part-time master's student at Georgia Tech studying computer science. he/him
deno A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Kenji Urushima

@kjur ❤️Sponsor


@inokawa ❤️Sponsor
Frontend Developer
virtua A zero-config, fast and small (~3kB) virtual list (and grid) component for React, Vue and Solid.


@cxxxr ❤️Sponsor
lem Common Lisp editor/IDE with high expansibility


@Pitu ❤️Sponsor
Software developer and music junkie.
chibisafe Blazing fast file vault written in TypeScript! 🚀

Nao Yonashiro

@orisano ❤️Sponsor
I'm interested in application performance.
dlayer dlayer is docker layer analyzer.


@mzyy94 ❤️Sponsor
Happy Hacking
ns-remote Play Nintendo Switch anyware

Tomoya Ishizaki

@zaq1tomo ❤️Sponsor

Sho Kusano

@rosylilly ❤️Sponsor
Founder of Space Pirates, LLC.
git-tasukete gitで助けて欲しい時に


@micnncim ❤️Sponsor
crossplane The Cloud Native Control Plane


@lindwurm ❤️Sponsor
Server management guy
madoka カスタムROMビルド用マネージャースクリプト

Yutaka HARA

@yhara ❤️Sponsor
shiika A statically-typed programming language

Satoshi Terasaki

@terasakisatoshi ❤️Sponsor
JuliaLang package/code creator Miyagi, Sendai/Japan   MainLang: Julia/Python
jlcross Dockerfiles for arm devices e.g. Raspberry Pi Series


@shogo4405 ❤️Sponsor
HaishinKit.swift Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP and SRT for iOS, macOS, tvOS and visionOS.

Hidetake Iwata

@int128 ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer. Father of my family. Loving 🐰 rabbits and 🍺 craft beer.
kubelogin kubectl plugin for Kubernetes OpenID Connect authentication (kubectl oidc-login)


@yutopp ❤️Sponsor

Toshiki Teramura

@termoshtt ❤️Sponsor
Ph.D. in Turbulence/Dynamical Systems
ndarray-linalg Linear algebra package for rust-ndarray using LAPACK binding

Nobuyuki Iwanaga

@ufcpp ❤️Sponsor Unidentified Flying C++: C with UFO-like-operator, for short, UFCPP. In this web site, I've been publishing Japanese artcles on .NET techn

Takaya Saeki

@nullpo-head ❤️Sponsor
(☕, 🍣, 🍔) => 💻
noah Bash on Ubuntu on macOS


@LanceMoe ❤️Sponsor
Full-Stack developer in Tokyo.

Takuya Takeuchi

@takuya-takeuchi ❤️Sponsor
FaceRecognitionDotNet The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET on Windows, MacOS and Linux

TreeFrog Framework

@treefrogframework ❤️Sponsor

Quang Nguyen

@quangctkm9207 ❤️Sponsor
Mostly learning by doing.
mvp-android-arch-component Android MVP sample adapts with new Android architecture components (Lifecycle, Room).

Yoichiro Tanaka

@yoichiro ❤️Sponsor
remap Keymap Customization Web app for your keyboard.

Yuya Tanaka

@ypresto ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer / UX Designer. ex- codetakt, ex- freelance, ex- mixi, Inc. they/them.
vscode-intelli-refactor Smartly select range for refactoring under cursor. Use with VSCode Insiders.


@hirose31 ❤️Sponsor

Akira Takahashi

@faithandbrave ❤️Sponsor

Yusuke Sakurai

@keroxp ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer in Japan.

Akihito Koriyama

@koriym ❤️Sponsor
A Tokyo based PHP developer @bearsunday @auraphp
BEAR.Sunday A resource-oriented application framework

Hidenori Matsubayashi

@HidenoriMatsubayashi ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer @NVIDIA / ❤️ Linux, @flutter, Embedded systems, System software, Graphics
evisor Light-weight Bare Metal Hypervisor (Type 1) written in C++


@vaaaaanquish ❤️Sponsor
Darth Vader
xonsh :shell: Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell.

Minoru Osuka

@mosuka ❤️Sponsor
bayard A full-text search and indexing server written in Rust.

Daiki Matsudate

@d-date ❤️Sponsor
iOS Developer
swift The Swift Programming Language

Tetsuo Koyama

@tkoyama010 ❤️Sponsor
3D visualization library @pyvista maintainer & translator, @scipy-conference chairperson, Photo by: @peacock0803sz CC-BY 2.0
pyvista 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)


@himkt ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer who is interested in Human Language Technologies
konoha 🌿 An easy-to-use Japanese Text Processing tool, which makes it possible to switch tokenizers with small changes of code.


@yuru7 ❤️Sponsor
I am publishing fonts for Japanese programmer.

Yasuhiro SHIMIZU

@yshrsmz ❤️Sponsor
Android/Web developer
monotweety Simple Twitter Client just for tweeting, written in Kotlin with reactive MVVM-like approach

Harutaka Kawamura

@harupy ❤️Sponsor

Takeshi Watanabe

@take-cheeze ❤️Sponsor

Genki Sugawara

@winebarrel ❤️Sponsor

Yamamoto, Hirotaka

@ymmt2005 ❤️Sponsor
Software Entropy Reducer. Loves Go and Kubernetes. Most of my works exist in @cybozu and @cybozu-go
neco Project Neco


@sienori ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer
Tab-Session-Manager WebExtensions for restoring and saving window / tab states

Rintaro Itokawa

@re-taro ❤️Sponsor
I'm a student | Web Frontend and Frontend Ops | Geek sometimes developer My personal homepage


@ryohey ❤️Sponsor
Front-end Developer/CEO at @covelline
signal Online MIDI Editor: signal


@doxas ❤️Sponsor

Kenta Takeuchi

@bmf-san ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer.
goblin A golang http router based on trie tree.

Kensei Nakada

@sanposhiho ❤️Sponsor
a man living in the beautiful city, Kyoto
kubernetes Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management


@mogaming217 ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer TypeScript/GraphQL Server, Client/Next.js/Flutter/React Native/Firebase/Terraform

Kenji Rikitake

@jj1bdx ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer. @pepabo R&D.
airspy-fmradion Software decoder for FM/AM broadcast radio with AirSpy R2 / Mini, Airspy HF+, and RTL-SDR

Kazuki Suda

@superbrothers ❤️Sponsor
Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo and Kubernetes Community Days Tokyo co-organizer
stern ⎈ Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes -- Friendly fork of


@e-jigsaw ❤️Sponsor
A Web Application/Service Creator. Coming Soon, LLC CEO. The Node.js® Website


@yujiosaka ❤️Sponsor
VPoE at NearMe
headless-chrome-crawler Distributed crawler powered by Headless Chrome

Iizuka Masashi

@liquidz ❤️Sponsor
vim-iced Clojure Interactive Development Environment for Vim8/Neovim

Daisuke Sato

@Tiryoh ❤️Sponsor
docker-ros-desktop-vnc 🐳 Dockerfiles to provide HTML5 VNC interface to access Ubuntu LXDE + ROS


@mika-f ❤️Sponsor

Hayato Ohhashi

@o8vm ❤️Sponsor
octox Unix-like OS in Rust inspired by xv6-riscv


@toshimaru ❤️Sponsor
Japanese Web Developer. I ♥ Ruby, Rails and OSS.
rails Ruby on Rails


@hako-mikan ❤️Sponsor

Shinya Ishikawa

@meganetaaan ❤️Sponsor
A JavaScript guy who loves all the interface between humans and machines.
stack-chan A JavaScript-driven M5Stack-embedded super-kawaii robot.


@tani ❤️Sponsor
I am a LISP interpreter.
cheeriogs Cheerio/ jQuery for Google Apps Script

Masayuki Izumi

@izumin5210 ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer
grapi 😮 A surprisingly easy API server and generator in gRPC and Go

Kento Nozawa

@nzw0301 ❤️Sponsor
gap-contrastive-and-supervised-losses #ICML2022 Experimental codes of "On the Surrogate Gap between Contrastive and Supervised Losses"

Takeshi KOMIYA

@tk0miya ❤️Sponsor
sphinx The Sphinx documentation generator


@fa0311 ❤️Sponsor


@znz ❤️Sponsor
Ruby committer


@Coordinate-Cat ❤️Sponsor
What I've learned over the past few years is that if you have time to grow a text editor, you might as well build an app.
Coordinate-Cat Please don't fork it. using lowlighter/metrics to retrieve and display information from github. Check the information in the tool author repository or raw.


@hatoo ❤️Sponsor
oha Ohayou(おはよう), HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation.

David Hewitt

@davidmhewitt ❤️Sponsor
torrential A simple torrent client for elementary OS


@konojunya ❤️Sponsor
CTO @microverse-dev
ghq-raycast Raycast Extension for ghq list and get.

Yasunori Kirimoto

@dayjournal ❤️Sponsor
Geospatial Architect|AWS DevTools Hero|Co-Founder and COO of MIERUNE|Owner of dayjournal|Community - MapLibre, Amplify, FOSS4G, Notion
JSWebMapApp JavaScriptではじめるWebマップアプリケーション


@swsoyee ❤️Sponsor
📊  Visualization  🎛️  Front-end
2019-ncov-japan 🦠 Interactive dashboard for real-time recording of COVID-19 outbreak in Japan

Yoshiaki Ueda (bootjp)

@bootjp ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer for distributed storage, low latency content delivery and real-time network system.
vrc_auto_rejoin_tool Due to internet issues VRChat may force users back to their Home World unintentionally. The use of this application can redirect user back to their previous World, which includes Invite+ and Invite only Sessions. VRChatで意図せずホームワールドに戻されたときに直前のインスタンスに自動で戻るツールです。


@gongo ❤️Sponsor

Kotaro Inoue

@musaprg ❤️Sponsor
lazy geek cat who loves cryptology and distributed systems, he/him

Usagi Ito

@usagi ❤️Sponsor
LOVE 🍣 🍵 🌶️ 🍎 🍟 🥖 🧀 LANG 🇯🇵 🇺🇸 TECH Rust C++ C# Software | IoT Hardware | Civil Engineering
virtual-avatar-connect 配信支援アプリ Virtual Avatar Connect; VAC AI疑似人格共演者、VRM制御、音声認識、画像認識、字幕、翻訳、読み上げ、Twitchチャットなどなど


@kamijin-fanta ❤️Sponsor
frontend engineer.
react-icons svg react icons of popular icon packs

Akihiko Odaki

@akihikodaki ❤️Sponsor
Loving FLOSS and chocolate. Languages: Japanese (native), English (basic). See my "overview" page for details.

Manish Kumar ⛄

@manishprivet ❤️Sponsor
Learning till the end of the world | ❤️ @nodejs The Node.js® Website

Hiroshi Urabe

@torounit ❤️Sponsor
Web Designer / Front-end Engineer / WordPress Plugin Developer / Web Developer
custom-post-type-permalinks Edit the permalink of custom post type !

Taichi Ishitani

@taichi-ishitani ❤️Sponsor
rggen Code generation tool for control and status registers


@pandax381 ❤️Sponsor
Software Developer
microps An implementation of a small TCP/IP protocol stack for learning.

Masahiro Miyashiro (3846masa)

@3846masa ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer @ AbemaTV Inc.
axios-cookiejar-support Add tough-cookie support to axios.

Md. Muhaimin Rahman

@sezan92 ❤️Sponsor
Deep Learning Engineer ,Japan

Yusuke Morishita

@yysskk ❤️Sponsor

Yuzuki Aida

@nzws ❤️Sponsor
KnzkLive No ads, Unlimited, Open-Source Live Streaming Service.

As Project

@AsPJT ❤️Sponsor
We die, but our deeds remain.
PAX_SAPIENTICA 🌿: GIS for philological, archaeological, and anthropological data.


@uonr ❤️Sponsor
boluo A chat application designed specifically for playing RPGs.

Junichi Yamamoto

@junichi11 ❤️Sponsor
Apache NetBeans Committer/PMC

Shingo Inoue

@Leko ❤️Sponsor
Node.js collaborator. I create productivity tools with JavaScript/TypeScript.
node Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨


@k-nasa ❤️Sponsor
I'm programmer.

Koichi Murase

@akinomyoga ❤️Sponsor

Dongri Jin

@dongri ❤️Sponsor
[ 🍺 ,🍜 , 🍣 , ⚽, 🦀 ]
team Free Knowledge Groupware

Akiomi Kamakura

@akiomik ❤️Sponsor
Bird lover.


@buchizo ❤️Sponsor
Maybe developer / C# / Azure / Microsoft MVP for Azure / Microsoft Regional Director
ClaudiaIDE This extension can change easily the background image of editor window in Visual Studio.

Kotaro Sugawara

@kotarella1110 ❤️Sponsor
🍺-driven development
react-hook-form 📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)


@Ar-Ray-code ❤️Sponsor
YOLOX-ROS YOLOX + ROS2 object detection package (C++ only support)


@ikawaha ❤️Sponsor
kagome Self-contained Japanese Morphological Analyzer written in pure Go


@h3poteto ❤️Sponsor
whalebird-desktop Single-column Fediverse client for desktop

Tatsuya Tanaka

@tattn ❤️Sponsor
app VTuber Camera, macOS app that shows your avatar using CoreMedia I/O's virtual camera.

Wanasit Tanakitrungruang

@wanasit ❤️Sponsor
A full-time software engineer with an interest in NLP, ML, and text processing. (The projects' ideas and coding styles are mines, not my employer's.)


@shimizukawa ❤️Sponsor
* @sphinx-doc co-maintainer * Books author/translator in Japan * @pyconjp association accounting board member see
scrap2rst Converting scrapbox syntax into reStructuredText


@ncaq ❤️Sponsor
エヌユル is my Japanese name. Haskell TypeScript Emacs Web NLP

Kanitkorn Sujautra

@lukyth ❤️Sponsor
💻 Software Engineer 🏠 Bangkok to Tokyo 🎮 Gamer 🐱 Love cats
create-react-app Set up a modern web app by running one command.

Akihito Nakano

@ackintosh ❤️Sponsor
A network programmer building Ethereum's consensus layer at Sigma Prime.
lighthouse Ethereum consensus client in Rust

Sho Nakatani

@laysakura ❤️Sponsor
A low-level system developer / backend engineer in Tokyo.
SpringQL SpringQL: Open-source stream processor for IoT devices and in-vehicle computers


@hukusuke1007 ❤️Sponsor
Never Inc. CEO & Engineer Flutter / iOS / Android / Firebase

Saki Takamachi

@SakiTakamachi ❤️Sponsor
I'm an engineer, a singer and a karate holder. I'm very interested in PDO.


@tamaina ❤️Sponsor
a.k.a aqz
misskey 🌎 An interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀

Shogo Ohta

@athos ❤️Sponsor
Clojure(Script) dev

Takenori Nakagawa

@ww24 ❤️Sponsor
linebot Chatbot for LINE (Shopping List, Reminder, ...)

Aya (Igarashi) Ozawa

@Ladicle ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer
kubectl-rolesum Summarize Kubernetes RBAC roles for the specified subjects.


@tobyapi ❤️Sponsor
Kawaii VRSNS Developer

Makoto YUI

@myui ❤️Sponsor
Senior Principal Engineer at Treasure Data
hivemall Scalable machine learning library for Apache Hive/Spark/Pig


@kubosho ❤️Sponsor
Software developer / Illustrator

Takayuki Matsubara

@ma2gedev ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer @m3dev. Focusing on serverside. Love Ruby, Elixir, ErgoDox and OSS.
power_assert_ex Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.

Soh Satoh

@sohsatoh ❤️Sponsor
Shit code here
ReProvision-Reborn On-device signing utility for iOS

Nate Teetor

@nteetor ❤️Sponsor
yonder A reactive web framework built on shiny

Shuhei Hayashibara

@shufo ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer

Thang Minh Vu

@ittus ❤️Sponsor
🚀🚀 Bugs Producer 🚀 🚀
vuejs-firebase-shopping-cart Shopping cart demo using Vuejs and Firebase


@Nuzair46 ❤️Sponsor
Full Stack Developer | Ruby on Rails | React
BlockTheSpot Video, audio & banner adblock/skip for Spotify


@loveemu ❤️Sponsor
Researching and developing a useful tool for video game music

Masataka Yakura

@myakura ❤️Sponsor


@kamiyaowl ❤️Sponsor
Embedded Engineer.

Kentaro Matsushita

@kentaro-m ❤️Sponsor
Learn something new every day.
auto-assign 🤖 A Probot app that adds reviewers to pull requests when pull requests are opened.


@anoyetta ❤️Sponsor
​I wanna be a developer of ​FFXIV​ ​Add-on​!
ACT.Hojoring Advanced Combat Tracker の FFXIV向けプラグインです。トリガ、TTSの拡張、HUDの拡張など。

Jessie Ji

@jessuni ❤️Sponsor
shikwasa An audio player born for podcast

Yuta Kurotaki

@kurotaky ❤️Sponsor
ethereum.rb & eth.rb Maintainer
eth.rb a straightforward library to build, sign, and broadcast ethereum transactions anywhere you can run ruby.

Taku Amano

@usualoma ❤️Sponsor
movabletype Movable Type

Katayama Hirofumi MZ

@katahiromz ❤️Sponsor
The non-stoppable A.N.T.
RisohEditor Another free Win32 resource editor


@bells17 ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer @3shake_Inc & ex-TopoLVM contributor. Kubernetes/Cloud Native/Golang/Rancher/Storage #kubenews #k8sinternal
common-network-policy-operator Common Network Policy Operator is auto create common network policy to all namespaces.

Takuya N

@tnir ❤️Sponsor
Cloud Native Ambassador (@cncf) / @gitlabhq Core, omnibus-gitlab, pandas, @docker Machine, Gunicorn, Celery flower, @django, unbound Docker
gitlabhq GitLab CE Mirror | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on


@laminne ❤️Sponsor
5th grade KOSEN student (19yo)
kojs6-backend [Work in progress] a mini Online Judge System


@bouzuya ❤️Sponsor

Shunsuke Shibayama

@mtshiba ❤️Sponsor
Majoring in Physics. Interested in quantum mechanics & programming languages.
erg A statically typed language compatible with Python


@0x0c ❤️Sponsor
iOS developer, HCI researcher


@anatawa12 ❤️Sponsor
A multilingual programmer other handle name: Kakerigawa Shou(翳河翔). I'm a Japanese. Please call me 'anatawa12'.
ForgeGradle-1.2 This is only for FG_1.2(for minecraft 1.7.10). Minecraft mod development framework used by Forge and FML for the gradle build system

Sora Arakawa

@arkwnet ❤️Sponsor
Programming / Web Design / Graphic Design / etc... My website (2022/06~)


@ytakano ❤️Sponsor
conc_ytakano 『並行プログラミング入門』(O'Reilly Japan, 2021)

kanani Nirav

@kananinirav ❤️Sponsor
Ruby On Rails Developer | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner-Notes AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Short Notes And Practice Exams (CLF-C02)

Satoshi NaKamura

@muak ❤️Sponsor
I like Xamarin.Forms / MAUI.
AiForms.SettingsView SettingsView for Xamarin.Forms


@eggplants ❤️Sponsor


@InkoHX ❤️Sponsor
❤ JavaScript and TypeScript / Founded @NEXTERIAS, @VectorNetworkProject @discordjs-japan / Arch Linux user


@luadebug ❤️Sponsor
明德格物。 学生 The University of Hong Kong。 Python / C++ 开发人员。

Sakura-chan the goat

@arowM ❤️Sponsor
Hi, I'm a goat. bleat. A freelance UX hacker / translator / artist.


@naichilab ❤️Sponsor
Enjoy Programming!!

Yusuke Nakamura

@unasuke ❤️Sponsor

Kyohei Fukuda

@hand-dot ❤️Sponsor
pdfme A TypeScript based PDF generator library, made with React.


@shun-shobon ❤️Sponsor
University Student / Web App Developer
justcommit AI-powered commit message generator


@masahiro331 ❤️Sponsor
Sorry, I'm not good at English. I may write some terrible expressions. I am always looking for work.

Hiroshi Ogawa

@hi-ogawa ❤️Sponsor
@vitest-dev @vitejs contributor
vite-plugins Collection of Vite plugins for full stack app


@keiji ❤️Sponsor
Programmer. Android Application Developer. Machine Learning Hobbyist (TensorFlow).
mangaview An ImageView for reading manga(comics) for Android.

Shunsuke Mano

@progfay ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer
scrapbox-parser Scrapbox notation → JavaScript Object

Shin'ya Ueoka

@ueokande ❤️Sponsor
vimmatic A browser extension to enable Vim-like keymaps on the browsers!!

Tatsuya Sato

@satoryu ❤️Sponsor
Ruby Programmer 💎
rws-ruby-sdk Ruby Client for Rakuten Web Service

Tsuyoshi Hombashi

@thombashi ❤️Sponsor
💮 🦉💤💤

Takashi Toyoshima

@toyoshim ❤️Sponsor
tss Chiptune Sound Library - T'SoundSystem

Ryo Maruyama

@h13i32maru ❤️Sponsor
Owner of ESDoc @esdoc, Jasper @jasperapp and Trickle @trickleapp
esdoc ESDoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript

Aaron Madlon-Kay

@amake ❤️Sponsor
I get around like sushi on the kaiten.
orgro An Org Mode file viewer for iOS and Android


@mackysoft ❤️Sponsor
Indie game developer and engineer / 10 years of Unity and C# exp / CI

Baku Dreameater

@malaybaku ❤️Sponsor


@loliGothicK ❤️Sponsor
I am a God.
mitama-cpp-result A Library that provides result<T, E> and maybe<T> and monadic functions for them.

Atsushi Tatsuma

@yoshoku ❤️Sponsor
rumale Rumale is a machine learning library in Ruby


@ucchyocean ❤️Sponsor
LunaChat Channel Chat Plugin for CraftBukkit


@pastak ❤️Sponsor

Yuku Kotani

@yukukotani ❤️Sponsor
kuma-ui 🐻‍❄️ A Headless, Utility-First, and Zero-Runtime UI Component Library ✨

Hidemi Ishihara

@aquaxis ❤️Sponsor

Yota Hamada

@yohamta ❤️Sponsor
A hobbyist & pragmatic OSS developer in Tokyo.
dagu Yet another cron alternative with a Web UI, but with much more capabilities. It aims to solve greater problems.


@yaneurao ❤️Sponsor
AI programmer in Japan.
YaneuraOu YaneuraOu is the World's Strongest Shogi engine(AI player) , WCSC29 1st winner , educational and USI compliant engine.

Ato Araki

@atotto ❤️Sponsor
kssh SSH client with Google Cloud KMS


@mikkame ❤️Sponsor


@takanakahiko ❤️Sponsor
clasp 🔗 Command Line Apps Script Projects


@SlashNephy ❤️Sponsor
(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ k8s, .NET, TypeScript, Go, Kotlin, Python
infrastructure Infrastructure as Code that are running at my home!

Yohei Kikuta

@yoheikikuta ❤️Sponsor


@ysakasin ❤️Sponsor
Software with TRPG
Umi Umi is a fork of Honoka which is a Bootstrap theme.

Umihiko Iwasa

@umihico ❤️Sponsor
Your portfolio is captured here!
docker-selenium-lambda The simplest demo of chrome automation by python and selenium in AWS Lambda

Yuya Kusakabe

@higebu ❤️Sponsor


@Narazaka ❤️Sponsor
seedtable seed yaml <-> xlsx を相互変換するツール

Ryotaro Banno

@ushitora-anqou ❤️Sponsor
Just a deep sea fish, a.k.a. Ushitora Anqou.
aqcc Yet another tiny tiny self-hosted C compiler, assembler, linker and standard C library.

Naotoshi Fujita

@NaotoshiFujita ❤️Sponsor


@frozenpandaman ❤️Sponsor
rambunctious tomboy-wannabe; kid; linguist. 🐐 🌨 🦑
s3s Successor to splatnet2statink. Takes battle data from the SplatNet 3 app and uploads it to!

T Kumagai

@friendbear ❤️Sponsor
💧 Programming Rust, Scala, Java, C++, C, Basic, bash, etc... & Networking, Database, Cloud computing...
RockScalaForAdvanced Rock Advanced For Scala


@KisaragiEffective ❤️Sponsor
forall p in union(people, software). kisaragi hack p

Issei Aoki

@igreenwood ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer.
loupe Twitter-like Android image viewer library


@shenril ❤️Sponsor

Shinobu Hayashi

@Shinyaigeek ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer 🕸 / Reliable Web Enthusiast 🔥 This is my blog page's repository. A daily report is in issue.

Mitsuhiro Shibuya

@mshibuya ❤️Sponsor
carrierwave Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks


@hanakla ❤️Sponsor
└(՞ةڼ◔)」 git commit --no-verify -m "WIP!!!"
paplico-paint WIP: Paplico is raster and vector painting app / engine on the web.


@soramimi ❤️Sponsor
C++, Qt, Windows, Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, electronic craft
Guitar Git GUI Client

Haruki Tosa

@harukitosa ❤️Sponsor
StudentSalaryAPI student-salaryのバックエンドapi

Tachibana waita

@whywaita ❤️Sponsor
CloudMaker at @CyberAgent | 💗 Infra/Web/IP/... | Please write your favorite foods in the mail about job hiring 🍣🍖🍎
myshoes Auto-scaling VirtualMachine runner 🏃 for GitHub Actions

Zhaowei Zhong

@zhaoweizhong ❤️Sponsor


@kawarimidoll ❤️Sponsor
He who develops a software should look to it that he himself does not become a software. And if you gaze long into codes, the codes also gazes into you.
deno-github-contributions-api The unofficial get api of GitHub contributions with Deno 🦕


@nariakiiwatani ❤️Sponsor

Hiroki Akiyama

@akiroom ❤️Sponsor
Helpfeel Inc.(Gyazo, Scrapbox, Helpfeel) CTO.

Masaki Saito

@rezoo ❤️Sponsor
Researcher @ Preferred Networks inc, Japan
movis Python library for video editing, presentation video generation, motion graphics, shader art coding, and other video production tasks

Kurata Sayuri

@sayurin ❤️Sponsor
ffftp FTPクライアントソフトウェアです。


@atusy ❤️Sponsor
felp Functional Help for Functions, Objects, and Packages

Kohei Yamada

@iberianpig ❤️Sponsor
fusuma Multitouch gestures with libinput driver on Linux

Jorgen Lundman

@lundman ❤️Sponsor
zfs OpenZFS on OS X


@BonyChops ❤️Sponsor
Klis21 Student at The University of Tsukuba.
Game-Console-Activity-to-Discord Share your ACTUAL game console activity on Discord!


@banjun ❤️Sponsor
Full time iOS & visionOS app developer, working on Apple platforms since macOS 10.1
LoveLiver Create Apple's Live Photos from JPEG and MOV.

Shun Kosaka

@shunkosa ❤️Sponsor
sfdx-flowdoc-plugin A Salesforce CLI plugin that generates design document from Lightning Flow (currently Process Builder) metadata

HASUMI Hitoshi

@hasumikin ❤️Sponsor
Creator of PicoRuby and PRK Firmware. Maintainer of ruby/irb, ruby/reline, and mrubyc/mrubyc.
prk_firmware A keyboard firmware platform in PicoRuby


@nasa9084 ❤️Sponsor
Go/Kubernetes Engineer
gmac Gmail as Code - manage gmail filters as YAML format

Yuta Hayashibe

@shirayu ❤️Sponsor
asdc Accommodation Search Dialog Corpus (宿泊施設探索対話コーパス)


@wada811 ❤️Sponsor
Android Application Architect
DataBinding-ktx DataBinding-ktx make easy to use DataBinding.

Yuya Oka

@nnsnodnb ❤️Sponsor
iOS applications and ServerSide Developer (Python) I love Python 🐍
kalyke :toolbox: A library for interacting with APNs and VoIP using HTTP/2.

Naoya Yoshizawa

@azihsoyn ❤️Sponsor

Surya Asriadie

@Fs02 ❤️Sponsor
Writing beautiful codes.
rel :gem: Modern ORM for Golang - Testable, Extendable and Crafted Into a Clean and Elegant API

Shumpei Urabe

@yaminoma ❤️Sponsor
"Yaminoma" has a strong meaning in Japanese.

Brandon Pittman

@brandonpittman ❤️Sponsor
Building excellent websites with React, Remix, Qwik, and Vanilla Extract. I also fuck around with ReScript, OCaml, Elm, and Haskell.
qwik-markdown Helper CLIs for dealing with Markdown routes in Qwik City apps.


@ethand91 ❤️Sponsor
System Programmer/Admin. Here I upload various side projects :)
mediasoup3-record-demo Simple Record Demo using Mediasoup 3 and GStreamer


@calmery ❤️Sponsor

Okuto Oyama

@yamanoku ❤️Sponsor
FrontEnd Designer / Internet Junkie
Curriculum-Vitae 職務経歴書 / Curriculum-Vitae

Yasuhisa Yoshida

@syou6162 ❤️Sponsor
Data Engineer at 10X
times_esa slackの分報likeに投稿しつつ、検索しやすいようにesa.ioに投稿してくれるアプリ

tatsuaki watanabe

@nabettu ❤️Sponsor

Shinji Yamada

@dotneet ❤️Sponsor
Fullstack Web/Mobile App Developer. #Scala #React #Vue #Nuxt #Rails #Docker #AWS
smart-chatbot-ui An open source ChatGPT UI.


@sim1222 ❤️Sponsor
misskey 🌎 A interplanetary communication platform 🚀


@okkez ❤️Sponsor
bitclust System behind Japanese Ruby reference manual

Mitsunori Komatsu

@komamitsu ❤️Sponsor
fluency High throughput data ingestion logger to Fluentd, AWS S3 and Treasure Data

arata, mizuki

@minoki ❤️Sponsor
LunarML The Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript


@mfakane ❤️Sponsor
You're looking for an idol...? We don't carry idol magazines here unfortunately. That's not what you're asking...? Um...I'm afraid I don't know what you mean...
rawinput-sharp C# wrapper library for Raw Input


@hinaloe ❤️Sponsor
nuxt The Intuitive Vue Framework.

Kenshi Muto

@kmuto ❤️Sponsor

Felix von Drigalski

@felixvd ❤️Sponsor
o2ac-ur The solution used by Team O2AC at the World Robot Summit 2020 Assembly Challenge

Norihiro Kamae

@norihiro ❤️Sponsor
A digital circuit design engineer, C & C++ backend programmer, also familiar with python & shell programming.
obs-color-monitor Vectorscope, waveform, and histogram for OBS Studio

Aki Hamano

@t-hamano ❤️Sponsor
Freelance Developer | Contributing to WordPress/Gutenberg, sponsored by LOOS Inc.
flexible-table-block The custom block plugin for the WordPress block editor that allows you to create tables with flexible configurations.

KADOTA, Kyohei

@lufia ❤️Sponsor
A fan of Plan 9 from Bell-labs, Go developer, and server administrator.

Minoru Akagi

@minorua ❤️Sponsor
Qgis2threejs 3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS


@dninomiya ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer.

kenichi sasagawa

@sasagawa888 ❤️Sponsor

Tsuyoshi CHO

@tsuyoshicho ❤️Sponsor
駄作er npub1j0q96yq8p5dpwwy59ke3y4g0pu4a4t4m7ngerkahx0jzmk7ykdxq46z5jm
vim-efm-langserver-settings vim lsp client - efm-langserver link and configure settings


@IzumiSy ❤️Sponsor
🏠 🐈
elm-shopping-cart Shopping cart example in Elm

Laica Lunasys

@Laica-Lunasys ❤️Sponsor
dotfiles My settings & Initializer....

Yuji Fujisaka

@yujif ❤️Sponsor
daifuku A markdown parser and compiler for log definitions in mobile applications

Yusuke Miyazaki

@ymyzk ❤️Sponsor
Site Reliability Engineer / Software Engineer
tox-gh-actions Seamless integration of tox into GitHub Actions for tox 3 and 4

Whale Mo

@ncwhale ❤️Sponsor
lib_fiber_asio A tiny library & examples let boost::fiber&boost::asio works toghter.

Hirochika Matsumoto

@hkmatsumoto ❤️Sponsor
roogle A Rust API search engine

Noboru Saito

@noborus ❤️Sponsor
Interested in SQL
trdsql CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON, YAML and TBLN. Can output to various formats.


@honahuku ❤️Sponsor
infrastructure / backend / security
manifest Manifest and config files for applications deployed on Honahuku's k8s cluster


@eai04191 ❤️Sponsor
We do what we must because we can.
laoplus A BepinEx Plugin to improve QoL in the game Last Origin.

Masahiro Hiramori

@mshr-h ❤️Sponsor
Deep learning compiler, edge machine learning, CI/CD pipeline. Buy me coffee at
vscode-verilog-hdl-support HDL support for VS Code

keiya sasaki

@keiya01 ❤️Sponsor
wry Cross-platform WebView library in Rust for Tauri.

Takagi Kensuke

@januswel ❤️Sponsor
dotfiles software setting files

Naoki Ainoya

@ainoya ❤️Sponsor
kubernetes Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management

Ryo Hirayama

@ryo33 ❤️Sponsor
Coding like playing @Hihaheho
Desk 🔮 The application platform for your cyberpunk desk

HAMANO Tsukasa

@hamano ❤️Sponsor


@peacock0803sz ❤️Sponsor
Google Cloud IaC & DevOps, Golang at @topgate PyCon JP 2022, PyCon APAC 2023 Vice Chair Operation Member of the PyCon JP Association (@pyconjp)

Nozomu Ikuta

@NozomuIkuta ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer | @vuejs-jp staff | @unjs member
vue-v8n Validation composables for Vue application


@Neko7sora ❤️Sponsor

Daisuke Fujimura (fd0)

@fd00 ❤️Sponsor
Lord of Sealand
yacp Yet Another Cygwin Ports


@TakuKobayashi ❤️Sponsor
I am a Fullstack Developer. And I was a Game Developer. I have developed, game, mobile app, web, server and so on. I join the hackathon events very well.

Ryusei Yamaguchi

@mandel59 ❤️Sponsor

Takeshi Kano

@tonkotsuboy ❤️Sponsor
Ubie, Inc. / フロントエンド開発 / JavaScriptコードレシピ集 / CSSNite 2019, 2018, 2017ベストセッション / 九州大学出身 / 愛猫「うに」
kano-portfolio 鹿野壮のポートフォリオソースコード

Yuki Ito

@acomagu ❤️Sponsor
fish-async-prompt Make your prompt asynchronous to improve the reactivity.

Yuto Horikawa

@hyrodium ❤️Sponsor
ElasticSurfaceEmbedding.jl The weaving paper strips: shape optimization by geometric elasticity

Vis Virial (a.k.a. びりある)

@visvirial ❤️Sponsor
Researcher, inventor, programmer - C / C++ / OpenCL / Rust / Node.js / TypeScript, AVR MCU, Japanese / English
jpyc-analytics Analyze JPYC (A Stable Coin Pegged to Japanese Yen) on Blockchains


@katabame ❤️Sponsor
OldTweetDeck Returns old TweetDeck, for free!

Taishin Miyamoto

@SNQ-2001 ❤️Sponsor
github-contributions-menubar-macos 🐙🐱 GitHub Contribution Menu Bar for MacOS


@yoshikawa ❤️Sponsor
I started working at LY Corporation in April 2022. from 2018 to 2022, I conducted research on overlay network protocols at @Pluslab.
virtualmachine-template Virtual Machine Template

Small Long

@long-910 ❤️Sponsor
Embedded Software Engineer

Dominik Nakamura

@dnaka91 ❤️Sponsor
Rust, Go and Kotlin enthusiast
obws The obws (obvious) remote control library for OBS


@MtkN1 ❤️Sponsor
🐍 Python Software Engineer 📈 Crypto bot trader 🫠 English isn't my strong lang
pybotters An advanced API client for python bot traderes.

Mathias Polligkeit

@woylie ❤️Sponsor
flop Filtering, ordering and pagination for Ecto

Jun Kurihara

@junkurihara ❤️Sponsor
An engineer for coding theory, cryptography, algebra, networking architecture and network protocol.
rust-rpxy [WIP] A simple and ultrafast http reverse proxy serving multiple domain names and terminating TLS over http/1.1, 2 and 3, written in Rust

IGUCHI Kanahiro

@Kanahiro ❤️Sponsor
GIS/OSS Enthusiast
GTFS-GO QGIS-Plugin to parse GTFS data, to show and aggregate routes and stops.


@basyura ❤️Sponsor

Toshinori Sugita

@toshi0607 ❤️Sponsor
Platform Engineer at LegalOn Technologies, sauna, and cat lover
build-your-own-platform-with-knative Knativeのコンポーネントを理解しながらFaaSプラットフォームをDIYするワークショップです

Fumiya Tanaka

@fummicc1 ❤️Sponsor
I want to be familiar with Swift
Viary voicy diary application with sentiment analysis

Aiji Uejima

@aiji42 ❤️Sponsor
I'm working for an IT company in Nagoya, Japan on web development
zod-i18n Useful for translating zod error messages.

Hirohisa Kawase

@HiroKws ❤️Sponsor
mockery-japanese-docs PHPテストダブルフレームワークのMockeryのドキュメント翻訳リポです。

Katsuma Ito

@ka2n ❤️Sponsor
wannabe gopher


@TinyKitten ❤️Sponsor
Freelance software engineer.
WebPortfolio The next generation

Masafumi Koba

@ybiquitous ❤️Sponsor
❤️ Emacs / JavaScript / CSS / Ruby
stylelint A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.

NAKAI Tsuyoshi

@uga-rosa ❤️Sponsor
ccc.nvim Color picker and highlighter plugin for Neovim.

Sho Sakuma

@m1sk9 ❤️Sponsor
Creator of @pulsate-dev.
ichiyoAI ChatGPT / Gemini / DALL-E が利用できる Discord Bot

Acrylic Style

@acrylic-style ❤️Sponsor
Minecraft Mod/Plugin Developer
Blueberry Modding API for Minecraft


@yamazakidaisuke ❤️Sponsor


@kphrx ❤️Sponsor
Japanese openpgp4fpr:55A28362FE5705D3FF270136C04751C2BFA2F62D
plc-handle-tracker did:plc & atproto handle tracker


@sonatard ❤️Sponsor


@takaxp ❤️Sponsor
An Orger


@sago35 ❤️Sponsor
tinygobook Support site for book (基礎から学ぶ TinyGoの組込み開発) released in Japan

Tomoyuki Hata

@hata6502 ❤️Sponsor
editorjs-layout Layout block tool for Editor.js.

Kato, H.

@KATO-Hiro ❤️Sponsor
An individual developer. I join contests of AtCoder.
AtCoderClans 【非公式】AtCoderがもっと楽しくなるリンク集です。有志による非公式サービス・ツール・ライブラリ・記事などをまとめています。

Ryosuke Yabuki

@Konboi ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer
csviewer csv viewer command


@tamamu ❤️Sponsor
Curiosity lets me live.
glisph Glyph rendering engine using OpenGL shading language for Common Lisp.

Kaito Yamada

@kaitoy ❤️Sponsor
pcap4j A Java library for capturing, crafting, and sending packets.


@shinGangan ❤️Sponsor
🌸 Web Engineer, mainly front-end developer. Nuxt and UnJS contributor
cli ⚡️ Nuxt Generation CLI Experience.

Taiyu Yoshizawa

@NEKOYASAN ❤️Sponsor
From the Virtual World for you.

Akinori ABE

@akabe ❤️Sponsor
ocaml-jupyter An OCaml kernel for Jupyter (IPython) notebook


@yohhoy ❤️Sponsor
yamc C++ mutex collections, cross-platform header-only C++11 (or later) library.


@intsuc ❤️Sponsor

Alexey Kopytko

@sanmai ❤️Sponsor
Hacking around
later Later: a deferred object manager. Zero callbacks required. Futures for PHP.


@0505Keitan ❤️Sponsor
Web / xR / Movie / Blender.... 0505Keitan's personal portfolio


@metalefty ❤️Sponsor
PGP FP: 61EC EABB F2BB 40E3 A35D F30A 9F72 CDBC 01BF 10EB
xrdp xrdp: an open source RDP server


@FromAtom ❤️Sponsor
iOS Developer
Yakitori esaのホッテントリを計算する


@kurokobo ❤️Sponsor
awx-on-k3s An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords.


@kyoh86 ❤️Sponsor
Lovin' Neovim, Go, C#, Perl and Shell
richgo Enrich go test outputs with text decorations.

Abe Tomoaki

@abetomo ❤️Sponsor

Yasutaka Kawamoto

@kwmt ❤️Sponsor
JetpackComposePlayGround jetpack composeの遊び場


@kurehajime ❤️Sponsor


@nao1215 ❤️Sponsor
Backend engineer with golang and AWS. Love CLI tool for Linux.
gup gup - Update binaries installed by "go install" with goroutines.

Tomoya Amachi

@tomoyamachi ❤️Sponsor
Author of @goodwithtech/dockle, container image linter.
vuls Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices


@sasaplus1 ❤️Sponsor
Takafumi Sasage / JavaScript, Bash, Vim, Git, Build mechanical keyboard, etc. sandbox: @sasaplus1-prototype
deepcopy.js deep copy data


@onozaty ❤️Sponsor
redmine-view-customize View customize plugin for Redmine

Goto Hayato

@gh640 ❤️Sponsor
🌸 Pragmatic software engineer. M.Eng. Current interest: Python, Rust, Django, React, WordPress, LangChain, OpenAI, GCP Vertex AI etc.
gh-repo-list ⚙️ Simple GitHub CLI extension to list all (own|starred) repositories.


@8398a7 ❤️Sponsor
Ruby/Go/TypeScript, AWS/GCP, Kubernetes
action-slack Provides the function of slack notification to GitHub Actions.

SATOH Fumiyasu

@fumiyas ❤️Sponsor


@su8ru ❤️Sponsor
🐈 @HUITGroup su8ru's portfolio

Masahiko Sakakibara

@rdlabo ❤️Sponsor
capacitor-site Capacitor日本語ドキュメンテーション

Sʜɪᴍᴜʀᴀ Yū

@yuhr ❤️Sponsor
❤️ Rust, TypeScript, Haskell
langue A modern platform for conlanging. Currently in the planning stage.


@mironal ❤️Sponsor
I like iOS, firebase, TypeScript
TwitterAPIKit Swift library for the Twitter API v1 and v2 🍷


@PeyaPeyaPeyang ❤️Sponsor
PeyangVS2017Idea Intellij IDEA VisualStudio 2017 Java Theme and Code Scheme


@na2hiro ❤️Sponsor
I like the web. Senior Software Engineer @ Indeed (Pronunciation: nah-two-hero or nah-tsoo-hero)
Kifu-for-JS JavaScriptで動く将棋の棋譜再生盤とそのブックマークレット kifu-for-js、JSON棋譜フォーマット(JKF)の定義とKIF, KI2, CSAからの変換ライブラリ json-kifu-format、将棋のモデルshogi.jsを含むmonorepo


@blacknon ❤️Sponsor

Tuan Chau

@tuanchauict ❤️Sponsor
A boring Tuna who spent 1+ years of coding and ~$60 per year to save $10 on app's lifetime license
MonoSketch An ASCII graph drawing app


@vrtmrz ❤️Sponsor
Progress and Harmony for Mankind. / (JP) Registered Information Security Specialist.


@era ❤️Sponsor
Interested in Libre Software and autonomy.
tapioca-wrapper Python API client generator


@xpadev-net ❤️Sponsor
そこら辺の学生 28卒
niconicomments ニコニコ動画の公式プレイヤー互換の高パフォーマンスなコメント描画ライブラリ / High peformance High compatibility comment drawing library

Horiuchi Hiroki

@horiuchi ❤️Sponsor
I'm a programmer.
dtsgenerator TypeScript d.ts file generate from JSON Schema file

Shingo Hisakawa

@hisashin ❤️Sponsor
NinjaPCR Open Thermocycler Implementation

Curt J. Sampson

@0cjs ❤️Sponsor
8-bit hacker.
sedoc cjs's documentation and notes related to systems engineering


@sawanoboly ❤️Sponsor
knife-zero Run chef-client/cinc-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port fowarding.

Ryo Okubo

@syucream ❤️Sponsor
I love 🐱.
hakagi HAKAGI(葉鍵, Leaf and Key) is a RDB analyzer that detects implicit foreign key constraints and others

Ryo Tsuzukihashi

@tsuzukihashi ❤️Sponsor
Love SwiftUI❤️
NeumorphismUI NeumorphismUI is a library that can be used with SwiftUI. Compatible with Swift Package Manager.

渡邉祐一 / Yuichi Watanabe

@vvatanabe ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer at Nulab Inc. Teikyo University
zxcvbn4j This is a java port of zxcvbn, which is a JavaScript password strength generator.

Yuta Mizui

@mziyut ❤️Sponsor
Software, Infrastructure Engineer @ Ateam CommerceTech Inc.
dotfiles my dotfiles

Akio Itaya

@AkkeyLab ❤️Sponsor
I love Swift : )


@Aodaruma ❤️Sponsor
director, visual & sound artist, programmer, etc.
Aodaruma-AviUtl-Script AviUtl scripts developed by Aodaruma

Shion Ichikawa

@shion1305 ❤️Sponsor
横浜国立大学環境情報学府修士1年!! 個人的な制作物が多めです Go/Java/C/Python/Vueがメイン Junior @ Yokohama National University
TokuChanProject Discord匿名メッセージ送信Bot「匿ちゃん」です。DMをBOTに送信すると指定したチャンネルに匿名でメッセージを代行送信します。

Masaki Muranaka

@monaka ❤️Sponsor

Shintaro Morikawa

@morishin ❤️Sponsor
BetterUserDefaults UserDefaults Swift Extensions

Atsushi Kiwaki

@tid-kijyun ❤️Sponsor
Kanna Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.


@evalphobia ❤️Sponsor
Gopher, Payment, Search algorithm, Love ❤maker


@demotomohiro ❤️Sponsor

Taketo Yoshida

@tamanyan ❤️Sponsor
Software Development Engineer at Adobe. Next.js / React / Nuxt.js / iOS / Swift / Python / JavaScript / AWS / Firebase
SwiftPageMenu Customizable Page Tab Menu Controller 👍

Kazuki Tanaka

@tk-aria ❤️Sponsor
Like low level architecture and rapid iteration workflow also like native graphics software.
NuGetForUnity A NuGet Package Manager for Unity

Mitsuhiro Tanda

@mtanda ❤️Sponsor
grafana Grafana - A Graphite & InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor

Hirotada Kobayashi

@pierre3 ❤️Sponsor
PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator This is a generator to create a class-diagram of PlantUML from the C# source code.

Koga Kobayashi

@kajyuuen ❤️Sponsor
LINE-DistilBERT-Japanese DistilBERT model pre-trained on 131 GB of Japanese web text. The teacher model is BERT-base that built in-house at LINE.

Christopher Kaster

@atomicptr ❤️Sponsor
Building things for the cloud.
dauntless-builder Create and share Dauntless builds with your friends!

Ryuma Yoshida

@ryysud ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer at Z Lab / Yahoo! Japan. Interested in Kubernetes, SPIFFE and SPIRE.
spire The SPIFFE Runtime Environment


@sters ❤️Sponsor
ฅ^・ω・^ฅ meow! I'm Software Engineer!
yaml-diff Make a diff between 2 yaml files.


@tkuchiki ❤️Sponsor
SRE Tech Lead Shell Script / Go
alp Access Log Profiler

MakKi (makki_d)

@makiuchi-d ❤️Sponsor
wsnet2 モバイルオンラインゲーム向けのリアルタイム通信システム

Shota Tamura

@junkboy0315 ❤️Sponsor
💻 Freelance web developer 💪
react-compare-image React component to compare two images with a slider

R.G Kula

@raux ❤️Sponsor
I am an Associate Professor @NAIST. My research interest is Software Engineering, Ecosystems, and Code Proficiency My Personal Website


@h-east ❤️Sponsor
vim Vim-CLPUM

Daisuke Mino

@minodisk ❤️Sponsor
bigquery-runner An extension to query BigQuery directly and view the results in VSCode.


@t-hishinuma ❤️Sponsor
High Performance Computing.....
monolish monolish: MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture

Ryuji Fuchikami (@Ryuz88)

@ryuz ❤️Sponsor
BinaryBrain Binary Neural Network Framework for FPGA(Differentiable LUT)

Asuki Kono

@asukiaaa ❤️Sponsor
Delicious food and comfortable sleeping are purpose of living.

Yusuke Iwaki

@YusukeIwaki ❤️Sponsor
playwright-ruby-client Playwright client for Ruby


@kuroneko6423 ❤️Sponsor
WebConsole Spigot plugin to manage your server remotely using a web interface


@equal-l2 ❤️Sponsor
nearest-ocean Go to the ocean!


@korosuke613 ❤️Sponsor
Engineering Productivity at Cybozu Inc.
zenn-metadata-updater-action GitHub Action to update metadata in Zenn markdown file.


@v9938 ❤️Sponsor
I'm a hardware developer in creating peripherals for vintage and retro computers.
MSX_SimpleCartridge MSX Simple 64K byte Flash ROM Cartridge

Keisuke Toyota

@ksk001100 ❤️Sponsor
seahorse A minimal CLI framework written in Rust

Hisayuki Mima

@youxkei ❤️Sponsor

Akira Fukunaga

@kagemiku ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer at SmartNews, Inc. ❤️ iOS/Swift/SwiftUI
NavigatableCollection Navigatable collection view for SwiftUI

Taiju Aoki

@blue0513 ❤️Sponsor
Emacs / Software Engineer
slackdeck-proto The Slack Viewer that looks like TweetDeck


@aieuo ❤️Sponsor


@makutamoto ❤️Sponsor
University of Tsukuba MojaCoder Developer.
race-game 簡易レーシングゲーム。二人プレイ対応。


@Seasawher ❤️Sponsor
I like mathematics and Lean prover.
tactic-cheatsheet Lean4 の逆引きタクティクリスト


@kfly8 ❤️Sponsor
p5-Sub-Meta handle subroutine meta information

Yuta Miyama

@kenzan100 ❤️Sponsor
2dTowerDefence-Swift basic 2d game using Swift, SpriteKit for iOS 8


@iPolyomino ❤️Sponsor My portfolio website. My works are listed on this website.


@nyatla ❤️Sponsor


@ushios ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer
sumoll Small sumologic client for golang

Yuki Matsukura

@matsubo ❤️Sponsor
#ruby #rails #aws #node #openapi #microservices #docker #php #systemarchitect #startup

Ryota Ushio

@RyotaUshio ❤️Sponsor
Ph.D. student (the University of Tokyo / RIKEN AIP). Machine learning theory enthusiast. nerd.
obsidian-pdf-plus The most Obsidian-native PDF annotation, viewing & editing tool ever.

Koji Hasegawa

@nowsprinting ❤️Sponsor
Unity/ iOS/ Android app developer, SET (Software Engineer in Test)

Takao Akaki

@mongonta0716 ❤️Sponsor
M5Core2ImageAvatarLite ImageAvatarLite for M5Stack Core2


@blendthink ❤️Sponsor

Shuhei Ohno

@ohno ❤️Sponsor
PhD Student & Researcher, Websites Engineer
Antique.jl Self-contained, Well-Tested, Well-Documented Analytical Solutions of Quantum Mechanical Equations

Yudai Takada

@ydah ❤️Sponsor
OSS programmer, Members of RuboCop RSpec team, Co-Founder of Kyobashi.rb, Members of RubyKansai. I'm Parser enthusiast.
rubocop A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.

Yuya Minami

@yuya373 ❤️Sponsor
Curriculum-Vitae 職務経歴書

Nanai Jua

@nanai10a ❤️Sponsor
No. Action. Progress. main website.


@jz5 ❤️Sponsor
namatyping ニコ生タイピング

Mitsutaka Okazaki

@okaxaki ❤️Sponsor
A bald engineer who gave up hair growth.
objc2swift Objective-C to Swift Converter

Kazuki Okamoto

@kakkun61 ❤️Sponsor
岡本和樹 [o̞͑kä̝mo̞͑to̞͑ kä̝zʊ̠kɪ̟]
ghcman Switch GHC and Cabal quickly on PowerShell

Yutaro Muta

@yutailang0119 ❤️Sponsor
SBPAsyncImage Backport of SwiftUI.AsyncImage to iOS 14, macOS 11, tvOS 14 and watchOS 7 and earlier.


@tuna2134 ❤️Sponsor
python Unoffical API wrapper that you can use voicevox easy!

Yusuke Nemoto

@kaakaa ❤️Sponsor
Spiraling up through the crack and the sky...
matterpoll Create polls and surveys directly within Mattermost


@alphasp ❤️Sponsor

Benjamin Bray

@benrbray ❤️Sponsor
noteworthy Markdown editor with bidirectional links and excellent math support, powered by ProseMirror. (In Development!)

Yusuke Ishimi

@naro143 ❤️Sponsor
PLEX, inc. -> DeNA Co., Ltd. -> YOUTRUST, Inc. -> ???


@yasuo-ozu ❤️Sponsor
Arch Linux is the Best.
cantang interpreter


@perfectbase ❤️Sponsor
Trying to create high quality YouTube tutorials while building Edge Store.

Yuki Yamazaki

@kamiazya ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer / Data Engineer / OSS Developer / Founder of @ts-graphviz
rediagram Markup and draw your system diagrams with React.


@reminjp ❤️Sponsor
three-vrm :warning: [deprecated] VRM file loader for three.js


@toyamarinyon ❤️Sponsor

Takuya Kiyokawa

@takuya-ki ❤️Sponsor
wros2 ROS2 node examples with WRS.

Akira Kobayashi

@JichouP ❤️Sponsor
$npx jichoup
electron-typescript-ipc Library for type-safe use of contextBridge in Electron


@kagikn ❤️Sponsor
The maintainer of ScriptHookVDotNet. If you want to donate to me via Paypal, donate by my email (Paypal donation buttons are disabled for people in Japan).
scripthookvdotnet An ASI plugin for Grand Theft Auto V, which allows running scripts written in any .NET language on the .NET Framework runtime in-game.


@39ff ❤️Sponsor
squid-db-auth-web next generation squid user-management WebUI and API alternative proxymin,Squid Users Manager,PHP8.1+


@Isopach ❤️Sponsor
Security Engineer | CTFer @ctfsg Collection of my CTF writeups and Security Research. Usually only do Web/Misc/Forensics. Read files under /_posts/ for the .MD files


@akihiro0105 ❤️Sponsor

Manish Gautam (NEXT AMBANNI)

@Manishmg3994 ❤️Sponsor
Flutter Developer @Antinna don't be social be alone


@doyaaaaaken ❤️Sponsor
Full stack developer. Write Kotlin, Scala, Vue.js, Typescript. CTO at Smartround Inc.
kotlin-csv Pure Kotlin CSV Reader/Writer

Aaron Lee

@apparition47 ❤️Sponsor
iOS developer
MailTrackerBlocker Email tracker, read receipt and spy pixel blocker plugin for macOS Mail (10.11-13.x)


@omikuji ❤️Sponsor
I'm japanese saunner! I work with Rust and TypeScript.

Kanji Yomoda

@k-yomo ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer, Backend, Search
ostrich WIP: Full text search engine library written in Go with 1.18+ Generics, heavily inspired by Tantivy

Yoshihiro Ito

@YoshihiroIto ❤️Sponsor
Freelance engineer.
Biaui WPF dark theme and controls for .NET Core and .NET Framework

Takashi Kawasaki

@espresso3389 ❤️Sponsor


@ecto0310 ❤️Sponsor イマノナシ


@book000 ❤️Sponsor
new User("Tomachi", "book000", Location.JAPAN);
my-pixiv 🖼️ pixiv client for myself

Shogo Watanabe

@nownabe ❤️Sponsor
ruby-spanner-activerecord Spanner<->ActiveRecord adapter for Ruby


@munierujp ❤️Sponsor
Japanese engineer living in Tokyo, Japan🇯🇵 Source code for

Masaya Watanabe

@matsuyoshi30 ❤️Sponsor

100の人 (エスパー・イーシア)

@esperecyan ❤️Sponsor
バーチャル周りのツールや、PHPライブラリなどを公開しています。 何かあれば Pull Request、または Issue よりお願いいたします。


@ryosms ❤️Sponsor
pixela-desktop Awesome desktop client for

Yuki Takeyama

@takeyamayuki ❤️Sponsor
NonMouse a webcam-based virtual gesture mouse that is easy to use with hands on the desk.

Hidenori Matsuki

@mazgi ❤️Sponsor
A Red Wizard wannabe.

Hiroki Toyokawa

@otoyo ❤️Sponsor
I love coding and writing on my blog. Please take a look at my main product, astro-notion-blog that enables you to create content with Notion.
astro-notion-blog 🚀 Begin building your very own Notion Blog with Astro.


@stepbrobd ❤️Sponsor
dotfiles yet another dotfiles repo with nix


@foooomio ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer
view-background-image Chrome extension that adds "View background image" to the context menu


@MaineK00n ❤️Sponsor


@mnao305 ❤️Sponsor
chrome-extension-upload upload & publish extensions to the Chrome Web Store.

OTABI Tomoya

@natsukium ❤️Sponsor
ML Engineer, nixpkgs committer
nixpkgs Nix Packages collection & NixOS


@Cosmicoppai ❤️Sponsor
hana 花:Video streaming gRPC server


@tokusumi ❤️Sponsor
fastapi-cloudauth Simple integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS Cognito, Auth0, Firebase Authentication).

Kai Torben Ohlhus

@siko1056 ❤️Sponsor
octave GNU Octave Mirror ( Report bugs and submit pull requests (patches) at

Yuto Oguchi

@aiotter ❤️Sponsor
🦦 otter driven development

Akihiro Kondo

@akkinoc ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer. ♡ Kotlin, Java, Spring, AWS.
logback-access-spring-boot-starter Spring Boot Starter for Logback-access.

Shingo Yamazaki

@zaki-yama ❤️Sponsor
copy-title-and-url-as-markdown Chrome Extension: Quickly copy the title & url of current tab as Markdown style


@LeoAndo ❤️Sponsor
AndroidGithubSearch Native Androidで作るGithubリポジトリ検索アプリ

@nju33 ❤️Sponsor
postcss-namespace PostCSS plugin that prefix a namespace to a selector


@kurages ❤️Sponsor
社畜SE(仮) 今日も炎上中

Toshifumi Kiyono

@getty104 ❤️Sponsor


@yukieiji ❤️Sponsor
ExtremeRoles AmongUs Mod for Advanced User(+85 roles, +1300 options, and Cosmic addon)

Shu Kutsuzawa

@cappyzawa ❤️Sponsor
trim.nvim This plugin trims trailing whitespace and lines.


@pit-ray ❤️Sponsor
win-vind You can operate Windows with key bindings like Vim.

Ryotaro Oka

@okaryo ❤️Sponsor
I want to create something interesting!
TabTabTab All In One Chrome Tab Manager


@hishizuka ❤️Sponsor
a cyclist in Japan.
pizero_bikecomputer An open source bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero (W, WH, 2W) with GPS and ANT+. Including offline map and navigation.


@Y-oHr-N ❤️Sponsor
ML Researcher


@Kai-Z-JP ❤️Sponsor
KaizPatchX もっと便利に、自由に。KaizPatchはNGTLib・RTM・MCTEの非公式な改造物です。

Keiichi Tabata

@ktabata ❤️Sponsor
A computer scientist specializing in software and hardware for low power parallel computing. The author of Polaris Engine, a visual novel creation software.
suika2 The first-class development software for visual novel creation in the 2020s and beyond. Also known as "Polaris Engine".


@Karibash ❤️Sponsor
Full-Stack Developer.
medi-q Type-safe media queries.

Junki Tomatsu

@junt1458 ❤️Sponsor
I'm a student.


@takonomura ❤️Sponsor
isucon10-final ISUCON10 本選 1位 (score: 49545)

Qiushi Pan

@qqpann ❤️Sponsor
What we do is what defines us.
DevArms Tiny toolkit for developers. Runs offline and cross-platform.


@musashino205 ❤️Sponsor
にゃーん。 OpenWrt, LuCI, etc ...
openwrt Fork of openwrt/openwrt and submitting PRs only (Dev: musashino-build/openwrt)


@murajun1978 ❤️Sponsor
I'm a web developer. 🍜

YUMA Kitamura

@jiyuujin ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer, HR Adviser and etc | TypeScript | React | NodeJS | Flutter | AWS
Curriculum-Vitae :book: 職務経歴書 / Curriculum-Vitae

Katsuya HIDAKA

@hidakatsuya ❤️Sponsor
Creator of Thinreports
thinreports-generator A Ruby library for Thinreports


@Myuuiii ❤️Sponsor
AzurLaneWikiScrapers A console application that can scrape the Azur Lane wiki and export the data to Json files


@zenixls2 ❤️Sponsor
Backend engineer with some frontend skills. Actually know nothing about coding.
sanic Accelerate your web app development | Build fast. Run fast.


@takuma-ru ❤️Sponsor
Web engineer. ❤️ Vue.js
vue-swipe-modal Modal window that can be swiped to close.(Swipeable Bottom Sheet)

Masaki Enomoto

@plusone-masaki ❤️Sponsor
csv-plus A completely new CSV editor that gives you a great experience with simple operations.

Kentaro Hayashi

@kenhys ❤️Sponsor
Clear Code Inc.

Yu Yamazaki

@uyamazak ❤️Sponsor
Web Monomaniacal Developer@Japan. Love Vue.js, Nuxt3, NestJS, Firebase
hc-pdf-server Convert HTML to PDF Server by headless chrome with TypeScript. The new version of hcep-pdf-server.

Tsubasa Nomura

@tsubasaxZZZ ❤️Sponsor
Microsoft / Azure / TypeScript / Go
reliability-workbook Azure monitor workbook focusing on reliability recommendations for deployed resources on Azure

SASAKI Nobuyuki

@nathancorvussolis ❤️Sponsor
corvusskk ▽▼ SKK-like Japanese Input Method Editor for Windows


@yorifuji ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer, iOS, Flutter
resume レジュメ


@c2nprds ❤️Sponsor
Daisuke Yokoyama
vue-kanban A vue based drag and drop kanban board

Erik Engervall

@erikengervall ❤️Sponsor
Web ❤️ Principal Software Engineer @minacolor. Formerly at @WorkOS, @Spotify, @Klarna, @Netlight.
dockest Docker + Jest integration testing for Node.js

HORIE Tetsuya

@horie-t ❤️Sponsor
tech-note 技術情報のリポジトリです。

Daichi Narushima

@dceoy ❤️Sponsor
成島 大智 (Narushima, Daichi)
docker-rstudio-server Dockerfile for RStudio Server

Yoshiyuki Sakamoto

@yoshikyoto ❤️Sponsor
Web Engineer in Japan. PHP, Go, Python, etc. Kyoto univ -> Dwango
lgtmoon LGTM画像を簡単に作成できるアプリ


@fabasoad ❤️Sponsor
translation-action GitHub action that translates any text to any language supported by chosen provider.

Mark Hedley Jones

@MarkHedleyJones ❤️Sponsor
Mechatronics Engineer. Kiwi, Ph.D., M.E., BSc.
dmenu-extended An extension to dmenu for quickly opening files and folders.

Takeshi Kondo

@chaspy ❤️Sponsor
Senior Engineering Manager, StudySapuri K12
qs Support your fix-up quickly with git command

Shingo Takagi

@zizi4n5 ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer (Swift, Objective-C / Python / TypeScript, JavaScript / AWS Certified CLF, SOA, DVA, SAA, SAP)
homebridge-switchbot-for-mac Homebridge SwitchBot is plugin for Homebridge that allows you to manage SwitchBot.


@Mr-Ojii ❤️Sponsor
I'm not good at English. Forkしたものは、自身が使いやすいように修正・ 改造します。


@opera7133 ❤️Sponsor
JP / EN / CN
Blonde Blonde, A simple theme using Tailwind CSS.

Masahiro Furudate

@178inaba ❤️Sponsor
Ultra hacking!

Tatsuro Ueda

@tatsuro-ueda ❤️Sponsor
#HoloLens Physics Education for 300 students at 10 schools in 5 countries, University #STEM Lecturer, Microsoft MVP

Takahito Miyamoto

@takahitomiyamoto ❤️Sponsor
Happy coding!! #Trailheart


@clover0916 ❤️Sponsor
Japanese high school student

Kentaro Ohkouchi

@nanasess ❤️Sponsor
GNU Emacs icons contributor
setup-chromedriver ChromeDriver for use in GitHub Actions

KATOH Yasufumi

@tenforward ❤️Sponsor
Container hobbyist

Jun Futagawa

@jfut ❤️Sponsor
ganeti-rpm Ganeti RPM Packaging


@MeilCli ❤️Sponsor
.NET and Android engineer.
actions created actions by me

Koki Tanaka

@gojiteji ❤️Sponsor
major: NLP, efficient AI
transformers 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.


@kyohsuke ❤️Sponsor
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ➡️ ⬅️ ➡️ 🅱️ 🅰️
fish-evalcache fish plugin to cache eval loads to improve shell startup time


@eiurur ❤️Sponsor
Mukuu COM3D2 MOD Search Site.

Tomoya Kabe

@limitusus ❤️Sponsor
Working as an infrastructure operation engineer in RASUL INC. (@raksul) Formerly worked at DeNA Co., Ltd. also as an infrastructure operation engineer.
nagios-check-http-multi-ips Nagios plugin for multi IP addresses check_http

Tatsuya Kyushima

@kyu08 ❤️Sponsor
fzf-make A command line tool that executes make target using fuzzy finder with preview window.

Seiya Kokushi

@ronnnnn ❤️Sponsor
nilts nilts is lint rules, quick fixes and assists for Dart and Flutter projects that helps you enforce best practices, and avoid errors.

Yutaka Kamei

@yykamei ❤️Sponsor
Someone who learns anything
thwack Command-line version of Go to file utility, similar to the one on GitHub

Kohta Ito

@koh110 ❤️Sponsor
I love JavaScript and Node.js!


@hasundue ❤️Sponsor
Code for conviction
molt Update dependencies the Deno way


@a01sa01to ❤️Sponsor
| Japanese; 21 y.o. | Koga Secondary School (grad) | Saitama University ics.21 (B4) | Developer | Competitive Programmer
covid19-ibaraki 茨城県 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策サイト / Ibaraki COVID-19 Task Force website

Akihiro Kuroiwa

@akuroiwa ❤️Sponsor
Let's contribute to society with our skills.

Hinagiku Soranoba

@soranoba ❤️Sponsor
bbmustache Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.

Kazushi Kawamura

@kawamurakazushi ❤️Sponsor

Masamitsu MURASE

@masamitsu-murase ❤️Sponsor
seven_zip_ruby Ruby gem library to compress/extract 7-Zip archives


@sprout2000 ❤️Sponsor
leafview Minimalist image viewer based on Leaflet.js and Electron.

Caio Lins

@clins1994 ❤️Sponsor
GuitAR Learning to play GuitAR using augmented reality

Satoshi KOJIMA

@skoji ❤️Sponsor
Loves cats, beer and Mad Max : Fury Road.
gepub a generic EPUB library for Ruby : supports EPUB 3

ROZ a.k.a. Aoi Emerauda

Nekonium-dev, Susucoin-community moderator, Sugarchain-dev,, and VR-citizen.


@Rambalac ❤️Sponsor
ACDDokanNet Dokan.NET based driver for Amazon Cloud Drive

Toshihiro Kamiya

@tos-kamiya ❤️Sponsor
arlq A rogue-like game created as an experiment in developing code and manuals with humans and ChatGPT.


@kurema ❤️Sponsor
The developer of BookViewer 3, the UWP app to read books. C# / XAML / UWP / Xamarin / XML Schema
BookViewerApp3 A powerful and beautiful viewer app for booklovers and comic fans.


@youkidearitai ❤️Sponsor
study_extension PHP extension


@koba-ninkigumi ❤️Sponsor


@yurafuca ❤️Sponsor
nicosapo Google Chrome Extensnion for

Seito Tanaka

@seachicken ❤️Sponsor
inga Visualizing the Impact of Code Changes


@srz-zumix ❤️Sponsor
iutest c++ testing framework


@surume ❤️Sponsor
dotfiles dotFiles


@r-koubou ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer in Japan with a hobby in computer music. ⚠️Laid off in Mar 2024, actively seeking software engineering role within Japan🥲
vscode-ksp Visual Studio Code Extension for NI KONTAKT Script Processor (KSP)


@tokku5552 ❤️Sponsor
connpass-advanced-stats のイベント管理者向け、イベント統計拡張ツール ※ 公式ではありません

Yuto Suzuki

@mocyuto ❤️Sponsor
Backend Engineer
ec2-search ec2-search can search EC2 service easily. named "ec2s"


@sakazuki ❤️Sponsor You can make a AWS step functions workflow with GUI and export/import JSON/YAML.


@ota42y ❤️Sponsor


@miiton ❤️Sponsor
I'm generating a programming font for japanese, named 'Cica'.
Cica プログラミング用日本語等幅フォント Cica(シカ)

Shinyu Murakami

@MurakamiShinyu ❤️Sponsor
Vivliostyle Project Leader
vivliostyle.js 📖 The power of CSS typesetting, right at your fingertips.


@sj-i ❤️Sponsor
hello-worlder forever
reli-prof A sampling profiler or a memory profiler for PHP written in PHP, which reads information about running PHP VM from outside the process. You can find performance bottlenecks or memory leaks of your scripts without changing the target script or loading extensions.


@betaEncoder ❤️Sponsor
Electric engineer. Analog/Digital circuit and Firmware developer
USB-PD_Adapter-PDA-02 USB-PD電源取り出し基板

KAZUKI Otsuhata

@k4zuki02h4t4 ❤️Sponsor
I'm a company employee web developer work in Tokyo, Japan. I mainly web applications and websites using PHP & MySQL. I'm sorry, but I can't speak English.
image-optimizer Easily optimize images using PHP.


@ayutaz ❤️Sponsor
Unity Engineer: More information is available in Portfolio


@dash14 ❤️Sponsor
v-network-graph An interactive network graph visualization component for Vue 3

Ryota Watanabe

@wattanx ❤️Sponsor
bridge 🌉 Experience Nuxt 3 features on existing Nuxt 2 projects


@RyuNen344 ❤️Sponsor
tink-kmm Google/Tink Mapper for KMM(Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile)


@swanmatch ❤️Sponsor
I love keyboard, ruby, rails, and ubuntu.


@WakuwakuP ❤️Sponsor

Tadayuki Onishi

@kenchan0130 ❤️Sponsor

Hiroki Tokunaga

@toku-sa-n ❤️Sponsor
xhci A Rust library which is useful to handle xHCI

Takeshi Abe

@tabe ❤️Sponsor
Flint A simulator for biological and physiological models

Henrique Sasaki Yuya

@moriturus ❤️Sponsor
ktra Your Little Cargo Registry

Sho Yoshida

@newapplesho ❤️Sponsor

frudens Inc.

@frudens ❤️Sponsor
FileMaker Development and Consulting


@saronpasu ❤️Sponsor


@yzane ❤️Sponsor
vscode-markdown-pdf Markdown converter for Visual Studio Code


@TechnicalSuwako ❤️Sponsor
GitHub垢をあんま使いませんので、 をご確認下さい。
sp シンプルなパスワードマネージャー。このレポジトリはGitlerのミラーである為、PR、イシュー等が未対応です。これはGitlerまでお願い申し上げます。

Rogério Taques

@rogeriotaques ❤️Sponsor
vue-start-kit A boring boilerplate for Vue 2 applications, by Rogerio Taques.


@fuwasegu ❤️Sponsor
Shizuoka Univ -> Yumemi .Inc
php-enum-util The extension library for PHP native enum.

Yosuke Mizuno

@thingsym ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer & Web Developer & Front End Developer in Japan. #Perl #Ansible #PHP #Hugo #WordPress #DevOps / WordPress Theme and Plugin Developer


@YU000jp ❤️Sponsor
is creating @Logseq plugin HTML5/CSS3/Perl4/Perl5/PHP/JavaScript/TypeScript
logseq-plugin-show-weekday-and-week-number Show weekday and week number beside journal titles. / Show the mini-calendar that has navigational links on Daily Journal.


@koluku ❤️Sponsor
Server Side Engineer #Python #Go #Perl
s3s Easy S3 select like searching in directories

Hiromasa Ihara

@miettal ❤️Sponsor
Softwere Enginer aka computer otaku. I don't have enough English skills, but I'll do my best in communication.

Yuta Ura

@YutaUra ❤️Sponsor
I am a web engineer in Tokyo. My technology interests are Node.js and GraphQL.
community Engineの中で質問をしたり、ディスカッションをしたりするためのレポジトリです!


@h2yk ❤️Sponsor
Tech enthusiast, playing games sometimes. All codes in this account are only purposed for the experimental usage.

Kenji Koshikawa (Kossy)

@koshilife ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer
calendly-api-ruby-client A Ruby client library for accessing Calendly v2 APIs

Kimihiro Mori

@Alpaca-zip ❤️Sponsor
Robotics / Drone Engineer.
ultralytics_ros ROS/ROS 2 package for Ultralytics YOLOv8 real-time object detection and segmentation.


@HimaJyun ❤️Sponsor
Liberty🥳 Privacy🤐 Equality😊
Zabbigot Bukkit plugin for Zabbix monitoring.


@turtton ❤️Sponsor
volglass Free contents converter for publishing your digital garden.

Shingo Ichikawa

@s-ichikawa ❤️Sponsor
laravel-sendgrid-driver This library can add sendgrid driver into the laravel's mail configure.

Nakanishi Hiro

@quantumshiro ❤️Sponsor
research: cryptography(CSIDH, FESTA) PolyTorus代表


@tapioca24 ❤️Sponsor
Front-end Engineer / Creative Coder

Tomo Mano

@tomomano ❤️Sponsor
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. Interested in neural things.


@fuchigam1 ❤️Sponsor

Shigeki Shoji

@takesection ❤️Sponsor
computer code artist.

niwatori / Hayashi Takuya

@howyi ❤️Sponsor
Hayashi Takuya
conv MySQL migration query auto generate from schema

Rajkumar Sony

@RajkumarSony ❤️Sponsor
Java FullStack Developer | GDG Member
Famous-Places About Submit Just 4 PRs to earn SWAGS and Tshirts🎉


@ujiro99 ❤️Sponsor
Frontend Engineer -> Product Manager
browser-profile-launcher Simplify browser profile selection !


@sator-imaging ❤️Sponsor
AppWindowUtility This utility is for Unity to configure application window style. With this utility, you can make your application window transparent, frameless and more.

Toshihiro Suzuki

@brfrn169 ❤️Sponsor
An HBase committer. Authored HBase book in Japan "HBase徹底入門"
scalardb Universal transaction manager


@t0m0120 ❤️Sponsor
SocialDog CGO

Kazuya Takei

@attakei ❤️Sponsor
Server-side engineer
sphinx-revealjs HTML Presentation builder for Pythonista

Robbie Davenport

@RobDavenport ❤️Sponsor
I mostly work on @gamercade-io
gamercade_console A Neo-Retro Fantasy Console. Make WASM-powered, networked multiplayer games.


@yajamon ❤️Sponsor

Naoto Ishizawa

@youyo ❤️Sponsor
Developer @heptagon_inc
awslogin Login to the AWS management console.

Haruaki OTAKE

@aaharu ❤️Sponsor
gifken JavaScript library that can reverse and split animated GIFs


@ryoon ❤️Sponsor

Yuichiro Smith

@s3i7h ❤️Sponsor
us/jp developer .html .js .php .m .sh .java .c .rb .py .rs
git-id An ID manager for git

Hasegawa Takuya

@rluisr ❤️Sponsor
tvbit-bot tvbit-bot is TradingView webhook handler for Bybit.

Kaito Udagawa

@umireon ❤️Sponsor
A Pokémon GO Trainer
chattalker Chat message talker on Twitch for OBS and so on


@u5surf ❤️Sponsor
nginx-module-vts Nginx virtual host traffic status module


@kiyohken2000 ❤️Sponsor
I was born in React. I grew up with React. I am a React Native.
ReactNative-Expo-Firebase-Boilerplate-v2 React Native Expo boilerplate with Firebase (Auth, Firestore, Storage). Push Notifications and Dark theme.

Keigo Hattori

@keigohtr ❤️Sponsor
Engineering Manager / Senior Software Engineer / MLOps enthusiast / @rekcurd and @apitore owner


@ayame113 ❤️Sponsor
college student


@eve0415 ❤️Sponsor

Andrew Miller

@ikari7789 ❤️Sponsor
System architect at Rakuten, Inc. in charge of the TrafficGate Affiliate affiliate platform.


@shimataro ❤️Sponsor
ssh-key-action GitHub Action that installs SSH key to .ssh


@KoheiKanagu ❤️Sponsor

Masayuki Nii

@msyk ❤️Sponsor
Independent developer, trainer or teacher, consultant and technical writer. I'm covering Web application, iOS, Android, macOS, Linux and Windows.
FMDataAPI FMDataAPI is a class developed by PHP to access FileMaker database with FileMaker Data API.

Anthony Beylerian

@beylerian ❤️Sponsor
Software and other things
RxReduxK Micro-framework for Redux implemented in Kotlin

Shuichiro MAKIGAKI

@shuichiro-makigaki ❤️Sponsor
Give me a cup of coffee, not beer. Ph.D in the hell of bioinformatics and computer science. Sometimes server-side engineer or architect.
exmachina Sequence aligner for accurate template-based protein structure prediction


@harujoh ❤️Sponsor
I am an in-house SE for an automotive manufacturer. I mainly develop systems using image recognition.
KelpNet Pure C# machine learning framework


@kurozumi ❤️Sponsor
web-scraper-bundle Manage multiple Web Scraper bundle for Symfony.

Marko Leinikka

@CrescentKohana ❤️Sponsor
Software Developer @ MTI Ltd. & BCS (University of Helsinki & Kyoto University)
server 🌕 Media server for storing, tagging and viewing doujinshi, manga, art collections and other galleries with API and user control. Written in Go.

Sho Minagawa

@msh5 ❤️Sponsor
Software, ML and Data Engineer in Japan.
openrtb-translate-jp OpenRTB 3.0 Japanese Translation

Junya Okabe

@Okabe-Junya ❤️Sponsor
CS Student / Software Engineer
dotfiles .dotfiles


@mirumirumi ❤️Sponsor
Software Engineer
how-far-can-i-go Show the area that can be reached in X mins (not a circle). Use this in 🚚


@yudai1204 ❤️Sponsor


@ysknsid25 ❤️Sponsor
Web Engineer × オタク = Me. 聞くは一時の恥聞かぬは一生の恥。アイコンはミキトアモン先生(twitter@mikito_amon)
otaku-tool オタク生活を豊かにするためのWebアプリケーション


@jet2jet ❤️Sponsor
resedit-js JS library editing Windows Resource data


@flexphere ❤️Sponsor
discord-speecher DiscordでVC声なし参加者のチャットを読み上げてくれるよくあるアレ

Yu / Midori

@natsuk4ze ❤️Sponsor
gal How to Save Image or Video to Photo Gallery in Flutter


@75py ❤️Sponsor
Android developer
Aplin Application Manager for Android


@tktcorporation ❤️Sponsor
add-issue-links A GitHub Action for linking a pull request to an issue


@kra8 ❤️Sponsor
laravel-snowflake This Laravel package to generate 64 bit identifier like the snowflake within Twitter.


@kakakaya ❤️Sponsor
mazesoba-continent A Bluesky client with minimum window and miscellaneous toppings.

Inshiku Han

@Inshiku-Han ❤️Sponsor
create-t3-app The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app

Chrea Chanchhunneng

@Chhunneng ❤️Sponsor
Code Adventure In Japan 🇯🇵
github-devloper-in-cambodia This repo is the list of user that locate in Cambodia.


@slime-hatena ❤️Sponsor
Likes: Game, Sleep, Programming / My English isn't that great.
dotfiles 🍮こんな環境でお仕事しています


@Ippey ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer at DROBE, and Freelance Developer under the trade name Unplat.


@reedom ❤️Sponsor
A backend/cli/web/mobile application developer. Started programming to write a device driver in ASM 30+ years ago. My fav languages so far: Go/ElmJS/68K ASM
convergen A type-to-type copy function code generator.


@pi9min ❤️Sponsor
ponpe private movie management tools

Shimoda Takao

@c3-hoge-fuga-piyo ❤️Sponsor
コードレビューおじさん (Code review freak)
dotfiles My dotfiles.


@hskwakr ❤️Sponsor
misc A place to store miscellaneous stuff to practice and study something.

Taishi Naritomi

@taishinaritomi ❤️Sponsor


@takkaO ❤️Sponsor
OpenFontRender TTF font render support library for microcomputer.

Oishi Takanori

@bicstone ❤️Sponsor
Web developer (@raksul)
backlog-notify GitHub 上のプッシュとプルリクエストを Backlog 課題に連携する GitHub Action です。


@ohakutsu ❤️Sponsor

Aakash Nand

@aakashnand ❤️Sponsor
Senior Data Engineer
trino-ranger-demo Tutorial on how to setup Trino and Apache Ranger using docker

Atsushi Ishikawa

@atsushi-ishikawa ❤️Sponsor
Researcher for theoretical chemistry, quantum chemistry, etc.
aimd script files for ab initio molecular dynamics


@Asthriona ❤️Sponsor
I like cars, and sometimes I like code (but very rarely.)
Yukiko powerful Discord bot that includes XP system, Leaderboard, Music, Welcome and farewell message, Moderation, and much more!

James John McGuire

@jamesjohnmcguire ❤️Sponsor
BuildingBlocks A library for block chain related functionality


@labocho ❤️Sponsor
Web developer penguin.

nigorinuma hiroki

@nigohiroki ❤️Sponsor

Masashi Honma

@masap ❤️Sponsor
rust_cni This is a Kubernetes CNI plugin written with Rust.


@5ym ❤️Sponsor
明記がない限り当方の全コードはCC BY-NC-ND 4.0です. 詳細なプロフィールは下記リンク参照.


@askdkc ❤️Sponsor
I write code. I fix code. But code can't fix me🙃
breezejp Laravel Breeze(+Laravel UIとJetstream)を一瞬で日本語化し、言語切替機能も提供するパッケージです / Laravelの各種バリデーションメッセージも日本語化するのでBreeze無しでも便利✨

Mateus Etto

@Yutsuten ❤️Sponsor
anki-lifedrain Anki add-on that adds a life bar to anki while reviewing.

Kazuhiro Kobatake

@kobakazu0429 ❤️Sponsor
knct-thesis 呉高専 本科 卒業研究 「WebAssembly を用いたブラウザ上で完結する C 言語の TDD 式学習システムの構築と提案」

Ripandy Adha

@ripandy ❤️Sponsor
Unity Developer. Developing Games, Interactive Media, XR/Metaverse Applications.
Kassets Unity's Scriptable Object Architecture.

Kosuke Aoki

@noraworld ❤️Sponsor
If you would like to hire me, feel free to get in touch with me via email or social media.

Juon Kawakami

@EveSquare ❤️Sponsor
eve (^^)


@kamakiri01 ❤️Sponsor
I'm interested in TypeScript, Game Development, Quantum Computation and VR.
vrchat-activity-viewer VRChat log file viewer

SATO Masatoshi

@okomeki ❤️Sponsor

Josh Wong

@josh-wong ❤️Sponsor
Profession: Technical documentation & knowledge management📝 | Hobby: Engineering👨‍💻 | Stuff: UX, design, tech support, karaoke🎤 This repository contains a version of my personal website and blog built on Material for MkDocs. The site links to documentation in my other repositories.

Keita Mizukoshi

@mzks ❤️Sponsor
apple_health Data manager of exported iPhone health data

Masayuki Takahashi

@masayuki038 ❤️Sponsor
truffle-arrow-language truffle-arrow-language is a language processing for Apache Arrow( and built using Truffle for GraalVM.


@risou ❤️Sponsor
qiita-team-alfred-workflow search articles in Qiita:Team by Alfred Workflow

Naoki Kanatani

@kanata2 ❤️Sponsor
slack Slack API in Go, originally by @nlopes; Maintainers needed, contact @parsley42

Takato Ueno

@naaaaaaaaaaaf ❤️Sponsor
mastodon Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community

Sho Sato

@cssho ❤️Sponsor
vscode-svgviewer SVG Viewer for Visual Studio Code


@limura ❤️Sponsor


@nekia ❤️Sponsor
blockchain-explorer Read-only mirror of

Takayuki Nagatomi

@tnagatomi ❤️Sponsor
Weird programmer
takolabel CLI tool for manipulating GitHub Labels across multiple repositories

@raidesuuu ❤️Sponsor
日本のWeb、node.js、TypeScript、C#の開発者。 Rai's Website, domain:

Jun Komoda

@junkmd ❤️Sponsor
Team Technical(Python) Lead
comtypes A pure Python, lightweight COM client and server framework, based on the ctypes Python FFI package.

Alex Ishida

@alexweberk ❤️Sponsor
AI / ML / LLMs / Growth
playing-with-llms Some Jupyter and Colab notebooks I used when playing with LLMs


@hishitetsu ❤️Sponsor
A contributor on Files, but a Java developer by profession


@whizark ❤️Sponsor
commitlint-config-cz :gear: commitlint sharable configuration, automatically converts/merges your cz-customizable (commitizen) config.


@isnot ❤️Sponsor
old type se
hexo-tag-google-photos-album This is a Tag plugin for Hexo. It provides the ability to embed albums from Google Photos.

Takayuki Orito

@ioriayane ❤️Sponsor


@kyukyunyorituryo ❤️Sponsor

Kyon Sasaki

@Sotalbireo ❤️Sponsor
Every day is Everyday. the Portfolio

Ayanokoji Takesi

@ayatakesi ❤️Sponsor
主にGNUのtexi文書を翻訳してます。翻訳済み*.texiや翻訳メモリ*.poは元文書のライセンス(GFDL)です。つまりコピー・改変・再配布は自由です。一度poで翻訳すれば新版翻訳は容易いですよ 参照してください
emacs-doc-ja translate emacs/doc

Katsumi Kato

@k2tzumi ❤️Sponsor


@zzzmisa ❤️Sponsor


@matzkoh ❤️Sponsor
prettier-plugin-packagejson Prettier plugin for package.json

Kenzo Tanaka

@kenzo0107 ❤️Sponsor


@solaoi ❤️Sponsor
voicepeaky This is a server to use voicepeak as api.


@haruu11113 ❤️Sponsor


@notchman8600 ❤️Sponsor
resume notch_man君の職務経歴書


@nikosai ❤️Sponsor
lambda-friends Web上で動作するラムダ計算のインタプリタ「らむだフレンズ」


@LezdCS ❤️Sponsor
Web & Mobile dev ❄️ Working in Tokyo
irl-link 📱 A mobile application to monitor your IRL Twitch & Kick Stream.


@Cassin01 ❤️Sponsor
programming-in-haskell Solution to exercises of "Programming in Haskell" (first edition, Japanese version)


@nametaketakewo ❤️Sponsor
Freelance Software Engineer.


@yuseisui ❤️Sponsor
twspaces Fetch Twitter Spaces metadata without your tokens

Yoshiyuki Taniguchi

@iwate ❤️Sponsor
ODataHttpClient The simplest implementation of OData client.


@GoldenChrysus ❤️Sponsor
🧑‍💻🎮🎲🀄♟🎴🏃🧗🏍️ 🇯🇵 ← 🇺🇸
KarutaSRS Rails and Ember spaced repetition system for memorizing the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu or the one hundred poets/poems used in kyogi karuta.


@kg8m ❤️Sponsor
chrome-show-tab-numbers A Chromium extension to show tab numbers.


@kaburk ❤️Sponsor
BcLimitLogin BcLimitLogin(ログイン試行制限)プラグインは、ログイン時にログインID、パスワードを何度か間違えると暫くログインできなくなるbaserCMS4系(4.4.7以降)専用のプラグインです。


@tatsuya-midorikawa ❤️Sponsor
Funtom .NET wrapper library for F#


@ImaMapleTree ❤️Sponsor
Creator of Project Lotus and the Leona Springboot framework


@senrust ❤️Sponsor


@fffsharp ❤️Sponsor

Yoshihiro Ito

@michimani ❤️Sponsor
gotwi A library for using the Twitter API v2 in the Go language. (It is still under development).

Keisuke Shima

@KeisukeShima ❤️Sponsor
artisan-coffee-wiki-jp Artisanを使ったコーヒー焙煎情報のwiki

日高 凌

@ryohidaka ❤️Sponsor
A WEB and iOS Developer working in Osaka, Japan.
sidepanel-for-backlog ブラウザのサイドパネル(もしくはサイドバー)に、Backlogの課題一覧を表示できる拡張機能

Michael Bawiec

@MDBox ❤️Sponsor
ResizableMKCircleOverlay A resizable map overlay.


@fourthline ❤️Sponsor

Shodai Suzuki

@soartec-lab ❤️Sponsor
oneshot_cov Use ruby's oneshot_coverage to detect code executed in rails app.


@mikage-961pro ❤️Sponsor
Product Planner & Technical Support. Creator and project lead and planner of iOS & tvOS Apps & Consumer Game Soft & App
exposure-notifications-iOS Exposure Notifications iOS Reference Design.This code project uses the ExposureNotification framework to build a sample app that lets people know when they have come into contact with someone who meets a set of criteria for a case of COVID-19.

Yuta Nagamiya

@ngmy ❤️Sponsor
Web engineer.
vim-rubocop The Vim RuboCop plugin runs RuboCop and displays the results in Vim


@eiei114 ❤️Sponsor
roc A fast, friendly, functional language. Work in progress!


@ryoh827 ❤️Sponsor
Backend Engineer
discord.js A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API

Matt W

@mattwsct ❤️Sponsor
Frontend developer from Australia 🇦🇺


@nash1111 ❤️Sponsor

Kodama Naoyuki

@naoyukik ❤️Sponsor
PHP, Python, Javascript, Kotlin...
static-code-analysis-boilerplate Custom rules for PHP Code Sniffer, PHP MD, Psalm and ESLint


@instructr13 ❤️Sponsor
I'm in nullish
hitokoto Generate a text health information easily.

Masahiko Imanaka

@marsf ❤️Sponsor

Yoshihiro Nakagawa

@takurx ❤️Sponsor
test-blink-pio-2 test for blink and serial by platformio and on Arduino Uno/ESP32 DevKit C/Teensy 4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04, /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyACM0

Yasuyuki ENDO

@eyasuyuki ❤️Sponsor


@knknk98 ❤️Sponsor


@TokugawaTakeshi ❤️Sponsor
Since Japanese naturalization, Takeshi Tokugawa is my official name. CEO of Yamato Daiwa, currently one-man startup. TypeScript, C#, Vue/Nuxt, .NET MAUI&Blazor.
Yamato-Daiwa-ES-Extensions Helper functions and classes aimed to reduce the routine code. Build-in TypeScript type safety without "any" type.

Koga Shozo

@koga1020 ❤️Sponsor
elixir_jp_calendar connpassに掲載されているElixir関連イベントをカレンダー形式で見れるサイト

Benjamin Price

@BenjaminPrice ❤️Sponsor


@rihito0907 ❤️Sponsor

João Penteado

@joaopenteado ❤️Sponsor
go The Go programming language

Tenma Endou

@tepcii ❤️Sponsor
WorkExperience : Flutter / Laravel / Nuxt.js / Next.js / Golang / Adonis.js

Masaru Hirose (mathru@Kanimiso-P)

@mathrunet ❤️Sponsor
Create A "Creation". I produce and provide Masamune frameworks that can be used with flutter and Unity.
flutter_masamune A framework on flutter that seeks to improve the speed, efficiency, and safety of application development through code generation.

Gen Takashiba

@gentksb ❤️Sponsor
Cloud Solutions Architect. All activities of my repos are my own(without these on AWS repos).
vivliostyle-techbook-boilerplate vivliostyle+codespacesで同人印刷所に技術書フォーマットで入稿可能なPDF X-1a形式を生成するプロジェクトテンプレート


@mmer547 ❤️Sponsor
Executive secretary of OpenCAE Local User Group @ Kansai in Japan. Operation of the OpenCAE HobbyLab:
CodingStyleGuide This is our coding style guide for modern fortran programing.

Satoshi Fukutomi

@fuktommy ❤️Sponsor
homebin /home/fuktommy/bin

Yoshito Komatsu

@ykomatsu ❤️Sponsor
Novice keyboard builder / 3D printer enthusiast / I love Clojure, Rust and homebrew keyboards!

Masahiro Aikawa

@aikawame ❤️Sponsor
Web Developer of @clueit-inc and Worklover
rsslovers RSS feed delivery service.

Hiro Saito

@aznhe21 ❤️Sponsor
actions-preview.nvim Fully customizable previewer for LSP code actions.


@wattai ❤️Sponsor
I am a machine learning related engineer in japan 🇯🇵
analysis-environment Base repository for data analytsis

Minh Anh Nguyen

@xiaosasori ❤️Sponsor
Front-end/Full-stack Developer // Vue enthusiast // Introvert


@RearAlice ❤️Sponsor


@moroi ❤️Sponsor
Ex-freelance UI & UX designer, occasional guitar craftsman. My favorite Corgi is Pembroke, and horror aficionado.


@soya-daizu ❤️Sponsor
Crystal ftw
goban A fast and efficient QR/Micro QR/rMQR Code implementation in Crystal lang

Kazuki Naruse

@Naruuuse ❤️Sponsor
Front-end Developer [ Vue/Nuxt/React/Next/JS/TS ]
zenn-content Collaborative repository with Zenn.


@0x6b ❤️Sponsor
Opinion here is mine, not employer's.
copy-selection-as-markdown Firefox add-on to copy selection as Markdown


@kakurasan ❤️Sponsor

Ray Kitajima

@RayKitajima ❤️Sponsor
The concept is intuitive, the algorithms are intricate, and the creators remain deeply human.
MonacoinFont Iconic font for Monacoin currency marks.

Akira Murata

@Subaru365 ❤️Sponsor GitHub Pages "Subaru365 Notebook"


@ytakhs ❤️Sponsor
vscode-advanced-open-file VSCode extension for helping to open or create file.


@KazukiKuriyama ❤️Sponsor
unity-webgl-video-ios WebGL's Video feature that also works on iOS

Fukaya Temma

@pranc1ngpegasus ❤️Sponsor
delete-actions-cache GitHub Action for delete GitHub Actions cache

Hideo Suzuki

@lupinthe14th ❤️Sponsor
axios-redmine axios-redmine is a node's library that supports 100% features of Redmine's REST API.


@m1m0zzz ❤️Sponsor
🎧 composer / 👩🏻‍🎓 student / 🍹 JUCE / 🌐 WevDev etc.
utility-clone VST plugin like a Ableton Utility.


@blue-jam ❤️Sponsor
competitive-programming-calendar-importer Google Apps Script to add competitive programming contest schedule to Google Calendar


@shiracamus ❤️Sponsor

Ryo Ochiai

@kemuridama ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer at freee K.K.
storybook-addon-github A Storybook addon that allows you to link a source code of your story on GitHub.

noriaki watanabe

@nnabeyang ❤️Sponsor
swift-msgpack swift-msgpack is a library of MessagePack encoder & decoder for Swift based on Codable.


@yosshi4486 ❤️Sponsor
App creator for apple platform.

Fumito Ito

@fumito-ito ❤️Sponsor
iOS engineer.
SwiftyInAppMessaging The easiest way to use your customized view and InAppMessaging default view.

Yuta Obara

@CoreNion ❤️Sponsor
Leasy シンプルで扱いやすい暗記帳アプリ。


@secchanu ❤️Sponsor
spotify-wallpaper for Wallpaper Engine


@ykkc ❤️Sponsor
Software Developer | #7690C3


@yamahubuki ❤️Sponsor
falcon A brand new file explorer


@kght6123 ❤️Sponsor
I am Hirotaka Koga, a front-end engineer with a passion for writing technical doujinshi, particularly on Tailwind CSS.
floating-window-android floating window core and framework.

Hideki Ikemoto

@ikemo3 ❤️Sponsor
All gist code without license is MIT License.
gossip-site-blocker Hide harmful sites from Google search results.

Shun Sakurai

@ShunSakurai ❤️Sponsor
asana-navigator Unofficial Google Chrome and Firefox extension to enhance navigation for Asana


@9kai27 ❤️Sponsor
Since it is difficult to work because of the aftereffects of the illness, I am looking for ways to make money. Flutter/Dart/Python

tomoki shimomura

@shimotmk ❤️Sponsor
WordPress Plugin Developer
flipbox-block Flip Box Block is a block plugin for the WordPress block editor that allows you to freely place blocks in front and behind.

Fuji Nakahara

@fuji-nakahara ❤️Sponsor
I write sci-fi novels and codes. Japanese and Ruby are my main languages. ゲンロン 大森望 SF創作講座 の裏サイト(ファンサイト)


@suzukiyut27 ❤️Sponsor
compose-multiplatform Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.


@shibomb ❤️Sponsor
a.k.a shibomb. Programmer and IT Teacher
super-super-simple-lifegame a simple and fast template for the Game of Life.

Kento Fukuda

@U29 ❤️Sponsor
❤ Flutter
KnobScripter Python script editor for Nuke that can script on .py files and python knobs, with all the functionality from Nuke's default script editor plus syntax helpers.

Yla Aioi

@Little-Rubyist ❤️Sponsor
wacca_ranking score manager servise for wacca


@tanmen ❤️Sponsor
I'm a beginner in English. I'm sorry if I'm rude.
react-hook-form 📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)

Masayuki Yamai

@twsnmp ❤️Sponsor
twsnmpfc TWSNMP For Container


@ivixvi ❤️Sponsor

Ryoma Kai

@legnoh ❤️Sponsor
⚒DevOps / 🏠HomeKit
dotfiles ٩( 'ω' )و MY DOTFILES ٩( 'ω' )و


@paperduck ❤️Sponsor
cli_chart ASCII stock chart utility for the command line


@taqueci ❤️Sponsor
redmine_wysiwyg_editor Redmine WYSIWYG Editor plugin

Shojo Hakase

@Mega-Gorilla ❤️Sponsor
An engineer specialized in hardware development. Software development is a hobby.

Shin'ichiro Suzuki

@shin-sforzando ❤️Sponsor
CEO & Founder of @sforzando


@HillTopTRPG ❤️Sponsor
TRPGツール作りたいマン 本職:社内エンジニア
waddlefy TRPG Online Session Support Tool.


@RyutaKojima ❤️Sponsor
Laravel / React / chrome extension
simpleGestures simpleGesture is Google Chrome extension.


@ghsable ❤️Sponsor
fast-nix-shell fast nix-shell.


@rnsk ❤️Sponsor
I'm a web application engineer. I also teach programming in elementary school.


@mon2929 ❤️Sponsor
:octocat: Hello
time-signal Time signal on desktop

Ryosuke Yamaji

@yamayamayamaji ❤️Sponsor


@Monster2408 ❤️Sponsor
HomePage WebSite of MonsterLifeServer


@presuku ❤️Sponsor

Kei Ito

@gjbkz ❤️Sponsor
typing TypeScript utilities


@TatsuyaNakamori ❤️Sponsor
@Python @ExtendScript @PySide @RPA @AfterEffects @Photoshop @Qt

Takayuki Maruyama

@maruTA-bis5 ❤️Sponsor
mattermost4j Mattermost API v4 Client for Java

Hideki Yamane

@henrich ❤️Sponsor
Debian contributor: see


@kwiksher ❤️Sponsor
My Name is Naoya Yamamoto, the owner of


@yutak23 ❤️Sponsor
Web application developer, long-time use JavaScript and TypeScript. I develop in Vue + Express for work and SvelteKit for personal development.
svelte-kit-sessions User-friendly session management module for SvelteKit. Effortlessly integrate efficient session handling into your projects. Session is stored in the store (ex. Redis, Cloudflare KV, etc.), not in a cookie.

Itsuki Kigoshi

@ItsukiKigoshi ❤️Sponsor
icu-catalogue Brilliant timetable app designed for ICU students. Please feel free to issues/pull requests! (Unofficial)

Naoaki Iwakiri

@naokiri ❤️Sponsor
cskk SKK (Simple Kana Kanji henkan) library




@kuroko1t ❤️Sponsor

Keita Sanefuji

@Sane21 ❤️Sponsor
NxTEND. Ateam Entertainment Inc.
meizen DNCL2(共通テスト用プログラム表記) to Python trans-compiler, that can run on Google Colaboratory or other python3 environment.

Daisuke SUZUKI

@daisukesuzuki ❤️Sponsor
CEO at tiny opensource tech company. CTO at business consulting company. Tech Advisor at some other companies. Cooking hobbyist.
VLGothic VLGothic Font Family


@uc4w6c ❤️Sponsor
Yuta Saito From Japan


@Pajoca ❤️Sponsor
Meow! I am just a cat interested in programming. ちょっとしたブックマークレットやWindows用の小ツールを制作している一般猫ですฅ


@OdenShirataki ❤️Sponsor
I like sushi.


@Shogobg ❤️Sponsor
markdown2confluence Tool to convert Markdown to Confluence wiki

Yamaguchi Takuya

@yamat47 ❤️Sponsor
activerecord_accessible_json Make ActiveRecord's JSON attribute more accessible.


@kosugikun ❤️Sponsor
JMusicBot-JP JMusicBotの日本語版です。

Hayato Takenaka

@urin ❤️Sponsor
moove 🚚 Manipulate file names and locations using any text editor


@nogic1008 ❤️Sponsor
WritableOptions.Net Provides Options<T> that can update values to source JSON file

Ryo Sogawa

@RyoSogawa ❤️Sponsor
Love Web Development, UI Design, The Beatles, Street Fighter ...
react-resizable-layout Headless React component and hook for resizable layout.


@yui-Kitamura ❤️Sponsor
Chief of @Yui-KitamuraLLC
jUnitSample sample java source for jUnit test


@ligun ❤️Sponsor
Embedded software developer
groovycure Pretty Cure

Hikaru Y.

@hikaru-y ❤️Sponsor
anki21-addon-ankiwebview-inspector An add-on to inspect and debug Anki's webviews


@smdn ❤️Sponsor
Individual developer/programmer (.NET/C#/C++/electronics/Arduino)
Smdn.Net.EchonetLite ECHONET Lite implementations for .NET


@danishi ❤️Sponsor
Hello, I'm a developer and engineering manager living in Japan. 🎌
dynamodb-csv A utility that allows CSV import / export to DynamoDB on the command line

Kaz Nishimura

@kazssym ❤️Sponsor
libvm68k M68000 ISA virtual machine components implemented in C++ (version 2).


@masoo ❤️Sponsor
C/C++/Ruby/Rails Programmer


@dermasugita ❤️Sponsor
Board of Directors of MedOps Technologies, Medical Doctor(Dermatology) in Tokyo, Japan. Main Interests: Bioinformatics, Oncology, and Dermatology
Viola-SV Viola is a flexible and powerful python package designed specifically for analysis of genomic structural variant (SV) signatures.

Ryu Tanabe

@bellx2 ❤️Sponsor
Happy programmer.


@castella-cake ❤️Sponsor
Niconico-PepperMint+とかをマイペースに作ってます / 日本語話者です。英語は読みだけ少しできます。
niconico-peppermint-extension ニコニコ動画をもっとクールにする拡張機能


@chocolat5 ❤️Sponsor
Front-end Developer 👩🏻‍💻
free-case-converter Online Free Case Converter Tool - UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalize Case, Title Case

ARAI Takashi

@arai-ta ❤️Sponsor
Application developer
chatwork-cli Simple cli tool for chatwork API


@yakawa ❤️Sponsor
<Language> Python / Go / C <Target> OS / Compiler / DB <Job> Data Science / Server Side / Infrastructure


@massasnake ❤️Sponsor
22y Univ. student (phu) also CEO of OsaiFu Inc.

sinYa Iwasaki

@sinproject-iwasaki ❤️Sponsor
株式会社 #sinProject CEO/CTO 世界を幸せにするアプリを作る Twitterアプリ1位 #Tweecha2 企画制作 システム設計開発、ITコンサルタント、#sinPro式学習 #Svelte #TypeScript #Flutter #Dart #Java #kimurakan ピアノ

Hiroshi Fujita

@fujita-h ❤️Sponsor


@dhq-boiler ❤️Sponsor
Homura Homura - C# ORM


@kawau1 ❤️Sponsor
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.


@redring2020 ❤️Sponsor


@mk3008 ❤️Sponsor
Carbunql Carbunql provides query parsing and building functionality.

Hisashi Horikawa

@hhorikawa ❤️Sponsor


@tuckn ❤️Sponsor
I write mainly code to improve Windows work, such as WSH (JScript), AutoHotkey, and PowerShell.
WshBasicPackage The package to accelerate development on WSH (Windows Script Host). Works in a pure Windows environment.

Josimar Lopes

@dryleaf ❤️Sponsor
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”

Nobuyuki Kondo

@arcone-nk ❤️Sponsor
Web Engineer / Technical Director
io-arc It's so easy! build in 5 minutes! WEB/PWA/SPA boilerplate CLI.


@soudegesu ❤️Sponsor
Software engineer at Tokyo. I love cheese and water melon.

Zoltan Varadi

@varadiz ❤️Sponsor
bq2slack-github-action Send slack notification with BQ results


@yassun7010 ❤️Sponsor


@IdealistYu ❤️Sponsor
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Blog | This GitHub repository houses the source code for my blog, built on the Hexo framework.

Sophie Aminu

@chie2727 ❤️Sponsor
AI | ML Systems Engineer
ivy The Unified AI Framework


@z80oolong ❤️Sponsor
こちらは、 Z.OOL.ネット信託統治領 Github 環礁です。
tmux-eaw-fix tmux-eaw-fix -- tmux 2.6 以降において各種問題を修正する野良差分ファイル

Tekura Teimu

@diglateam3 ❤️Sponsor
JokeTaskDialogCreator 好きなTaskDialogを表示できるWinFormsアプリケーション


@takotakot ❤️Sponsor
wolfssl The wolfSSL library is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud. wolfSSL supports up to TLS 1.3!
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Github Sponsorable In Japan" Project. README Source: azu/github-sponsorable-in-japan
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